Grandmother tips on social media, Instagram and Vimeo
12:57 pm

Chacho Puebla thought it would be interesting and funny to see what kind of advice our generation will be giving to our future grandchildren.

Meemaw always knows best, doesn’t she?

As my son gets older and I get more grey hair, I wonder what kind of advice will I give to my grand kids? My three grandmothers were always giving me sermons instead of tips. “Be carfeul with your money.” “Don´get invloved with that girl,” “Save,” “Get a haircut, you look like a hippie,” and all those classic parent, grandparent comments.

When you´re younger you think you´ll never fall into that same kind of discourse, until you find yourself talking about stupid (cliché) stuff with your kid, about how important school is and if you don´t have a degree you´re nobody. I hope I can give better advice some day. In the meantime, here are some tips my grandmother should have given me.


See more of Meemaw’s very important tips here.

(via Nerdcore)


Posted by Tara McGinley
12:57 pm
Know the warning signs of art
12:20 pm

Detroit’s College for Creative Studies has fun while trying to recruit new students with their “anti-drug PSA” ads.

I like it. Now I wanna go to art school, too!

More ads from CCS after the jump…

Posted by Tara McGinley
12:20 pm
Lou Reed and Metallica’s ‘Lulu’: Truth in advertising
11:02 am
Posted by Tara McGinley
11:02 am
Joyce D’Vision: the world’s first drag queen Joy Division tribute act
09:52 am

So, dear readers, this is one of the things I do when I am not busy scribbling and posting here on DM - I am part of a Joy Division tribute act called Joyce D’Vision. As the name would suggest, it’s not just any run-of-the-mill tribute act - it’s a drag queen tribute, fusing those two quintessentially Northern English traits of woe-is-me miserableism and end-of-the-pier transvestitism.

Before you ask, no, I am not Joyce D’Vision herself, but rather Noel Order, keyboard whizz extraordinaire and Bontempi aficionado. Joyce is played by the very talented Joe Spencer, and we are often joined on stage by other queens such as Sheela Blige, Kurt Dirt and Sahara Dolce. Joyce has been lucky enough to share the stage with British queer performance legends like David Hoyle (The Divine David) and Scottee Scottee (Eat Your Heart Out), but those were just warm-ups for what happened last week…

A few months ago Joe took part in a reality competition show May The Best House Win, where Joyce and friends had a cameo near the end. The program was finally broadcast last Tuesday, and seen by the comedian Harry Hill, himself a fan of Joy Division. Harry hosts a show called TV Burp, which looks over the best bits of the last week’s telly, and he invited Joyce and her friends to London to sing live on the show. Joyce performed as the final segment on the final show of the series, which was broadcast right before X Factor. Meaning that this went out on a Saturday evening, just after dinner time when everyone’s getting ready to watch the biggest show of the week. Seriously - that’s prime fucking time.

The reaction since (mostly gauged through Twitter) has been interesting - some people really get it, while others have stated that Ian Curtis would be rolling in his grave. I like to think Curtis would have seen the funny side, as would Tony Wilson I’m sure, and we have heard through the grapevine that there are even Joyce fans in the New Order camp.

Joyce D’Vision is not done out of hatred of the band or the man, but rather from love - and a simple desire to deflate the pomposity that surrounds JD and their legend, as perpetuated by magazines like NME and high street stores like Primark (currently selling an Ian Curtis t-shirt). So while the idea (and sight) of a fat, bearded man in a wig singing a boss nova version of “Love Will Tear Us Apart” is definitely going to rub some people up the wrong way, I’m pretty sure our readers here at DM can handle it:

For more info on Joyce, visit her Facebook page.

Posted by Niall O'Conghaile
09:52 am
Ugly Renaissance Babies
06:54 pm

The Lactation of St. Bernard. Mary seriously needs to work on her aim, though Shrunken Head Christ certainly isn’t helping.
Thank you to Dangerous Mind reader Annie for turning me on to Ugly Renaissance Babies where “The kids aren’t alright.”

Andrea d’Agnolo, 1515, Madonna of the Holy Fucking Bird-Faced Christ

Peter Paul Rubens. Long-Baby Jesus doesn’t give a shit.

Posted by Tara McGinley
06:54 pm
Cheshire Cat Snuggie
03:30 pm

Man I loathe Snuggies, but this Cheshire Cat from Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland I found on Amazon for $44.99 is rather… evil looking? Is an evil looking Snuggie even possible?

Posted by Tara McGinley
03:30 pm
Holy war on Facebook: Keep ‘Thor’ in Thursday
02:26 pm

The God of Thunder won’t like it one bit!

Here’s the mighty Thor GIF in honor of Thorsday!
(via reddit)

Posted by Tara McGinley
02:26 pm
Bob Ross feeds a precious little squirrel
01:54 pm

Eternally calm Bob Ross demonstrates the delicate operation on how to feed a tiny squirrel. Aren’t they the most precious little characters you’ve ever seen?

(via Mister Honk)

Posted by Tara McGinley
01:54 pm
‘Raising Arizona’ cast graces the cover of a 1998 Serbian eighth grade biology textbook
12:27 pm

This is why the Internet exists. No one seems to know why an image of Nic Cage, Holly Hunter and a baby appears on an eighth-grade Serbian biology textbook. There’s no explanation for this one.
(via Neatorama)

Posted by Tara McGinley
12:27 pm
Rube Paul: Extremely ill-advised Ron Paul TV appearance, 1988
11:40 am

Eagle-eyed readers may have noticed that I added a tag for “Congressman Ron Paul” to the post about the nearly completely unknown, but nevertheless quite amazing occult rock group Kongress. This may have seemed like a mistake. It wasn’t.

So what’s the connection between the Republican Texas congressman currently making his third for president and an insane rock group that made the New York Dolls look like pikers, you ask? That would be Dangerous Minds pal Otto von Ruggins, the group’s keyboard player, who appeared several times on The Morton Downey Jr. Show, a pre-Jerry Springer, late 80s syndicated “talkshow.”  One time he was on the program, his fellow guest was then former US Congressman Ron Paul. The discussion was the war on drugs.

Imagine what the people look like who comment on the Fox Nation website and then picture a group of such unhinged yoo-hoos as a talkshow audience. Downey Jr. loved to pit his guests against each other and the Cro-Magnon audience members, who were dubbed “Loudmouths.” Downey Jr and his guests and audience screamed at each other with seething hatred and low IQs. The Morton Downey Jr. Show was the original “trash teevee” show. Just about the only advertisers were local bail bondsmen.

Judging from the evidence that he actually agreed to go on The Morton Downey Jr. Show, I think it’s safe to assume that Ron Paul, who was then running as the Libertarian Party’s candidate for President, never, ever thought he was going to get anywhere near the White House and was probably just trying to do what he could to spread the word about Libertarianism. Still, it was pretty ill-advised to go on a show like this.

I’m sure Ron Paul would like to forget he was ever on The Morton Downey Jr. Show. Too bad! Here is Otto’s recollection of the taping:

I remember the first time I was called to be on The Morton Downey, Jr. Show.  He was there in NYC’s Channel 9 Secaucus, NJ studio before Jerry Springer took occupancy.  I had written a letter to his producer suggesting they do a show about the legalization of drugs.  I even recommended some guests for them - Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw, the Life Extension authors and MIT graduate research scientists.  I was told they had no budget to fly people in, but they wanted me to come on the show.

Ten minutes into the show, I was at home base, on stage with Mort, telling him, “I’ve come to slay Dracula!” I made a positive showing, but 45 minutes into the show, my supervisor in the Post Office got a call from the Post Mistress telling him his employee was on the show talking about giving away free drugs and what was he going to do about it?  He calmly told her I was a professional, one of his best workers and what I did on my own time was my business.  Eventually, I told her I was going on again, displaying to her the Time Magazine cover story on the subject.

My best appearance (I was on six times, they loved me so much) was a July 4th aired show in 1988 where I wore a black and white checkered shirt under a black Teddy Boy jacket with red velvet collar and cuffs.  Colonel Bo Gritz, a most decorated Viet Nam vet was also on, telling how Uncle Sam was in the drug business, naming names like Richard Armitage and Frank Carlucci, who would later surface as Chairman of the Carlyle Group with Bush connections, after his stint in the Reagan Administration.  I fended off Downey’s initial comment that if I had wheels, I’d look like a checkered cab by declaring that “As outrageous as the war on drugs is, that’s how outrageous I have to dress to give all you mad men out there who want to fight the war on drugs, a sobering dose of reality - and for all you women out there who want to fight the war on drugs, you’re mad men, too!”  Downey’s response was, “Sounds like if this was a whore house and you had a thousand dollars, you wouldn’t see any action.”  I quipped back, “I didn’t come to fuck around!”

The prime time national debut on that show was the appearance of then Libertarian Party candidate for President, Ron Paul who, when Downey accused me of looking like I just came from Emmett Kelly’s funeral, rose to my defense with -  “Stick to the issues, Mort, and don’t attack the way he’s dressed!”  Mort quickly ripped Ron Paul’s candidacy, “If I had a slime like you in the White House, I’d puke on you!”  It was that clip with me in my glorious outfit and Mort raising his arms over Paul that made it to ABC-TV’s New Year’s Eve highlights of the year in review with Sam Donaldson.

As I came off the stage at the end of the show, I was grabbed by the arm by what I thought was some Fed accosting me for trying to burn the Constitution earlier—Mort stopped me—but it was some representative from Nightline who wanted to know what it was like to be on The Morton Downey, Jr. Show. My response, which was not aired, was, “It’s like being high without drugs!”

Below, a boisterous excerpt from the July 4th, 1988 “War on Drugs” episode of The Morton Downey Jr. Show with Ron Paul, Otto von Ruggins and in the audience, then-Guardian Angel Lisa Sliwa, now known as Fox News correspondent, Lisa Evers.

At about the one minute mark, Downey Jr. tells Ron Paul what he’d like to do to him if he ever becomes president…

Posted by Richard Metzger
11:40 am
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