Wingnut Woodstock: A look at the supporters of Rick Perry’s prayer and fasting event

A look at some of the deranged Christianist leaders supporting the prayer and fasting event Texas Governor Rick Perry is sponsoring along with the American Family Association, the anti-gay/anti-Islam/anti-modern world far-right religious organization that hates pretty much everybody except other Christian white people. It’ll be the Woodstock of wingnuts this August in Houston!

Earlier this year, Rick Perry asked all Texans to pray it would rain for three whole days to relieve drought conditions and halt raging fires. Maybe Texans didn’t pray hard enough, because it didn’t work. Now he wants the entire country to get together, as Americans, to pray to the invisible man in the sky so that he will solve our nation’s seemingly intractable problems! Sounds like a plan to me. Not a very good one, but a plan nevertheless.

This video was put together by Right Wing Watch but it almost plays like it was cut by one of the Everything is Terrible collective. No wonder young people are leaving religion behind in record numbers. I just pray Perry never holds an elected office higher than governor of Texas.


Posted by Richard Metzger
09:35 pm
Drunk on the blood of Jesus: Three minutes of WTF?

Yet another video of a group of Christian people acting like idiots. That’s not a value judgement, they really ARE actinglike idiots. See for yourself. Is “idiots” an unfair characterization of these folks? I think not!

What might appear to be a bunch of lames being fed acid by a potbellied cult leader in a room full of laughing gas, is in fact, a communion service offered by often completely incomprehensible, potbellied evangelist John Crowder.

Trust me, it’s a solid 3 minutes of WHAT THE FUCK?

How do you explain this type of behavior? As I was watching it, I was thinking how Crowder himself must be laughing at these people for acting this way. He obviously KNOWS its bullshit and he must secretly laugh his ass off when witnessing the idiocy of his followers.

Then he goes home and counts their money. What an easy gig he’s got, speak some gibberish, dip a baguette into a wine glass, and gullible, dumb people give you money!

Bonus clip: John Crowder is truly off his rocker. You see, to get across just how hopped up with God’s love he is, Crowder just can’t express it in mere words. So he uses noises, grunts and non sequiturs, instead. In this video he claims that his followers have experienced “instant weight loss miracles,” that he “healed” a woman who could suddenly “see” though a glass eye(!) and the deaf can hear after he prays for them. He also claims that he was in Ireland and in Georgia at the same time. No one questions this supernatural claim, of course, because God is great!

Via Christian Nightmares


Posted by Richard Metzger
01:27 pm
Marcus Bachmann made ‘honorary member’ of Gaydar

This is going to be the greatest presidential election cycle in American history, I just know it:

In light of Marcus Bachmann’s spike in popularity on gay and gay-friendly blogs across the U.S., internet dating megasite is offering the the husband of Tea Party presidential candidate Michele Bachmann (R-MN) a complimentary lifetime membership. As a rep at Gaydar HQ explains, “Marcus Bachmann is popping up on everyone else’s gaydar, we figure he might want to be on the real Gaydar! With over six million members, we like to think Gaydar is the picture of inclusivity–from swarthy barbarians to piggy politicos–all are welcome!”


Posted by Richard Metzger
06:37 pm
Bristol Palin segment on CBN sums up much that is wrong about America
05:21 pm

Bristol Palin, 20,  the CEO of BSMP, a lobbying, public relations and political consulting services firm, discusses her memoirs, Not Afraid of Life: My Journey So Far on CBN.

What has Bristol Palin done in her life except get pregnant, go on Dancing With the Stars and have some ill-advised plastic surgery? Seems like that would merit more a magazine article than an entire book...

And who would buy Not Afraid of Life: My Journey So Far and actually READ it? Someone who “reads” and who is literate, isn’t going to give a rat’s ass about a book by a 20-year-old idiot. No wonder the publishing industry is in the doldrums: They’re publishing books specifically targeted to PEOPLE WHO DO NOT READ. That seems like a good idea.

Then again, what do I know?

“How do you explain the viciousness and the bias of the liberal media against you and your family?

Um, how’s about ‘cos they’re pathologically shameless snowbilly grifters transparently desperate for the public’s attention and being able to “capitalize” on their rapidly ending moment in the sun?

The more pertinent question to ask is why the rightwing media builds up someone like Bristol Palin in the first place? She’s an odd role model for the Christian Broadcasting Network to push, that’s for sure. This interview is ridiculous, especially towards the end. That interviewer is a real pro, too. She acts like she can’t believe she’s in the presence of such an important celebrity. Then again, in the world of CBN, Bristol Palin kinda IS a big celebrity. This video says so much about America, don’t you think?

Via Joe.My.God.

Posted by Richard Metzger
05:21 pm
Michele Bachmann and Lou Engle pray to stop healthcare reform

Rep. Michele Bachmann delivers a kooky and meandering entreaty to the Lord her God during the Family Research Council’s 2009 “Prayercast” event to thwart passage of healthcare reform legislation. GOD DOESN’T WANT EVERYONE TO HAVE HEALTH INSURANCE, HIPPIE!

Towards the end, when Lou Engle starts talking it gets truly spooky. I wish they were all wearing hooded robes like monks in that part (in my mind, they were wearing them).

Engle, if his name doesn’t ring a bell, is the asshat who traveled to Uganda to help promote the so-called “Kill the Gays” law there. He’s been called “the unofficial prayer leader of the Republican Party,” a distinction I for one feel he richly deserves!

Via Right Wing Watch

Posted by Richard Metzger
01:22 pm
Anti-gay TV commercial is not an Onion parody (although it’s difficult to tell)

This is not a parody, even though it’s kind of, sort of… (not really) funny. I guess it’s laugh at it funny.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s also vile and pure evil, but this puppy is also so patently ridiculous that it’s very, very close to being a self-parody. Crank up the volume on the absurdities therein about 5%—not even—and it could be an Onion video.

But it’s not.

Note that the name to send the money to is that of loathsome bigot, Sid Roth, a Jew for Jesus-type who is the host of his own idiotic Christianist pukefest called It’s Supernatural! The book was written by his frequent guest and crony, Dr. Michael Brown.

For quite reasonable, uh, reasons, I normally strongly suspect all anti-gay Christianists of being closet cases themselves. The more they are against gay rights, I say the more likely they’re smoking “Tina” with rent boys. It seems to be a natural law or something, doesn’t it? For the record, though, I don’t feel this way about Sid Roth. I don’t think Roth is a closeted gay man at all. I just think Sid Roth is a fucking idiot.

In the end, it’s assholes like Sid Roth, his buddy Michael Brown and the likes of Bryan Fischer and Tony Perkins who are their cause’s own worst enemies. They themselves are actually hastening the day when homosexual men and women across America will have the same civil rights that the rest of us enjoy. By consistently turning out hateful, idiotic nonsense like this, they are performing the same task for today’s younger people—who will want NOTHING to do with Christianity if this is how it defines itself—as those hateful little Chick Christian comics did for my generation. I’ll say it again: It’s guys like this, who by virtue of being so repulsive and bigoted, simply turn young people off Christianity altogether.

No matter what these guys come up with, our side always wins in the end: Because they are wrong.

Bonus moronic Sid Roth clip: “Man Proves Hell is Real (Includes Live Action Hell)”

Previously on Dangerous Minds
The Supernatural Evil Spell of Homosexuality
Via On Knees for Jesus


Posted by Richard Metzger
10:38 pm
KY Tea Party vendor sells ‘Yup, I’m a Racist’ tee-shirt
11:51 am

Happy 5th of July! I hope everyone had a nice weekend. We certainly did, but then again, we weren’t anywhere near Lexington, Kentucky and this idiotic vendor of (patriotic?) racist tee-shirts.

The other tee this Tea partier sells reads: “INFIDEL: Everything I Need to Know About Islam I Learned on 9/11.”  Charming.

Here’s what Wonkette had to say about this gentleman and his wares:

This is how serious the birth control situation is in Kentucky, because broken condoms result in tragedies like this man, selling apparel to people who want to honor America’s founding dressed like hobo Klansmen.

This photo works on so many levels. It deserves a Pulitzer prize. So heavy meta. Someone who lives in the area should do a documentary about this guy. He’s such a ONE-MAN SYMBOL OF AMERICA TODAY.

I wonder how many of these tee-shirts he sold?

(With apologies to Wonkette for heisting their post, but this one is too good not to reblog.)

Posted by Richard Metzger
11:51 am
Tea Party Nation activist takes idiotic pro-LGBT bullying in schools stance

Tea Party Nation brainiac Rich Swier (also an activist with the anti-Muslim group ACT! For America) thinks bullying is actually GOOD for gay kids.

After a Florida group, Gulf Coast Gives, announced that they were intending to raise funds to bring wrestler Hudson Taylor—a brave and outspoken heterosexual advocate for gay rights, somewhat of a rarity in the sports world—to the state, Swier sent a poorly-thought out missive to Tea Party Nation members comparing homosexuality to drug addiction and calling concerns over LGBT bullying a “sham.” Via Right Wing Watch:

Gulf Coast Gives is working to raise funds to bring homosexual activist Hudson Taylor to Sarasota, FL. According to their website:

“77% of all bullying victims are picked on due to sexual orientation, gender identity, or the perception of either. LGBT youth are up to five times more likely to attempt suicide than their straight counterparts. ALSO Out Youth is the only LGBT youth organization serving both Sarasota and Manatee Counties, providing advocacy, leadership, support, and outreach since 1992. Please support ALSO in bringing Hudson Taylor to Sarasota. Hudson, an outstanding athlete, is a committed LGBT advocate and founder of Athlete Ally.”

The problem is the entire bullying campaign is a sham created by radical gay activist Kevin Jennings. Jennings is the founder of the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network (GLSEN). As reports, “The homosexual movement in the public schools has always been based on lies and deception. But until the mid-1990s, they were still having difficulty getting into the schools. Then they found the key to their huge success—what they call ‘re-framing the issue’”.

This is not bullying. It is peer pressure and is healthy. There are many bad behaviors such as smoking, under age drinking and drug abuse that are behaviors that cannot be condoned. Homosexuality falls into this category. Homosexuality is simply bad behavior that youth see as such and rightly pressure their peers to stop it. In Sarasota County over 70% of all HIV/AIDS cases are due to male sex with males.

I agree with Gulf Coast Gives that “LGBT youth are up to five times more likely to attempt suicide than their straight counterparts”. Homosexuality, like drugs, harms young people if they experement [sic] with it. That is the greatest tragedy.

It would be pointless to add anything snarky to a statement this lacking in sophistication and intelligence. Rich Swier is obviously a goddamned buffoon, but I must say, I do eagerly await news of his dalliances with rent boys to come to light, don’t you?

Looks to me like yet another case of a lady who doth protest too much.As with all the most outspoken “Christianist” homophobes, with Rich Swier, probably all we have to do is wait…

Swier is such a low-life that he even posted his essay on the Gulf Coast Gives fundraising page! If you want to donate to a good cause—and annoy this flaming asshole in the process—you can visit the Gulf Coast Gives website here and contribute to the fund to bring Hudson Taylor to Sarasota.

Posted by Richard Metzger
01:38 pm
Vile Republican policies set the stage for socialist revolution in America
02:40 pm

If you can watch this without feeling really (really) shitty about what America has become—or just sobbing—then you must be a fucking Republican.

I was so enraged when I watched this that I felt like my teeth were going to break. (Florida governor Rick Scott can thank his lucky stars he was not in my office at the time. The nicest thing I’d like to do to him is spit right in his face).

ONE QUARTER of American children are living in poverty. In the richest country in the history of the world.

One out of four. HOW is this possible? (Hint: It has a lil’ sumpthin’ sumpthin’ to do with the top 1% having most of the wealth and wealth-producing assets and the entire system being rigged for their exclusive benefit. You can probably work the rest of it out yourself.)

It’s not for some “mysterious” reasons that we’re in this situation. The people who decided to give the super-rich tax cuts while these kids got doomed to such impoverished childhoods HAVE FIRST AND LAST NAMES.


23.7 trillion dollars for Wall Street and fuck all for these kids?

They don’t vote. Yet.

These kids aren’t dumb, imagine what attitudes they’re going to have towards “the system” (and Republicans!) in another decade? Could even the most callous free-marketeer blame them?

They are being shaped now. Their eyes seem wide open to me.

It’s almost funny—-I said “almost”—to ponder that it’s the likes of “conservatives” Rick Scott, Wisconsin governor Scott Walker, Michigan governor Rick Synder—-NOT TO MENTION THE ENTIRE REPUBLICAN PARTY—who history will see as being the ones who set in motion the policies that saw a generation of American children raised in Dickensian poverty. Polices that, historically, will be seen to have set the stage for inevitable socialist uprising in America. (Doubt what I am saying? Let’s talk again in 2021, ‘kay?).

If even 60 Minutes is running stories like this one, how much longer will it take before there are massive demonstrations and rioting in the streets?

This country needs another WPA like it did in during the FIRST Great Depression and it needed it three years ago. I don’t know about where you live, but here in Los Angeles, the roads sure have a hell of a lot of potholes that need fixing (it’s becoming a disgrace). Do you reckon that the fathers of any of these children would turn a state roads job down?

How much longer can the center hold? Is it even worth it to try to keep it together any longer?

Previously on Dangerous Minds:
THIS is what America has become, a cruel, cruel society


Posted by Richard Metzger
02:40 pm
The answer is ‘free gay porn’ & ‘God,’ but what’s the question?

As Wonkette ever so drolly points out (so blame them, disgruntled Mississippians, not me):

[E]ver since the nation’s poorest, most obese and reliably Republican-voting state got Internet access last year, the main thing the people of Mississippi have been looking for, on the ‘puter, is “free gay porn” and “God.”

In that order.

Make of that what you will…

See the full chart at Calamities of Nature


Posted by Richard Metzger
04:45 pm
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