Shed your skin: The provocative and very NSFW photography of Nicole Tran Ba Vang
11:55 am
Shed your skin: The provocative and very NSFW photography of Nicole Tran Ba Vang

A photo by Paris-based artist Nicole Tran Ba Vang.
Artist Nicole Tran Ba Vang‘s specialty revolves around her clever manipulation of photographic imagery. In a thematic series of photographs, Ba Vang’s subjects appear to be removing an outer layer of their skin to reveal another one underneath. And the results are as beautiful as they are reflective and unsettling.

For Ba Vang, the artistic exercise was a way for her to walk a line between what is real and the imaginary. It also proposes that our skin is now as interchangeable as the clothes we cover ourselves with every day—touching on societies collective quest for physical perfection, whether it be for ourselves or projected onto another who perhaps does not meet the unattainable standards that have become the new normal. For now, I’m going to let Ba Vang’s perplexing, thought-provoking photographs speak for themselves.

Very NSFW.

A French advertisement for Remington featuring a photo by Ba Vang.












HT: Beautiful Decay

Previously on Dangerous Minds:
Increase your magical powers with a pair of pants made from the skin of a dead man!
Surreal dolls reveal the dark fantasy worlds that live under their ‘skin’
All-too-realistic serial killer jacket covered in latex skin, ears & human faces can now be yours!
Artist creates hyperrealistic sculptures of LA gang members as skin-rugs

Posted by Cherrybomb
11:55 am



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