Terrifying bust of Bette Davis as the diabolical ‘Baby Jane Hudson’
10:56 am
Terrifying bust of Bette Davis as the diabolical ‘Baby Jane Hudson’

A resin-based bust of actress Bette Davis as ‘Baby Jane Hudson’ from the 1962 psychological thriller, ‘Whatever Happened to Baby Jane.’
If you happen to be as terrified of Bette Davis’ portrayal of the unforgettable “Baby Jane Hudson” from the 1962 film Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? as I am, then the news that you can own a shockingly life-like resin bust of Davis as Hudson might send you off to hide under the bed. However if you dig the idea of Baby Jane’s menacing mug staring at you disapprovingly while her signature bright-red evil pout glistens in the sun, then this is your lucky day.

According to painter, sculptor and doll maker Daniel Horne’s official site his startling hand-painted resin reproduction of “Baby Jane” is now back in stock and can be yours for $500. Horne has created other equally terrifying versions of this character in the past but for my money his most recent vision is an absolutely sinister slam dunk.

If you’re already shouting “shut up and take my 500 hundred smackaroos” here’s the link to purchase Horne’s maniacal “Baby Jane” bust. It also comes with her shabby dressing gown.

An older rendition of ‘Baby Jane Hudson’ by Daniel Horne.

The trailer for ‘Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?’


Previously on Dangerous Minds:
Did Joan Crawford really ‘gag’ because Bette Davis smelled bad? This 1962 letter says she did

Posted by Cherrybomb
10:56 am



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