Good Show Sir: Blog of the Worst SF/Fantasy Book Covers Ever
07:18 pm


io9 dug up this excellent UK blog that regularly links to the worst science fiction and fantasy book covers of all time. Some of these are true finds.

(Good Show, Sir)

Posted by Jason Louv
07:18 pm
Earth Dancer of the Earth!
06:30 pm

An Earth Day video courtesy of Everything is Terrible. This makes me have Nam-style flashbacks of my undergrad years at UC Santa Cruz.

(Everything is Terrible: Happy Earth Day Eve!)

Posted by Jason Louv
06:30 pm
My Mohawk Saved My Life!
06:15 pm

Well, it might not have worked for Darby Crash, but mohawks do save lives.  Look what happened to 3-year-old Maddox Tallowin:

When father Ben, 32, and mother Barbie, 33, from Kirby Cross, Essex, took the scissors to their little boy’s hair they were shocked to discover strange-looking lumps on the back of his head.  They rushed him to Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge where doctors told the shocked parents the bumps were a tell-tale sign of leukemia.  Mr. Tallowin, 32, said: ‘It was more luck than anything else that we found it.

‘Maddox had a Mohawk haircut.  He has really big blue eyes and bright blond hair and it was a cut chosen by him a few months before.  But it had got too long, about four or five inches, and it was beginning to flop so I decided to shave it off.  ‘The sides were short but when we touched the actual mohawk there were these bumps on either side of his neck at the bottom of his head.  It didn’t feel right so we took him to the doctor.’

The youngster is now in remission and the doctors have reduced the level of leukemia in his blood but he still has to make long trips to hospital several times a week and will need chemo and intensive steroid treatment for three years.

Boy, 3, Has Life Saved by Trendy ‘Beckham-style’ Mohawk Haircut


Posted by Bradley Novicoff
06:15 pm
In Soviet Russia, *IT* Lets *YOU* Be
06:06 pm
Posted by Jason Louv
06:06 pm
Yoo’re an asswipe: Bush “torture memo” lawyer punk’d
05:24 pm

Bush administration “torture memo” author and conservative Republican asswipe John Yoo received an appropriate and fitting tribute today.

Appallingly, UC Berkeley’s law school—one of the best in the country—employs Yoo as a constitutional law professor, but did they really expect this controversial appointment to go without constant comment at one of the most liberal schools in America? Now the bathrooms in Berkeley’s law school, Boalt Hall offer toilet paper printed with text of the Convention Against Torture, which Yoo famously shit on…

Prankster Matt Cornell replaced the toilet paper in Boalt Hall early this morning to “draw attention to the ongoing consequences of the torture memos.” His website is

Extremist Yoo recently claimed that the President is legally-permitted to use nuclear weapons against civilians, massacre entire villages and to “crush the testicles” of a suspect’s child. Woo is one of those people who doesn’t get it and never will. It’s incomprehensible why Berkeley would employ a moral pariah like Yoo to train the next generation of lawyers.


Thank you—no really, THANK YOU—Matt Cornell!

Posted by Richard Metzger
05:24 pm
No Health Insurance? Pay Your Doctor in Chicken Sez Republican Senate Hopeful
01:39 pm

Senator Harry Reid’s would-be challenger in this November’s election, casino owner Susan Lowden actually has the nerve to suggest that those without health insurance simply barge their way past reception and offer to barter with the doctor. How fucking retarded is that? What a huge gift to Reid’s re-election campaign.

thx Simon Glickman !


Posted by Brad Laner
01:39 pm
Introducing The-Dear-Leader-To-Be: Kim Jong-Un?
12:27 pm

(Kim Jong-Un, left, beside his father, Kim Jong-Il)
How do you know you’re being groomed for something higher in North Korea?  Rather than feed your own people, you organize a pricey fireworks display!

The Mainichi newspaper printed a photo of a round-faced and well-dressed man accompanying North Korea’s “Dear Leader” on a visit to a steel mill in North Hamgyong Province in March.

Kim Jong-un is being groomed to take over from his father, whom some experts believe to be suffering from the after-effects of a stroke that has been worsened by long-standing diabetes as well as kidney and heart disease.  Little is known of his third son and the last photos confirmed to have been of Kim Jong-un were taken when he was in his early teens. Now believed to be in his late 20s, North Korea’s state-run media has been gradually raising his profile over the last 18 months, since his two other brothers apparently fell out of favour.

Kim Jong-un last week organised the fireworks display along the Taedong River in Pyongyang to mark “The Day of the Sun,” the 98th anniversary of the birth of Kim Il-sung, the founder of the nation and Kim Jong-il’s father.  Kim Jong-il was himself entrusted with the event shortly before assuming a more important role in the Central Committee of the North Korean Workers’ Party.
The lavish fireworks display is estimated to have cost $5.4 million (£3.5 million).

This week, China, North Korea’s closest ally, predicted serious food shortages in North Korea in May due to a poor harvest last year. The regime reportedly requires 2 million tons of corn and other foodstuffs to stave off another famine.

North Korea: Rare Photograph of Kim Jong-il’s Heir Apparent Emerges

Posted by Bradley Novicoff
12:27 pm
Unicorn and Son
11:50 am

(via Unique Daily)

Posted by Tara McGinley
11:50 am
Meditating On Cancer With Adam Yauch And Yoko Ono
11:30 am

Beastie Boy Adam Yauch is rallying the masses, and Yoko Ono, to help in his fight against cancer by engaging in a twice-daily meditation session.  From the letter sent out to the Beastie Boys mailing list:


wanted to send this out to you guys in case you were into it, or wanted to give it to anyone who you think might be.

a few friends and i are meditating at the same time twice a day.  9:30am and 6:30pm eastern standard time, for about an hour and half.

we are picturing smashing apart all of the cancer cells in the world.

we are visualizing taking the energy away from the cancer, and then sending it back at the cancer as lightening bolts that will break apart the DNA and RNA of the cells.  if you have the time, please join us in whipping up this lightening storm.  mind over matter…...

if you prefer to sit then sit, but if you are not used to meditating, or sitting quietly doesn’t sound like fun, put on some music and dance while you do the visualization, and if you want to do it at some other time, or picture curing some other illness that’s fine too.  yoko will be joining the meditation by visualizing all of us dancing with joy to celebrate the world without cancer.  all variations are welcome.  this is really just being done with a wish for all beings to be cured of all illnesses and to find true lasting happiness.

i’ll also be saying prayers for the earthquake victims in tibet, so join in on that if you can too.

please feel free to pass this onto anyone who you think may find it interesting.

with all my love,

adam yauch

I’m running out of time here on the West Coast for that first round of meditation, but I’ll be there for the second.  Beyond meditating for Yauch and the victims of the Tibetan earthquake, I do plan on taking it a bit further.

If the world is to be truly washed clean of “all illness,” can we not please link minds and find a way to cure it of this, and this, and oh, yes, this?!  “Radio Beastie” follows below:

Posted by Bradley Novicoff
11:30 am
Doin’ the Coachella Strut (C-strut) by Eric Wareheim
11:25 am

From Eric Wareheim’s YouTube channel: “People are in such a rush to get to the next performance nowadays. Eric Wareheim and Doug Lussenhop prefer to slow it down and take in the beauty of the grounds and the people around them. Just lil baby steps to the beat.”

Posted by Tara McGinley
11:25 am
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