Tarzan, shaken not stirred: How to make a Johnny Weissmuller cocktail
08:45 am
Tarzan, shaken not stirred: How to make a Johnny Weissmuller cocktail

Tarzan practices his drinking technique.
There is only one Tarzan and that was Johnny Weissmuller. You can keep the big-budget, special-effect, full-color movies, the TV series and the Disney cartoon, Tarzan is Johnny Weissmuller.

The Tarzan movies are an early childhood memory, flickering on black and white TV set, moving the aerial to settle on clearer picture as Johnny swooped down to wrestle crocodiles, man-eating snakes, fight the wicked white hunters, and kiss Maureen O’Sullivan. You could hear kids in back greens or parks practice the trademark Tarzan yell, as they beat their chests, and climbed trees.

Johnny Weissmuller was an Olympic champion, who had won five gold medals, set literally dozens of world records, and was said to have never lost a competitive swimming race.

Weissmuller wasn’t the first Tarzan, but for me he was the best one. He made twelve Tarzan movies starting with Tarzan the Ape Man in 1935.

Since the actor’s lines amounted to little more than “Me Tarzan, you Jane,” acting in front of the camera was hardly a challenge. The economic rewards were large, but he grew weary of portraying the monosyllabic, cheat-beating, tree-climbing ape man. “I’ve been wearing animal skin scanties too long,” he explained.

Weissmuller quit Tarzan in 1948 after making Tarzan and the Mermaids (not one of the best…) and then starred as “Jungle Jim” in a series of films and TV shows. He then moved onto promoting health foods, and opening cocktail lounges…and this brings us to…

The Johnny Weissmuller cocktail, which is basically a classic Martini with a tropical twist. It’s easy to make and will set any evening swinging. Here’s what you’ll need:

1 oz gin
1 oz light rum
1 oz lemon juice
1 tsp powdered sugar
A dash of grenadine

Pour the ingredients into a cocktail shaker with crushed ice or ice cubes. Shake well. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Now drink. Ah!

So easy even Cheetah could make it, though he’d probably add a banana—not recommended.

Now, this is how you should feel after a Johnny Weissmuller cocktail…!


Previously on Dangerous Minds
Luis Bunuel makes a perfect Martini
H/T Peppered Thought.

Posted by Paul Gallagher
08:45 am



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