Swedish TV accidentally puts children’s subtitles over political debate, and it’s f*cking hilarious!
01:54 pm
Swedish TV accidentally puts children’s subtitles over political debate, and it’s f*cking hilarious!

Civic-minded Swedes who tuned in to a political debate early last year didn’t expect to witness an interplanetary underwater battle involving dinosaurs, but thanks to an innocent mixup at the SVT2 TV station, that’s what they got.

It was probably more entertaining, not to say true-to-life, than what was actually happening in the debate, which involved Environmental Minister Åsa Romson, Liberal People’s Party leader Jan Björklund, Education Minister Gustav Fridolin, and Urban Ahlin, Speaker of the Riksdag, the national legislature of Sweden.

The subtitles depicted dialogue from the PBS children’s TV show Dinosaur Train

The head of the channel’s subtitle department, Anna Zetterson, smells a rat (or is it a dinosaur?), it seems. It turns out that on some older television models you can swap out the “teletext” page from another channel while keeping the current image. On Facebook she wrote in Swedish, “On some older TVs can still choose the old teletext page for the different channels’ subtitles, while checking on a different channel. So SVT, or any operator, didn’t send these out. But it is something you can amuse yourself with on an older television set.”

We don’t care. Maybe nobody made a mixup and it was all a plot to tickle our brains. All we can say is, mission accomplished!








via Bored Panda / TheBlondeSwede imgur

Previously on Dangerous Minds:
Hey Netflix, we need some ‘Swedish Dicks’ in our lives (and for once, that doesn’t mean porn)
Dirty Teletext pages from Germany

Posted by Martin Schneider
01:54 pm



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