Armed and Stupid: Fox News viewer threatens man over his beard

If you’ve got a beard, you’d best tread carefully around riled-up Fox News viewers.

In one of the single dumbest news stories I’ve read in a year that’s been chock full of ‘em, Benedetto DeFrancisco, a transgender Chicago teaching assistant, was harassed and threatened at gunpoint after he was mistaken for a member of ISIS, apparently solely on account of—drumroll please—his beard.

His beard!

Late last month, William Jackson began shouting at DeFrancisco as he was taking an early morning stroll around the school before work, as he told the Windy City Media Group’s Matt Simonette:

“I literally just walk around the school, so on my second lap, he was definitely shouting [again], and it felt like it was aimed at me. It was getting louder and more aggressive. A lot of swearing. I honestly thought he was drunk. I took out my headphones and looked at him, and heard what he was saying: ‘I know what you’re doing, motherfucker. You’re scaring my wife — get out of here.’”

At this point DeFrancisco saw Jackson’s .45 caliber Ruger semi-automatic pistol and calmly walked away, calling authorities after he was safely around the corner. Police arrived on the scene soon afterwards.

DeFrancisco told Windy City:

“They were getting scared, because the ISIS attack happened in France, and getting more scared that ISIS was in Chicago. It’s clear that they had been watching me since the previous Monday — this happened on a Wednesday. I’ve been taking these walks since I’ve been working there. On my walk, I notice the same people come around. My thing to do is say hello. Unfortunately, with this man and his wife, their fear got the best of them. They could have just asked, ‘Hey, what are you doing here?’”

Mr. Jackson is due in court on Wednesday on charges of aggravated assault. He’s lucky that flagrant stupidity isn’t a crime because the judge would be obliged to throw the book at him.

Coming as no surprise to anyone, according to detectives, Jackson and his wife are avid Fox News fans! DeFrancisco’s “look”—which includes a beard—was making Mrs. Jackson nervous and so her husband decided to grab his gun and verbally assault him while waving a gun around. Cute couple.

This is kind of abject idiocy you can’t reason with. Fox News + Islamophobia + Republicans + GUNS = Modern America going completely insane. With his own experience being a vivid example of how this sort of irrational “thinking” can hurt totally innocent people, DeFrancisco believes that the Fox News fear-mongering has negative repercussions:

“[Jackson] is not the only person watching Fox News — it’s a toxin and it’s spreading fear, and this fear leads to hatred. Instead of wanting to know something about a culture or religion, they just shut it down in the most horrible or scary way.”

I’ll say it again: His beard is what set them off!

It’s too sadly moronic to contemplate, isn’t it?

Admirably Benedetto DeFrancisco is taking this unfortunate incident in his stride and although he would like a letter of apology from Mr. Jackson he doesn’t hope for him to spend any time in jail, thinking that his assailant, who was allegedly quite contrite upon his arrest, has learned a valuable lesson.

Fuck that. Make an example of this idiot. At the very least fine him an awful lot of money, so much that it hurts, AND TAKE AWAY HIS FUCKING GUN FOR GOOD.

If Fox News tries to make a martyr out of poor dumb-dumb sap William Jackson—he’s the new Kim Davis, a brave American going after an Islamic terrorist with a gun OR AT LEAST THIS IS WHAT THE FUCK HE THOUGHT HE WAS DOING, this story will crawl up its own ass in ways I can’t even anticipate. Perhaps Mike Huckabee will show up at his arraignment with a guy in a Santa Claus suit and a camera crew and the theme from Rocky playing over the PA system.

God help us all.

Via Raw Story

Posted by Richard Metzger
12:21 pm
‘Put Some Ham in Mohamed’: ‘Pork-infused’ bullets to send Muslims ‘straight to hell’
02:25 pm

A boy and his… bacon gun.

Wrap your brain around “Jihawg Ammo,” the “bacon on everything” munitions product of some gun nuts in Dalton Gardens, Idaho, who claim it to be a “defensive deterrent to those who violently act in the name of Islam.”

The Jihawg Ammo brand bullets are coated in “pork-infused” paint, which according to South Fork Industries makes the ammunition “unclean” or “haram.” The manufacturer claims via press release that their product is a “peaceful and natural deterrent to radical Islam” and will keep a Muslim who is hit with one of the bullets from entering paradise:

“With Jihawg Ammo, you don’t just kill an Islamist terrorist, you also send him to hell. That should give would-be martyrs something to think about before they launch an attack. If it ever becomes necessary to defend yourself and those around you our ammo works on two levels.”

The company’s website admonishes their obviously gung-ho customers not to use Jihawg Ammo to kill just any Muslin, but specifically only jihadis:

“The nullifying principle of our product is only effective if you are attacked by an Islamist in Jihad. Otherwise, our ammo functions just like any other ammunition, so we obviously insist upon defensive use of our ammo only-not offensive.”

As The Firsesign Theatre once said “Good lord, a stiff idiot is the worst kind.”


Posted by Richard Metzger
02:25 pm
Atlas Puked: Allegedly drunk conservative blogger posts utter insanity at 8am


Pamela Geller, the rabidly Islamaphobic hate harpie whose face on cable news channels during the “Ground Zero mosque” controversy put people off their food all across America is back…

Little Green Football’s Charles Johnson has the scoop and a link to Pamela Geller’s latest crazypants rant before someone cleaned it up as the author apparently slept it off:

Here’s one for the annals of hate group leader Pamela Geller’s Infamous Apparently Inebriated Posts; a reader emailed this morning to let me know that the following amazingly incoherent rant had appeared at her website. I grabbed a screenshot of Google’s cached copy before it goes away (the post has been edited already, by someone). You won’t believe this. It’s one of the classic deranged Geller tirades of all time — and it was posted in all its wasted glory at 08:14 AM.

Without further ado, I give you:

Decades ago we cringed when any news story of corruption and collusion broke about our long venerated trusted newsmen We trusted those powerful subversive like Walter Cronkite, Dan Wallace, etc, These men with enormous power weilded it, abused it, and disseminated one of th =e world’s great campaigns of anti0merican disiinformation and propaganda. We remember Walter Chronkite, as a grandfather figure trusted iconclast when in fact he wa a red and did the country incalculable harm.

Twenty years of the Chroncrite legacy and we ahve gonthat much further of the deep end. Media ia a propactvisit arm whose one goal - shape the news, change the ness, even live about the news to advance a collectivist, pro-sharia agandena. How else culd an unqualfied, bitter Ameria hater hold the eat in the Obama office.

They are out of control And it is only a matter of time before the Davids in the blogosphere rip their masks of civility off and unmosks the who the monsters are. And for the their flagrant violation of the public trust, they shall rot in prison.

The mardcore Hama scruops in thr US HAMAS CAIR, MSU,MSA, ICNA are doing thr Htiler stompin jig to get these conter terrorim messures removed so that devout Muslims can roam freeem to plan the next 911.

And he AP, in a crushing violnation of ‘jounalistic integrity, has filed suit aganst agaianst law enforcement to disarm the numner one greatest counter terrorism usint in the world.  The DoJ is finished.Corrupt. Destroyed. House to vote on contempt charge against Eric Holder‎. Tehy refuse to uphold rule of law. It’s red and green madness, collectivists and Islamic supremaicts have the run of the place. Where is our society’s first most critical line of defense? The DoJ is AWOL The Department of Justice is engaging in collusion with the country’s most dangerous and subversive jihadist groups.

And it just keeps going on.

I like to imagine Judy Garland reading it aloud, slurring her words. Read more—if you don’t mind losing a few brain cells—at Little Green Footballs

UPDATE: Wonkette’s Rebecca Schoenkopf says we shouldn’t be so quick to judge Geller, in case she had a seizure. I feel bad now.

Posted by Richard Metzger
01:28 pm