Amazing ‘naughty’ French card game about sex from the 1960s
09:42 am
Amazing ‘naughty’ French card game about sex from the 1960s

Est-ce que celà vous regarde? // Does this concern you?
Here’s a ribald glimpse of the swinging Sixties from the land of yé-yé, la France! The title of this card game is La Grivoise, which translates as “The bawdy wench” or something like that. The women initiate the action by taking a red card and reading aloud the question to the men, who answer with the blue cards. I think. The notion of mixing and matching answers has some vague resemblance to Cards Against Humanity but let’s not get ahead of ourselves here.

On the package, pictured above, the text reads, “Un jeu marrant! pour rire et s’amuser,” which means, “A funny game! To laugh and have a good time.” My French is OK, but I must confess I didn’t understand everything. I used Google Translate where I wasn’t sure, so don’t blame me if the English renditions of the phrases suck. The pictures and the general vibe are really all you’re gonna need, though.

You can actually buy an English “deadstock” version of this game on Etsy that appears to be identical. It costs only $8.99, which is kind of a steal if you’re in need of a sexy card game ASAP.

There are more cards, and you can see the entire set in the Flickr photostream of “patricia m,” who for years ran the indispensable Agence Eureka blog.

Un homme ferait-il votre affaire? // Would a man do your thing?

Quatre fois par semaine. // Four times a week.

Avez-vous souvent le besoin d’aimer? // Are you often in need of love?

Quand l’occasion se présente. // When the opportunity arises.

Trompez-vous votre mari? // Are you cheating on your husband?

Oui, beaucoup. // Yes, a lot.

Puis-je vous être utile? // Can I help you?

Oui, quand je suis en chaleur. // Yes, when I’m in heat.

Pouvez-vous le supporter. // Can you stand it?

Oui, pour vous faire plaisir. // Yes, to please you.

Venez dans ma chambre, je vous le dirai. // Come into my bedroom, I told you.

Posted by Martin Schneider
09:42 am



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