Monsters, mayhem & lots of nudity: The gory erotic horror of Italian comic ‘Wallestein il Mostro ’
12:24 pm
Monsters, mayhem & lots of nudity: The gory erotic horror of Italian comic ‘Wallestein il Mostro ’

One of the tamer covers of the vintage Italian fumetti series, ‘Wallestein il Mostro.’
Wallestein il Mostro was one of many horror-themed erotic comics put out by Renzo Barbieri and his publishing company Edifumetto. Known for their strikingly graphic covers, Edifumetto put out more than 140 issues of Wallestein il Mostro in five different runs over the course of nearly ten years.

If you’re a fan of Troma Films, you might notice that the monstrous vigilante Wallestein bears a distinct resemblance to Melvin, aka the Toxic Avenger—the deformed mop-wielding superhero who made his debut in the 1984 film The Toxic Avenger. Much like Toxie, Wallestein is always getting mixed up in some sort of caper gone wrong involving naked women with huge boobs. The “origin story” of how Wallestein came to be goes like this: after handsome Count Wallestein is killed, his identity is taken over by a vengeful swamp monster who dons a mask with human attributes covered in bulbous boils. In accordance with the style of Italian “fumetti,” the covers are stunningly lurid and over-the-top in every possible way, commonly featuring fun themes such as dismemberment, full-frontal nudity, and scenes involving sexual torture. As with other fumetti comics, the illustrations were designed by immensely talented artists such as Mario Cubbino and Giovanni Romanini who was a regular collaborator of Roberto Raviola—one of Italy’s most respected comic book artists who is better known under his singular moniker of Magnus. If you’re curious about what the comic looks like inside, you can flip through a few NSFW pages, here.

You’ve probably already surmised that the images I’ve posted below of the gloriously gory, sexually charged covers of Wallestein il Mostro are totally NSFW. Unless of course, you happen to work in an environment that endorses violence and explicit nudity like mine. If you are a fan of fumetti, it’s fairly easy to track down various copies of Wallestein il Mostro online.
















Previously on Dangerous Minds:
Sex and Horror: The lurid erotic art of Emanuele Taglietti
Bizarre, sexually depraved covers of vintage Italian adult comics from the 70s and 80s
Killer silhouettes of 80s VHS horror movie box art
Murder, death, KILL! Vintage horror pulp novels from the 60s, 70s, 80s and beyond
The erotic horror art of Toshio Saeki

Posted by Cherrybomb
12:24 pm



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