South Korea’s poop-themed coffeeshop
12:38 pm
South Korea’s poop-themed coffeeshop

If you find yourself in South Korea and want a coffeeshop in which you are obliged to meditate on the ... ultimate end result of the coffee you are enjoying, you are going to want to visit the Poop Café in Seoul, or, as it is properly called in Korean,  또옹카페.

The amusing website Seoul Searching posted about the café a couple of weeks ago, and the internet is having quite a titter over it. The café does not serve poop, of course—now THAT would be a story!—but many of its offerings as well as decor resemble cute turds, simply put. Your coffee mug is likely to resemble a toilet.

Here are some highlights from the charming account by Lexi, who runs the Seoul Searching blog:

There is a tree inside decorated with colorful poop-shaped papers. Then, once you are inside, you realize that the poop-shaped papers also have adorable little faces, sneakers and handwritten messages on them from previous visitors.

Inside, the cafe is surprisingly normal. … I suppose I was hoping for more of a shock factor.

Despite the ordinary interior, I began to to find those quirky poop hidden treasures I longed for. A few squat toilets that had been turned into mini gardens occupied some floor space, porcelain cups with poops painted on them lined the shelves and colorful plush coils of “poop” could be found on tables, chairs and in little nooks and crannies. I like to get a little silly with the plush poops.

Poop Café is near Gyeongbokgung Palace, on the 4th floor of the Ssamziegil Mall.





via Kotaku
Photos: Seoul Searching

Posted by Martin Schneider
12:38 pm



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