We’re all in this together: Classic Chunklet t-shirt updated for the Trump era
09:49 am
We’re all in this together: Classic Chunklet t-shirt updated for the Trump era

All praise be to Chunklet! If that made no sense or just sounded gross to you, I shall explain—Chunklet was an acutely ‘90s underground music/culture zine that grew in the oughts to become a sort of underground media empire. The print zine itself was strongly in the Motorbooty/Your Flesh vein, proffering extremely opinionated reviews and taking pointed potshots at the shibboleths of indie fandom while itself being openly and rabidly indie fannish. The result was kind of amazing—merely even understanding Chunklet’s jokes often meant the joke was on you. But though it was often as snide as the other publications of its ilk (it produced two consecutive issues devoted to calling all sorts of things out as overrated and later turned all that into a book), it had its own identity, and that identity was tremendous fun. It’s owner/editor/publisher/pooh-bah Henry Owings devoted plenty of ink to the comedy scene as well as to indie rock, and, like Touch and Go, Chunklet has enjoyed a post-print afterlife as an excellent record label, releasing, among other worthy platters, last year’s must-have Pylon Live, Tar 1988-1995, and even an EP by my old CLErock compadre Lamont “Obnox” Thomas.

One of Owings’ more enduring contributions to mutant culture, though, is a t-shirt. Originally printed in the late ‘90s, it simply reads. “We’re all in this together. Except you. You’re a dick.” This has been so popular as to require countless re-printings in the 20 or so years of its existence. But this year’s reprinting includes a slight alteration—“you” are no longer the dick. The dick is now Donald Trump.

Look, if you voted for this sociopath, I’m sure you had your reasons. However, one week into his illegitimate presidency, lives are being destroyed. America isn’t safe. The world isn’t safe. I’ll be damned if I will sit by idly and let this happen. Let history reflect that we, the majority, didn’t participate in this.



The new slogan is printed in the USA on a made-in-USA shirt in your choice of in basic black or MAGA-hat red, and 100% of proceeds benefit the American Immigration Council (motto: ”Honoring our Immigrant Past, Shaping our Immigrant Future”), an advocacy and resource center that may well be stretched very, very thin right about now. According to the shirt’s vendor, orders will ship towards the end of the first week of February, which would seem to imply a limited offer, so if this is of interest to you, you might consider acting soon. If, on the other hand, you support President Trump and this is anathema to your views, you might consider eating a nice big bowl of double edged razor blades because this utter calamity is your stupid fucking fault. And fuck you.

Previously on Dangerous Minds:
Donald Trump versus Cassetteboy is pure evil genius
‘MAKE AMERICA HATE AGAIN’: Get your Mexican death metal anti-Trump shirts—from Walmart!
Pylon: Elder statesmen of the early 80s alt rock explosion return with new single

Posted by Ron Kretsch
09:49 am



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