What if ‘Game of Thrones’ characters had released iconic albums?
12:56 pm
What if ‘Game of Thrones’ characters had released iconic albums?

Jon Snow as Peter Gabriel
Well, another season of Game of Thrones has come and gone, leaving boffo ratings, now-useless .mkv downloads, and millions of thrilled fans in its wake. It’s enough to make you feel like you’ve been brained by the Mountain himself (who seldom seems to brain anybody, by the way, have you noticed that?).

A raven recently brought dispiriting news that we might have to wait until 2019 (!) for the next season, but if that’s true we can at least take for granted that the six (extra long) new episodes that remain will be chock full of awesome shit. In the meantime, we have little recourse but to ponder the fate of Tormund Giantsbane (he died, right?) and enjoy amusing GoT/rock music mashups such as those perpetrated by the Why the Long Play Face Instagram feed.

Usually this feed is dedicated to Star Wars album cover inspirations, but in honor of the big season finale on Sunday, they put up a few Game of Thrones versions instead. Perhaps we can send whoever is responsible to undertake further such labors in the Citadel, where grim lectures from Archmaester Ebrose punctuate the day (but we benefit, at least).

The men of the Wall as the Ramones

Melisandre as Taylor Swift

Daenerys Targaryen as Lana Del Ray

One of Daenerys’ dragons—Viserion, perhaps?—on Led Zeppelin’s first album

The wolf sigil of House Stark on the cover of Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon

Arya Stark as Phil Collins

The Hound as Kate Bush

Catelyn and Eddard “Ned” Stark as the Beatles

Previously on Dangerous Minds:
What if ‘Game of Thrones’ were set in feudal Japan?
‘The Armageddon Rag,’ George R.R. Martin’s rock-and-roll occult fantasy novel

Posted by Martin Schneider
12:56 pm



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