Garbage Pail Kids take on the 2016 Election
11:06 am

I’m not going to get all political here with my own personal (Fuck Trump) politics and thoughts (Fuck Trump) about the 2016 election. Besides, who gives a shit what I think, anyway? (Trust me, I don’t care what you thnk either) I’m simply just going to post these election Garbage Pail Kids trading cards here, sans commentary. You can decide where you stand, okay? (Just fuck Trump.)

The cards are by Topps, and according to their website the cards are only available to purchase for 24 hours. It appears a lot of these are already sold out. Boo!


More after the jump…

Posted by Tara McGinley
11:06 am
Garbage Pail Kids: Where are they now?
08:58 am

Garbage Pail Kids are evergreen. Invented by cartoon legends Art Spiegelman and Mark Newgarden, the Cabbage Patch Kid parodies developed a cult following as juvenile gross-out art in the 80s. The trading cards are now revered by collectors, the depth and grotesqueness of each “kid” a treasure to enthusiasts. Garbage Pail Kids don’t really need an update, but art director Jake Houvenagle and photographer Brandon Voges collaborated on a modern take that really captures the spirit of the originals. Vosges explained how the project came about:

About a year ago, my friend Jake Houvenagle (a very talented local Art Director and Designer) and I (Brandon Voges, commercial lifestyle photographer at Bruton Stroube Studios) went to lunch to hang out, talk ideas, and drink good beer.  In the middle of our conversation, Jake tells me about this concept he has to shoot Garbage Pail Kids, 30 years later…as real people, in real situations, with backstories of how their lives have played out.  I then proceeded to crap my pants, tell him of his genius and get super excited.

I believe crapping one’s pants is the exact response merited by such a notion!

And how did the “Kids” fare? Welllll… it varies. Adam Bomb survived the nuclear blast, only to live a life of regret, while Clogged Duane turned his mangled lower half into a lucrative drain-snaking business. Armpit Britt works two jobs to support her five kids (but at least she can hold down a job with those pit-locks), and Bony Tony now takes it all off for the ladies. Barfin’ Barbara became a successful private chef and Noah Body became CEO of a pencil company—all in all, a pretty decent collection of adult lives!


More after the jump…

Posted by Amber Frost
08:58 am