Wash down that spicy KISS steamed meat bun with some ‘Cold Gin’
09:38 am
Wash down that spicy KISS steamed meat bun with some ‘Cold Gin’

Kiss spicy steamed meat bun
It’s been a good month for KISS. Earlier this week it was announced that they were nominated for consideration to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, along with 15 other acts, including Nirvana, Linda Ronstadt, Peter Gabriel, Yes, Link Wray, and the Zombies.

Later this week KISS will commence a quick tour of Japan, with one gig in Osaka and three shows in Tokyo, two of them at the legendary Budokan. To celebrate their arrival, the Circle K Sunkus convenience stores yesterday began selling its promotional line of KISS Super-Spicy Chili Tomatoman meat buns.
Kiss spicy steamed meat bun
As the report from RocketNews24 describes the experience of eating this delicacy:

Mr. Sato purchased the lone dumpling for 100 yen (US$1), and dashed back to the office. When he peeled back the wrapping he was in awe of the stylish Kiss logo branded on the top of the bun. ...

When he broke the black bun in two a glowing red tomato paste could be seen inside. It was so red Mr. Sato’s eyes stung a little. It certainly looked hot, but how does it taste? The display case had said that it contained the habanero chili pepper which once held the Guinness World Record for hottest chili.

After biting into it, tears began to roll down Mr. Sato’s face which he wiped off with his Destroyer T-shirt. It was every bit as hot as the lava like substance it looked like. Probably it was too hot, but anything less just wouldn’t be rock and roll so he accepted the spicy intensity with pleasure.

As an added bonus, the wrapper had the Peter Criss/Eric Singer Catman logo printed on it. There are five wrappers to collect; one for each member and one with all of them and the Kiss logo. Mr. Sato was hoping for a Gene Simmons Demon wrapper but it would have to wait for next time.

The eight-year-old me would have done just about anything for one of these wrappers, I tell you.
KISS logo wrapper
Here’s KISS performing “Cold Gin” in Cobo Hall, Detroit, in 1975:

Previously on Dangerous Minds:
1982 news special on Satan-worshiping rockers Kiss
Wonder Woman vs. Kiss

Posted by Martin Schneider
09:38 am



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