Genesis Breyer P-Orridge on Caitlyn Jenner: ‘She hasn’t got a clue!’
01:56 pm
Genesis Breyer P-Orridge on Caitlyn Jenner: ‘She hasn’t got a clue!’

In the hour-long podcast embedded below Against Me!’s Laura Jane Grace and Genesis Breyer P-Orridge discuss the notion that Caitlyn Jenner—rich, white, honored at awards ceremonies, etc—should be wary of referring to herself as a spokesperson for the transgender community, considering that she’s got precious little in common with trans people of color and lower-income situations.


“Apparently Caitlyn is already saying things like, ‘It’s so difficult being a woman and having to decide which designer gown to wear when you go out at night’… That’s not being a woman, that’s being a glamorous Hollywood figure and that’s not how it is for most people. There are lots of teenage kids on the streets of New York who are hustling and risking AIDS because they need to get money to transition, and they’re prepared to risk their lives because it’s such a deep need, and they don’t have that back-up system.”

“We’re not saying Caitlyn isn’t courageous in terms of the personal experience, but the way it’s being presented by the media could end up being really, really damaging. We actually saw one thing on the news and Caitlyn’s going, ‘I feel like I can be a spokesperson for the transgendered community.’ And later on she says, ‘I actually don’t know any transsexuals.’ What the fuck, she’s going to be spokesperson? She hasn’t got a clue! She’s been living in her own bubble with her own issues, dealing with them, but she doesn’t understand what it’s like for the ladyboys in Bangkok, or the transsexuals in Japan or people in Russia. She doesn’t know! Stop being a spokesperson.”

Later in the show Genesis opines:

“Binary systems are the critical problem, the either/or, the black/white, gay/straight, Christian/Muslim, you name it. Maybe the problem is that we haven’t evolved into a unified being; not male or female but both. The human body is not the person. Identity is the way the brain operates; it’s memories, it’s sensory input and output. The mind is the person.”

Listen to entire podcast below:

Posted by Richard Metzger
01:56 pm



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