Molly Crabapple, the third artist ever permitted to draw Gitmo prison and court proceedings
11:04 am

Crabapple KSH
The author of Scarlett Takes Manhattan and the web comics “Backstage” and “Puppet Makers” might fairly be counted as an unlikely source for a significant information on the current status of the Global War on Terror, but Molly Crabapple is one of the few human beings on earth the U.S. government has granted permission to sketch drawings of the pre-trial hearings of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his co-conspirators as well as the conditions at Guantánamo Bay itself. Crabapple recently returned from a trip to Guantánamo and reported her findings (and drawings) in a VICE article entitled “It Don’t Gitmo Better Than This: Inside the Dark Heart of Guantánamo Bay.”
In an interview, Talking Points Memo’s Catherine Thompson asked Crabapple what single thing she would want the world to know about Guantánamo:

CRABAPPLE: I want them to know that a lot of the people there probably aren’t guilty. I think that’s the most important takeaway from it, that a lot of the people there were people who were sold for bounties that we have no proof that they did anything, and that they’re just stuck there because of politics.

Crabapple MOC gate
Crabapple Barbed Wire
Crabapple Camp X-Ray
Crabapple Nabil
Crabapple Emma Rita
Crabapple Ensure
Crabapple Connell
Crabapple Hamlin
Crabapple Ruiz
Crabapple Coastline
Crabapple Camp Justice
Crabapple Firefighter
Check out this informative interview with Crabapple, which appeared yesterday


on Huffpost Live:

(via TPM)

Posted by Martin Schneider
11:04 am



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