Dangerous Finds: Transgender porn boom; Trump and the whole Hitler thing; Goths more depressed?
10:41 pm
Dangerous Finds: Transgender porn boom; Trump and the whole Hitler thing; Goths more depressed?

Young goths ‘at risk of depression’: Young people who identify as goths may be at increased risk of depression and self-harm, a study suggests.
Researchers could not fully explain the link, but suggest a tendency for goths to distance themselves from society could play a part. (BBC News)

The Way of the Doofus Warrior or ‘The Art of the War,’ Trump style: Donald Trump, military genius or crazy like a fox, or both? (Talking Points Memo)

Trump Kept Hitler’s Speeches by his Bed: Says Only Short Jews Can Count His Money, Not Blacks: “If I had these speeches, and I am not saying that I do, I would never read them.”(Ring of Fire)

Vatican’s No. 1 Pervert Priest Dies Suddenly in Vatican City: After raping boys and keeping child porn at the Vatican, Josef Wesolowski was set to stand trial for his sins. Now his fate will be left to a higher power. (The Daily Beast)

Business owners try to remove all voters from business district, but they forgot one college student: University of Missouri student Jen Henderson, alone, will get to decide whether or not to approve the a sneaky sales tax increase. (Daily Kos)

Transgender porn quickly growing in popularity: While many Americans might say Caitlyn Jenner’s much-watched interview with Diane Sawyer was their introduction to the transgender community, the adult entertainment industry says transgender porn has been a big seller for years—and it’s getting bigger. (CNBC)

Sanders to push Dems to rebel against establishment: Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) plans to tell the Democratic National Committee (DNC) that the party needs an anti-establishment approach to be successful in 2016 elections. When the presidential candidate speaks at the DNC’s summer meeting Friday in Minneapolis, he will tell them that “if Democrats want to keep the White House and recapture Congress and make gains in statehouses, then establishment politics won’t do it,” according to CNN. (The Hill)

Jindal Letter To Obama: Please Don’t Mention Climate Change On Katrina Anniversary: If someone punched Bobby Jindal right in the face, I would laugh. What a fucking idiot. WHO told this fool he could become President? God? (Talking Points Memo)

Hawaii’s Governor Dumps Oil and Gas in Favor of 100% Renewables: An unlikely partnership between Hawaii’s local government and the US military makes the island a leader in energy policy. (The Nation)

The Troubling Decline of Financial Independence in America: If you can’t work for yourself and afford health insurance, something is seriously messed up. (Of Two Minds)

Marco Rubio’s trickle-down nonsense: Tax cuts for the rich make sense because his father was a bartender! His tax plan will make the rich richer and worsen inequality, but his dad was working-class so it’s okay? (Salon)

Below, the Flying Lizards do “Money (It’s What I Want)” on Holland’s TopPop TV show:

Posted by Richard Metzger
10:41 pm



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