‘President Obama must be defeated in November’
12:53 pm

Over the weekend, you may have noticed an article on Huffington Post about how one of Barack Obama’s former professors at Harvard Law, Roberto Mangabeira Unger, proclaimed that the president “must be defeated” in a YouTube video titled “Beyond Obama,” but did you actually watch the video and listen to what he had to say?

Barack Obama took courses in “Jurisprudence” and “Reinventing Democracy” with Professor Unger at Harvard Law School, and you just know that he’s had to have seen this video by now (which to be fair, was made in May before the bold pivot to the left with last week’s unexpected Presidential Order on the children of illegal immigrants. Points there, for sure).

If the President has watched this video, it will be interesting to see if he takes any of it to heart. This is some harsh shit. Well-deserved, though, in my opinion:

“His policy is financial confidence and food stamps.”
“He has spent trillions of dollars to rescue the moneyed interests and left workers and homeowners to their own devices.”
“He has delivered the politics of democracy to the rule of money.”
“He has disguised his surrender with an empty appeal to tax justice.”
“He has reduced justice to charity.”
“He has subordinated the broadening of economic and educational opportunity to the important but secondary issue of access to health care in the mistaken belief that he would be spared a fight.”
“He has evoked a politics of handholding, but no one changes the world without a struggle.”

On the issue of Mitt Romney winning the presidency, Unger remarked “There will be a cost ... in judicial and administrative appointments.” He added “the risk of military adventurism” would be no worse under a Republican than under Obama—true!—and that “the Democratic Party proposes no new direction.”

The guy makes some pretty damning points, although I am not quite as sure that an Obama defeat would be such a good thing for the Democrats or the country as Unger seems to be. He might come off as a bit of a humorless, pompous ass, sure, BUT don’t hold that against a Harvard professor! Ultimately, Professor Unger failed to convince me to vote against Obama, but what he has to say here did make me think.

The whole thing is worth listening to, but if you want to skip past the preamble right to the heart of his anti-Obama arguments, go directly to 6:09.

Posted by Richard Metzger
12:53 pm



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