Custom Super Mario Bong
01:16 pm

I don’t necessarily know what to make of this, and I don’t know who made it, either, but one thing’s for sure: Mario looks high as hell. Just look at him!


Posted by Tara McGinley
01:16 pm
Blondie in vintage ad for Ampex cassette tapes, 1979
11:56 am

Didn’t they know that home taping would kill music?

With thanks to Cherrybombed

Posted by Tara McGinley
11:56 am
Herman Cain shoots a rabbit in new video
07:44 pm

Everyone thinks they’re David Lynch these days.

Here’s what it says on YouTube:

The rabbit is fine but our current tax code is killing small business! The current tax code allows the Government to pick winners and losers by doling out favors and dividing the country with class warfare.

The rabbit is fine? Wha?

Is this a coded message that only dummies understand?

Posted by Richard Metzger
07:44 pm
All of the nipples on display in the permanent collection of the Met
06:54 pm

I guess someone had to do it. And that someone is James C. Ewart whose site is called Nipples at the Met.

Via Kottke/Michael Kurcfeld

Posted by Tara McGinley
06:54 pm
‘The Conservative Teen’ magazine: No, this is not a joke
06:46 pm

Oh is this good. Click here to read the “free” first issue of The Conservative Teen, the new magazine for a virtually non-existent audience of conservative teenagers. Judging from the number of advertisements, it looks like this is an untapped audience best left untapped…

The Conservative Teen is written for conservative teens by those who understand them best: Middle-aged Fox News reporters and former Family Research Council and Heritage Foundation employees!

In the pages of The Conservative Teen, you can read about the bizzaro world of teen abstinence that really works, how to draw Obama, and how the government creates poverty by giving money to a bunch of undeserving lazy poor people just so they can eat food! It’s true!

And did you know that Ronald Reagan was our first black president? I’ll bet you thought it was Bill Clinton! Silly hippies…
Here’s another gem, as pointed out by the newly revved up Wonkette:
“The vast majority of people will have sex at some time in their lives”?!?!

No one who reads this publication will need to worry much about that...

Via Wonkette

Posted by Richard Metzger
06:46 pm
Stupidity R Us: Welcome to the Age of Ignorance

Charles Simic really lets it fly with his scathing polemic, “Age of Ignorance” on The New York Review of Books’ blog. Over a lifetime of teaching college level American literature courses and watching aghast as each subsequent crop of students washed ashore dumber than the crew the year before, Simic has seen firsthand what the reichwing’s war on education has wrought and it ain’t pretty.

It’s becoming harder and harder to ignore The Great IQ Stratification—for what else could you call it?—that’s taken place in America over the past 40 years. Idiocy is the American way of life. Stupidity r “us” or more pointedly “U.S”?

No doubt, the Internet and cable television have allowed various political and corporate interests to spread disinformation on a scale that was not possible before, but to have it believed requires a badly educated population unaccustomed to verifying things they are being told. Where else on earth would a president who rescued big banks from bankruptcy with taxpayers’ money and allowed the rest of us to lose $12 trillion in investment, retirement, and home values be called a socialist?

In the past, if someone knew nothing and talked nonsense, no one paid any attention to him. No more. Now such people are courted and flattered by conservative politicians and ideologues as “Real Americans” defending their country against big government and educated liberal elites. The press interviews them and reports their opinions seriously without pointing out the imbecility of what they believe. The hucksters, who manipulate them for the powerful financial interests, know that they can be made to believe anything, because, to the ignorant and the bigoted, lies always sound better than truth:

Christians are persecuted in this country.
The government is coming to get your guns.
Obama is a Muslim.
Global Warming is a hoax.
The president is forcing open homosexuality on the military.
Schools push a left-wing agenda.
Social Security is an entitlement, no different from welfare.
Obama hates white people.
The life on earth is 10,000 years old and so is the universe.
The safety net contributes to poverty.
The government is taking money from you and giving it to sex-crazed college women to pay for their birth control.

One could easily list many more such commonplace delusions believed by Americans. They are kept in circulation by hundreds of right-wing political and religious media outlets whose function is to fabricate an alternate reality for their viewers and their listeners. “Stupidity is sometimes the greatest of historical forces,” Sidney Hook said once. No doubt. What we have in this country is the rebellion of dull minds against the intellect. That’s why they love politicians who rail against teachers indoctrinating children against their parents’ values and resent the ones who show ability to think seriously and independently. Despite their bravado, these fools can always be counted on to vote against their self-interest. And that, as far as I’m concerned, is why millions are being spent to keep my fellow citizens ignorant.

You’ll note that Simic’s list contains only idiotic rightwing beliefs which are commonly held only in red states where people tend to be the most religious. Coincidence? I think not…

And it will only continue to get worse. Who reading this thinks it will get better in our lifetime?

Read: Age of Ignorance (The New York Review of Books)

Posted by Richard Metzger
06:06 pm
Skating around Los Angeles
05:37 pm

I loathe The Doors, but their song “L.A. Woman” works nicely in this skate video featuring Kenny Anderson, Alex Olson, Braydon Szafranski, as well as Doors members Robbie Krieger and John Densmore.

It’s very... El Lay.


Posted by Tara McGinley
05:37 pm
Hellbound: The eternal debate on our infernal fate
04:39 pm


Martin Olson’s brilliant Encyclopaedia of Hell: An Invasion Manual for Demons Concerning the Planet Earth and the Human Race Which Infests It.

Hellbound is a new Christian documentary that examines the church’s continuing belief in Hell. The people who worked on this have some overlap with Kirk Cameron’s crew and that awful Ben Stein “doc,” Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed (which was an accurate title). Still, writer/director Kevin Miller might be doing some good if he can get some people to question the whole Hell thing, which is what appears to be the intention here.

I like how they put it on Poor Mojo’s News Wire:

A documentary about the concept of Hell and attempts to recast modern Christianity without Hell (which, y’know, barely appears in the bible at all).

The thing that really disturbs me—and has honestly since I was a kid—is the glee some people wear on their faces when they describe how other people will be tortured forever in sadistically elaborate ways. It’s cruel and spiteful. The overly elaborate descriptions always give me the impression that the person describing the torment is getting a sexual thrill from the very idea.


Posted by Richard Metzger
04:39 pm
Universal panacea: Shocking Thorazine ads from the 1950s
04:14 pm

Apparently Thorazine was the answer for almost every aliment known to mankind back in the late-1950s. I had no idea that Thorazine was ever prescribed like this! Can you imagine? Shocking to say the least.

One notable—and irreversible—side effect from taking too much Thorazine is Tardive dyskinesia (involuntary body movement).
More after the jump…

Posted by Tara McGinley
04:14 pm
Photo of Pablo Picasso holding Gary Cooper’s gun
03:00 pm

Here’s a photo taken back in 1958 by André Villers of Pablo Picasso handling Gary Cooper’s gun. Apparently these two unlikely lads were pals.

Below, another gun toting photo:


Via 50s Westerns

Posted by Tara McGinley
03:00 pm
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