Watch incredible footage of Rush’s Alex Lifeson at 17 arguing with his parents about his future
04:07 pm
Watch incredible footage of Rush’s Alex Lifeson at 17 arguing with his parents about his future

Hot on the heels of posting something about a former Spice Girl, I feel an obligation to, uh, spell out clearly that I ain’t no Rush fan lest you think that I have completely lost my everlovin’ mind. No, the notion of a trio of Canadian sci-fi geeks who love Ayn Rand is a total non-starter for me, and yet I still think you should watch this utterly wonderful clip posted over at the mighty Cherry Bombed:

Here’s a pretty incredible seven minute clip from 1973 documentary, Come On Children, featuring a 17 year old (and completely hot, lets face it), Alex Lifeson of Rush. The film interviewed a bunch of Toronto teens, then invited them to live on a farm for 10 weeks, in an attempt to get deeps inside the psyche of a gloomy suburban adolescent.

In this clip, Lifeson (who was already a father to his first son, Justin) tries to convince his Serbian emigrant parents that his plan to quit the 12 grade and play in a band full time, is the right decision. If you haven’t seen this film, or this footage, I’m not going to spoil it for you. It’s a must watch, period.

As much as I think Rush suck, this is one impassioned, articulate young man who knew at an early age what he wanted out of life. His parents seem pretty cool, too. That something like this—such an amazing record of his youth and of their family—exists is such a fantastic thing. This is classic.

Bonus clip: Alex Lifeson is kidnapped by The Trailer Park Boys

Posted by Richard Metzger
04:07 pm



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