Evidence from 1895 that alien ‘Greys’ walked among us and practiced gynecology?
09:21 am

Grey Aliens are commonly described by ufological, paranormal, and New Age communities as slender, sexless, large-eyed, grey-colored beings who routinely visit Earth from extra-terrestrial worlds. Greys are known to sometimes abduct human beings to perform medical experiments and probe their bodies.

The idea of of these creatures is most commonly traced to the 1947 Roswell UFO incident and the alleged 1961 alien abduction of Betty and Barney Hill. Ufologists believe there are at least two different types of Greys. Some claim that “taller Greys, with their reported increased authority and apparently more complex psychology, may be the only Grey type to be biologically alive and that the shorter form could be their artificially constructed robot or cyborg servants.”

A half a century before Greys came into popular consciousness, a series of remarkable illustrations were published in Die Heilgymnastik in der Gynaekologie: Und die Mechanische Behandlung von Erkrankungen des Uterus und Seiner Adnexe nach Thure Brandt  (1895).  The title, translated from German, as “The physiotherapy in gynecology and the mechanical treatment of diseases of the uterus and its appendages by Thure Brandt” is a gynecological exercise manual authored by Swedish obstetrician and gynecologist, Thure Brandt.

The illustrations in this text bear a striking resemblance to Greys described by countless UFO close encounter and abductee claimants. Is it merely a coincidence? Do aliens really exist? Are they, as some theorize, actually a form of sleep paralysis? Did an 1800s Swedish gynecologist know something about visitors to our planet? Has Giorgio A. Tsoukalos weighed in on this yet?

We don’t have the answers here, but nevertheless, these illustrations of freakazoid Grey Alien type humanoids practicing some sort of gynecological yoga are pretty creepy:


More Grey gynecology after the jump…

Posted by Christopher Bickel
09:21 am