Republican village idiot is not very good at hiding his racism

Steve King
“I said, ‘calves the size of cantaloupes’! Are you feelin’ me, CPAC?”
For those unfamiliar, the DREAM Act’s titular acronym stands for “Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors.” It’s a bi-partisan piece of legislation pioneered by a Republican with the express intent of providing a path to citizenship for undocumented youth who have already done most of their growing up in the US. However, Iowa Republican Congressman Steve King (who is chairman of the House’s immigration subcommittee) is very much against the proposal and recently decided to make that point crystal clear with some crazy, explicit racism. Like, old-school racism.

The kind that makes mere casual racists go, “Woah dude! Not cool!

It’s true in some cases, but they aren’t all valedictorians, they weren’t all brought in by their parents. For every one that’s a valedictorian, there’s another 100 out there that they weigh 130 pounds and they’ve got calves the size of cantaloupes because they’re hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert.

What’s baffling is that Republicans have an entire glossary of terms they use to say racist things so that it doesn’t sound like they have a white hood in their closet, and King just went, “Nah, let’s kick it old school.” In case you thought the Congressman might have had some sort of mini-stroke or early-onset dementia that made him forget how to hide white supremacy in coded political dog whistles that only registered Republicans can hear, last night he decided to defend his comments on talk radio, saying:

It’s not something that I’m making up. This is real. We have people that are mules, that are drug mules, that are hauling drugs across the border and you can tell by their physical characteristics what they’ve been doing for months, going through the desert with 75 pounds of drugs on their back.

If those who advocate for the DREAM Act, if they choose to characterize this about valedictorians, I gave them a different image that we need to be thinking about because we just simply can’t be passing legislation looking only at one component of what would be millions of people.

What a relief Steve King’s here to show us that different image! Thank The White Baby Jesus that he’s here to illuminate the other component of immigrants, by describing Mexicans like a pitiful race he invented for his poorly written Middle Earth fan fiction!

Via Fox News Latino

Posted by Amber Frost
06:28 pm



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