Rick Santorum endorsed by The Black Panther Party?
03:11 am

Last week in Idaho Rick Santorum made the following statement regarding welfare:

“I don’t want to make black people’s lives better by giving them somebody else’s money. I want to give them the opportunity to go out and earn the money and provide for themselves and their families.”

According to the latest statistics, 39% of welfare recipients are white, 37% are black, 17% are Hispanic. It seems Santorum is oblivious to just how all-pervasive the problem of poverty is in the USA. Promoting the notion that welfare is a black problem plays into old and dangerous racial stereotypes. And as a white guy, I want a President who recognizes that we’re all in this together. Right now, poverty is the new Rainbow Coalition.

But even worse than Santorum’s idiotic comment, was his pathetic attempt to worm out of it. When asked about it by the news media, Santorum defended himself by saying he didn’t say “black,” he said “bluh.” Yeah, “bluh.” This racist twit doesn’t even have the courage of his convictions.

Now that I’ve gotten that off my chest, let’s cut to the chase. In this video, Santorum is confronted by a young black man concerned about Santorum’s racially charged statement. In Santorum’s response there exists something so bizarre that I’ve sought out the help of Dangerous Minds’ readers and their discerning ears. Does Santorum make the astounding claim that he has the “endorsement of the Black Panthers of Philadelphia” in this video?

I present the original video as posted on Youtube followed by my audio-enhanced and slowed down version.

What do you think?

Will Rick be accessorizing that groovy sweater vest with a black beret and a “free Mumia” button? How about a Rick Santorum/Angela Davis ticket?


Posted by Marc Campbell
03:11 am



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