Aaaaand here’s a skull made out of cocaine
09:10 am
Aaaaand here’s a skull made out of cocaine

Skull made out of cocaine
In the puzzling biographical blurb on his website, the artist Diddo claims to have “aroused the curiosity of creators and tastemakers, receiving requests from the likes of Sasha Baron Cohen, Kanye West and Lady Gaga.” It also says that he “was born on the luckiest day since the sixth century (7-7-’77).”

Diddo’s most recent work, “Ecce Animal,” poses provocative questions about the human condition, such as “How much does that fucking thing cost?” It’s a skull measuring roughly 5 x 7 x 8.5 inches—I’m neither a doctor nor a medical examiner, but I’m going to go ahead and call that “life-sized”—and it’s made of “street cocaine.”

In the “Laboratory” section of his website, he drops such risible bon mots as “The analysis started with the preparation of the 100% Cocaine standard and sample solution. An amount of standard was dissolved in a mobile phase followed by a series of trial runs to calibrate and identify the HPLC method that gave adequate separation of the standard. ... The retention time of our sample matched the Cocaine standard, albeit with
 a much smaller peak. This is because the sample is diluted with so-called ‘cutting agents’. The purity of the Cocaine in percentage lies in the range of approximately 15% to 20%.”
Skull made out of cocaine
Skull made out of cocaine
Skull made out of cocaine
Skull made out of cocaine
Skull made out of cocaine
Skull made out of cocaine
via designboom

Previously on Dangerous Minds:
I ♥ the cocaine, I ♥ the cocaine
Charlie Chaplin on cocaine

Posted by Martin Schneider
09:10 am



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