Terrifyingly life-like Tony Montana figure, cocaine and gun included
10:20 am
Terrifyingly life-like Tony Montana figure, cocaine and gun included

Tony Montana from Scarface, the War Version
Tony Montana “War” figure
As of this post, all collectable action figures currently in production should just throw themselves in the trash. It’s impossible to conceive of how their poorly articulated parts could possibly stand a chance against the above 1/6 scale figure of Tony Montana from Scarface. Tiny Tony comes armed to the teeth with guns and a suitcase full of drugs. Because when you fuck with tiny Tony Montana, you fuck with the best.
Tony Montana
Tony Montana “Respect” figure
As with the high-end Mr. Bean figure featured on DM a few weeks ago, the detail on these two different versions of Al Pacino’s seminal character is nothing short of microscopic. The serene look and all too realistic appearance on the face of the “Respect” figure (pre-pile of cocaine face plant, and mansion murder-spree), and the discoloration of the teeth in the “War” version (black suit, unhinged, brain full of cocaine), is just jaw-dropping. Since I always tell the truth (even when I lie), I have to admit that I actually find it rather troubling to see inanimate objects possessing such life-like qualities. Especially when said objects are modeled after one of cinema’s greatest anti-heroes. I’m sure Mr. Pacino himself would agree. Maybe not.
Tony Montana War figure face detail
Tony Montana War version with Colt CR-15
Just like the cinematic Tony, both figures come jacked-up with weapons, drugs and other accessories including the following: two bags of heroin, one package of vacuum sealed cocaine, a Beretta 81 (pictured below), two 40mm grenades, and one Colt CR-15 assault rifle (pictured above) complete with rocket launcher.
Tony Montana Respect figure with Beretta 81
Many of you may be wondering how you might obtain either or both versions of little Tony Montana. As the figures were released into the wild back in 2011 by Enterbay, your best bet now is an auction site such as eBay. Of the figures I found for sale, most going prices were running close to $400. Also, don’t get too excited about the cache of drugs that the War Version comes with as they are merely props. What a world.

More impossibly cool images of the two Tonys follow.
Tony Montana War version with desk, drugs and guns
Tony Montana War figure with suitcase of cocaine and heroin
Tony Montana Respect figure with cigar
Tony Montana figure accessories
Tony Montana War figure sitting with packages of coke and heroin
Tony Montana Respect figure close up detail
Tony Montana War figure with fan made chainsaw
Tony Montana War figure with fan customized chainsaw
Tony Montana War version in cinematic pose
Tony Montana Respect figure

Previously on Dangerous Minds:
‘Say hello to my little friend’: Behind-the-scenes of ‘Scarface’

Posted by Cherrybomb
10:20 am



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