Tea Party Nation leader wants Obama to prove he’s not a gay crackhead
08:12 pm

Probably no one has ever accused Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillips of being smart, but I reckon he’s been called of lots of other things:

Talk about jumping the shark right over Occam’s Razor…

“Obama by his own admission was a very heavy marijuana user in his youth.  He has also admitted to using cocaine, though he denies using drugs such as heroin.  He also says he was a significant drinker.

Why is this important?

Because these are all symptoms of addiction.

A man named Larry Sinclair claims that in 1999 he and Barack Obama had sex and then smoked crack cocaine.  This is 1999, nine years before Obama would run for President.

Crack cocaine is very addictive.   It is very destructive.  Addiction specialist (sic) will tell you that a crack addiction is very tough to break.

Is Obama an addict?  Was he an addict in the past?

These are all legitimate questions to ask about a man who has his hands on the nuclear trigger.

Why is Obama hiding these records and why isn’t the drive by media asking these questions.  

Why aren’t Republicans demanding the answers to these questions, instead of telling Mitt Romney he needs to play into Obama’s hands by releasing more tax returns??”

Uh, well…. just hazarding a guess here, but maybe, just maybe Judson, maybe they’re a little less batshit fucking crazy than you are? Maybe you’re not buddying up to the right reichwingers? What about Louie Gohmert or Michele Bachmann? Whatsamatter THEY aren’t taking your calls anymore, Judson?

I don’t even think Fox News is willing to have poor, hapless Judson on anymore. When Fox doesn’t want your services, your salad days as a pundit are pretty much over. That’s a special cattle-brand of “DUMB SHIT” seared into your forehead! Soon Phillips will have to settle for seeing himself on Victoria Jackson’s podcast. How far the mighty have fallen, eh?

Via Joe.My.God

Posted by Richard Metzger
08:12 pm
Tea Party Nation dumps (and dumps on) Herman Cain

Tea Party Nation founder and CEO Judson Phillips is calling for Herman Cain to drop out of the GOP race after his excruciatingly humiliating five-minute-long brainfart in front of the editorial board of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (and the entire world via viral video).

When a fucking idiot like Judson Philips thinks you’re a dummy, that’s pretty telling!. Might it be time for Cain to face the facts that he is, indeed, merely a halfwit Chauncey Gardiner-type spouting meaningless platitudes that ONLY sound good to his fellow halfwits? After all, everyone else has already figured this out… even a plonker like Judson Philips!

Via his email alert:

I was wrong about Herman Cain.

I said originally that Cain could stay on message better than almost any other candidate. His 9-9-9 plan was all he would talk about and I attributed that to good messaging on his part.

I was wrong.

It is not messaging. Cain cannot talk about anything else. Tonight there is a video from the Journal Sentinel online that show an interview with Herman Cain. Forget the sexual harassment allegations. Forget Mark Block’s gross incompetence. Herman Cain needs to leave the race because he is not qualified to be President. The video is painful to watch. It is obvious Cain is in over his head and simply clueless.

And this man wants to be the Commander in Chief making decisions? Candidates have something called briefing books. These are prepared by staffers and contain, among other things, topics candidates are expected to have at least a passing knowledge of. Cain may not be expected to know the name of the President of Montenegro or the Prime Minister of Moldavia, but Libya is a question that will obviously come up

Watching Herman Cain stumble around looking for an answer is beyond painful. He looks to the ceiling, desperately seeking an answer. He responds in vague talking points.

To the Cain supporters, I simply say watch this video and ask yourself, “Is this the man you want answering the red phone in the White House at 3 AM?”

Good lord, I actually agree with something Judson Philips thinks! That’s almost distressing, but even a stopped clock is right twice a day…. But will the rank and file Teabaggers even care about this? Given the far right’s general distrust of anyone even remotely intelligent, could this be a wash for Cain? Being an ignoramus never hurt Sarah Palin in the eyes of the faithful, it actually elevated her in their eyes. “One of us!

Phillips has endorsed Newt Gingrich for president. Let’s see how the Gingrich “surge” lasts now that the “Cain train” has been fatally derailed. One of the most repellent, lizard-like, egotistical blowhard politicians of ALL TIME (not to mention one of the top book reviewers on Amazon!) is gonna be the next anti-Romney up to bat for the Republicans to ultimately reject (Sorry Calista, you got sold a bill of goods—you’re never, ever gonna be first lady. Bail out now while you still have your looks!) . It’ll be fun for lefty bloggers to get one last chance to kick Newt a few more times before forgetting about him altogether. Again.

The video is worth watching again. And again. It’s fucking funny, it really is. “Tim and Eric” kind of funny!

Via Right Wing Watch

Posted by Richard Metzger
02:09 pm
Tea party leader: ‘#OWS are Nazis & Commies; good & evil cannot coexist’

Via Republican Retard Club

Zany Tea party leader Judson Phillips is back (did he ever leave?) with a new fund-raising email alert designed to scare the people stupid enough to “donate” money to his for-profit enterprise, Tea Party Nation.

Did you know that #OWS are a bunch of Nazis and Communist pinkos? Well, according to Judson they are. He read it on the Internet, probably in an email typed in ALL CAPS.

Maybe Victoria Jackson forwarded it to him?

Many of us can remember, as we were growing up, our parents telling us we would be judged by the company we keep.  There is a lot of truth to that wisdom.

What can we learn from the company Occupy Wall Street keeps?

Actually we can learn a lot.

Not only the Communist Party but also the American Nazi Party has endorsed OWS as well.

The media has been falling all over itself to spin OWS as the newest liberal movement, just like the Tea Party.  They have done their best to hide videos that show what the Occupy movement really believes.

Both Communists and Nazi’s are socialists.  They hate freedom and liberty and both want to see freedom and liberty replaced with tyranny.

OWS claims to be a leaderless movement, yet no one involved with the movement is willing to denounce the Nazis or the Communists.   Contrast that to the Tea Party movement, which went overboard to make sure no one involved with the Tea Party movement was a racist or a Nazi.

OWS seems to have no problem with Nazis or the Communists.  OWS supports forms of totalitarianism that directly killed about 250 million people in the last century and enslaved billions in poverty and tyranny.

The OWS movement, contrary to the media myth that is being spun, is not just a spontaneous uprising, but rather a well-planned event.  It is not simply a group of dissatisfied Americans seeking redress of their grievances.  It is a well thought out plan by far left wing groups.

What planet is this motherfucker from? And can you imagine the kinds of cranky old bastards who’d send this dude money? Boggles the mind, doesn’t it?

Posted by Richard Metzger
11:47 am
Tea Party leader thinks ‘The left’ has ‘killed a billion people’ in last century

Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillips is such a fucking idiot that I have, on more than one occasion, wondered if he was some sort of long-fuse “Yes Men” prank designed to embarrass and disgust current or would-be Teabaggers from having anything to do with the dying-off political movement. Just Google his name, there are dozens, perhaps hundreds of examples of completely unintelligent, ill-informed, ignorant and just plain stupid things he’s said. Judson is a small-town jackass who puffs his chest out and says dumb shit like only land owners should be allowed to vote. What does he add to the conversation besides a hefty dollop of DUMB?

Here’s just the most recent example of what a complete buffoon this man is. Via Raw Story:

At a Wisconsin rally on Saturday, Judson Phillips, CEO of “Tea Party Nation”, one of the many tea party splinter groups, claimed that “the left” has “killed a billion people in the last century”.

According to Politico, Phillips and other speakers heated up the rhetoric around Tuesday’s historic recall elections, with one speaker referring to Democrats as terrorists who struck at a Republican “Ground Zero”. Vince Shmuki, leader of another tea party group, the Ozaukee Patriots said, “This is ground zero. You remember what the term ground zero means? We have been attacked.”

Earlier this week, Judson Phillips compared protesters who opposed Governor Scott Walker to Nazi storm troopers. On Saturday, he said, “I detest and despise everything the Left stands for. How anybody can endorse and embrace an ideology that has killed a billion people in the last century is beyond me.”

See what I mean? If Judson did not exist, it would be in the interests of the Democrats to “invent” him. If they weren’t so lame, the Democrats, I’d have added “and maybe they have” but this is Democrats we’re talking about.

Phillips made this statement at a sparsely-attended rally to support Republican State Senator Alberta Darling, who is in the fight of her political life trying to hold onto her seat against Democratic Representative Sandy Pasch. When they were making the speakers list for the rally, you have to wonder what the selection process criteria was that they decided to INVITE (and probably pay the travel and hotel costs) for a complete idiot like Judson Phillips. How is inviting a fool to say crazy shit that is then ridiculed all over the media and blogsphere in any way helpful to their cause?

Unless it IS helpful to their cause, of course, which is just too frightening to contemplate.

Below, Phillips makes a complete and utter fool of himself on Hardball with Chris Matthews when he decided to flap his lips about the Gabrielle Giffords murder attempt just after the shooting in Tucson. How dumb would you have to be to follow this goofball?

Posted by Richard Metzger
11:30 am