Black cats, black magic, and bad luck: Spellbinding occult-themed embroidery
10:32 am
Black cats, black magic, and bad luck: Spellbinding occult-themed embroidery

A fantastic embroidered piece by Australian artist, Adipocere.
Based in Melbourne, Australia, the embroidery artist known as “Adipocere,” adopted a word that has several somewhat sinister synonyms such as “grave wax,” “corpse wax,” or “mortuary wax.” By definition, adipocere is a light-gray substance produced by a cadaver as their fatty tissue decomposes—making the word a perfect match for the artist’s delightfully dreadful embroidery.

Adipocere (aka “Josh”) has been involved in the craft of embroidery since 2014 and currently his Instagram has 63.7K followers. On his Instagram feed the artist makes note of the fact that he also does embroidery on human skin. His work has been shown in galleries across the world, and according to the artist himself, he is aware of at least 60 people who have tattooed images of his dark embroidery onto their own skin. I understand that he occasionally sells his pieces and also has a few other items up for purchase via Big Cartel. The images below are slightly NSFW.




An embroidery of the mythical “horned nun of Felzen” Anna Schimper.





The artist’s own self-embroidered hand.







HT: Bleaq

Previously on Dangerous Minds:
The art of chronic ‘Craftsturbastion’: Erotic embroidery
The Needle and the Damage Done: The art of old-school patch embroidery gets born again
Embroidery of Iggy Pop, Hunter S. Thompson, Freddie Mercury, and more
NSFW boobs and butts embroidery is strictly adults-only
Thread Bare: Examining racial and sexual identity through erotic embroidery
Maurizio Anzeri: Photo Embroidery

Posted by Cherrybomb
10:32 am



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