Manga-style fan art inspired by that goddamned dress
11:49 am
Manga-style fan art inspired by that goddamned dress

If you were on the Internet at all last week, you probably saw that innocent picture of a dress taken at a wedding on the Scottish island of Colonsay, which had the improbable effect of sowing the seeds of disagreement, tearing families apart and pitting brother against brother like nothing since the Civil War. (Blue and grey are sorted out, so Ken Burns has a documentary about the dress in the works.)

Yes, is it blue and black or is it white and gold? Your answer to that question put you on one side or the other, and there was little way to bridge that gap. All over Facebook there were countless otherwise inscrutable postings along the lines of “It’s totally white and gold!” The one online poll I saw on the subject showed a 3 to 1 margin in favor of the incorrect position, white and gold. (Yes, the real dress is blue and black.)

Myself, the first time I saw it I was certain it was blue and black. The next day I took a look at it and I was equally certain it was white and gold. So that should tell you everything you need to know about certainty.

The Internet being what it is, it didn’t take long for some creative folks to be all, “OK, we disagree on the color of the dress, but that doesn’t mean we can’t create a fandom for it!” Here are some manga-style illos riffing on the blue/black and/or white/gold dress.






via RocketNews 24

Posted by Martin Schneider
11:49 am



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