‘Stormin’ The Gates of Hell’ : the rock and roll apocalypse of Pastor Steve Winter
03:03 am

Winterband are an Apostolic Pentecostal rock group led by a ZZ Top-looking religious zealot and badass named Steve Winter. A fire and brimstone nutjob with a beard more flammable than a Rhode Island nightclub, Winter makes Jimmy Swaggart seem like the voice of reason. His hatefilled diatribes against other religious sects, his extreme and bizarre views on Christian doctrine, his appalling attitude toward women, his dozens of wacky internet sites, and numerous lawsuits against anyone who questions his legitimacy as a religious prophet, portray a man who is operating in the void left by Jim Jones, David Koresh and Marshall Applewhite (Heaven’s Gate cult). Within the Pentecostal community, Winter has accrued an enemies list so long it makes Nixon’s look like a haiku.

Visit his website and you’ll get a glimpse into the brain of one angry and ugly Bible thumper, seething with self-righteous disdain for virtually every sentient being on the planet.

Winter’s a third-rate hustler, a pious three-card Monty player on the backstreets of holy salvation. The Steve Winter FAQ provides an interesting insight to the nature of his internet spamming and scamming. Google the dude. He’s everywhere, even appearing on religious-themed dating websites.

Clearly, this guy gives me the creeps and that’s why I find him so compelling. His particular strain of holier-than-thou sermonizing coupled with shitty apocalyptic hard rock is far more doom-laden than most Christian rock. His 70s style riffage and uber right wing politics make him the perfect opening act for teabaggin’ asswipe Ted Nugent.



thanks Richard Citroen


Posted by Marc Campbell
03:03 am



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