Fugazi, PJ Harvey, Brian Eno, DEVO, and more, sung by an actual glee club
08:51 am
Fugazi, PJ Harvey, Brian Eno, DEVO, and more, sung by an actual glee club

The Blue Ribbon Glee Club is a Windy City-based a capella group who’ve been performing covers of classic punk and indie rock since 2007. In 2009, they released their E.P., A Capella Über Alles, on Whistler Records, the house label of my absolute favorite cocktails-and-music bar in Chicago. It should be noted that both the group’s formation and the E.P.‘s release predate the debut of that one TV show. It was about, like, a choir or something? I forget what it was called.

For the record, The Blue Ribbon Glee Club has been around since March 2007. We’re predominantly a live performance group. For us, it’s not about whitewashing rock and roll, it’s about using our voices to embody the same power and dirt that ultimately drew us to the songs we cover. But sure, some of it sounds pretty.


Blue Ribbon Glee Club, “Dress,” orig PJ Harvey
I must confess, in anticipation of the tedious assholes who will surely post “GIMMICK” and “DURR HIPSTER IRONY” in the comments, my eyes are already rolling so far back in my skull they’re starting to fucking bleed. EVERYTHING about this strikes me as utterly sincere. The idea of a ton of people getting together and singing music they love? That’s something that should probably happen more. Here’s an actual recording of the very first song they ever performed—“Where is My Mind?” by Pixies.

I love this one—it’s Pailhead‘s “I Will Refuse,” performed with Pailhead/Ministry/Revolting Cocks bassist Paul Barker sitting in.




If you’ve made it this far through this post, it’s a safe bet you’re fairly into this, so you might like to know that if you live in the Western US, you stand a fair shot at being able to see this group, as they’ll be touring In June and July. Dates are conspicuously listed and even mapped out at their web site. I’ll leave you with a find that amused me greatly—someone took the Glee Club’s performance of Fugazi‘s “Waiting Room” and synced it to some live Fugazi footage.

Propers to Mr. Edward A. Sotelo for this find.

Posted by Ron Kretsch
08:51 am



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