Run, Sarah, Run: Sarah Palin (apparently) has BIG plans for the GOP convention

It would be the defining moment of recent American history if the dingbat who recently spoke this jabberwocky…

[Obama is] underestimating the wisdom of women. Because women understand there is access to preventative care and contraception out there, and we don’t need government to tell our employers that they must provide that for us.

Truly, it is a war on our religious liberties and that violation of conscience that he would mandate that is un-American because it violates our First Amendment in our Constitution.”

... were to accept the Presidential nomination at a deadlocked Republican convention this summer.

On Fox Business Network’s Follow the Money program the other day, host Eric Bolling tossed Sarah Palin a softball when the two discussed a brokered convention. She took the bait like a fish chomping on a hooked worm. Quite like that, in fact…

Via Politico:

“If one of the nominees, one of the GOPers, doesn’t get enough delegates, it could go to a brokered convention,” said Fox Business Network’s Eric Bolling in an interview. “If it does get to that, and someone said, ‘Governor, would you be interested,’ would you be interested?”

“For one, I think that it could get to that. … If it had to be closed up today, the whole nominating process, then we could be looking at a brokered convention. … Nobody is quite there yet, so I think that months from now, if that is the case, all bets are off as to who it will be, willing to offer up themselves up in their name in service to their country.”

“I would do whatever I could to help,” she added, her voice rising.

“That’s, that’s fantastic,” replied Bolling.

Oh yes it would be! Run, Sarah, run!

The money shot happens in the last two minutes. Priceless her messianic megalomania, isn’t it?

Via Wonkette

Posted by Richard Metzger
02:00 pm
Sad-sack Andrew Breitbart doubles down on the crazy, humiliates himself on ‘The Young Turks’

Referring to the utterly demented incident last weekend when Andrew Breitbart apparently lost his mind screaming “Stop raping people” to a group of Occupy movement protesters who were razzing him at CPAC, last night on Current TV’s The Young Turks, host Cenk Uygur posed the following hypothetical question to an increasingly slobby-looking Breitbart:

“So what you’re doing is you’re smearing the entire movement with what some people — who oftentimes, in almost all these instances came into abuse the people that were in that movement — can I then paint with the same broad stroke that you are part of a group, Republicans and conservatives, who like to have gay sex in bathrooms and then gay sex with prostitutes and then smoke crack off their ass? And then I come up to you and your group of friends and started saying ‘Hey! Stop having gay sex in bathrooms! Stop having gay sex in bathrooms! Behave yourselves!’ Would that be fair?”

Brietbart claims his behavior was a “stunt” to get the mainstream media to report more accurately on the Occupy movement, but comes off more like a disheveled loser trying—unsuccessfully to say the least—to make the best of having to go on TV to discuss a viral video of himself looking like a flaming fucking asshole making the rounds. Looking worse than Balloon Boy’s father is a position most people with a shred of dignity would not put themselves in, but what do I know of Breitbart’s “stunts.” MAYBE HE’S GOT THE MAINSTREAM LIBERAL MEDIA RIGHT WHERE HE WANTS THEM!!!!!

Or something!

Andrew Breitbart is clearly not a well man. You can see it in his crazy fucking rage-filled eyes. He looks like he’s barely holding it together these days. If it’s revealed that he’s taken to shitting in diapers, that wouldn’t surprise me one bit…

Still, I invite you to have a laugh at the expense of a man destined for an aneurysm or a rubber room as Uygur expertly lowers the boom on this foaming at the mouth nutcase:

Posted by Richard Metzger
07:40 pm
Whitney Houston’s death really brings out the trolls at Fox News website
01:50 pm

The deaths of celebrities have become predictably ghoulish spectacles, not only in the media (which is to be expected) but also in the misplaced “grief” and “deep love” that the public feels anew for the freshly deceased, as can be tallied up in the number of frantic Facebook wall and Twitter over-posting “tributes” that happen whenever someone famous dies. There’s a whole “firstism” tackiness to it all that makes me feel uncomfortable. And it’s so ritualized and dumbly Pavolian. I just don’t get it.

But something else I don’t get is how the occasion of Whitney Houston’s passing became such an excuse/empowerment for the worst racist trolling that I’ve seen in some time on the Fox News website, much that mentions President Obama, of course.

The Fox News website is always a hotbed of feverish racism and low IQ buffoonery, but usually they can’t be bothered to scrub their forums of it (there would be little else left) and so stuff like this tends to linger for a while. In this instance though, several hundred of the most egregious comments have already removed due to a public shaming by lefty websites. Comments that often had numerous “likes,” I should add.

Little Green Footballs cataloged some of them before they were deleted. Note how good the Fox New-watching trolls are at misspelling certain words so the filters won’t catch them (Actually they seem pretty good at misspelling almost anything, what am I saying?).

Hold your nose and take an “anthropological” look at what conservatives say to each other when they think no one else is paying attention [TO BE CLEAR: I removed spaces between the comments so this post wasn’t a mile long, but each paragraph here was from a different poster, this is not one long rant, as it might appear to be]:

A tragedy is when someones passes away from a terminal disease or something else that no one saw coming.Whitney is just an inferior lo w life ni gg er that needed to go,no tragedy,no loss.

Any death is a tragedy you heartless bástard.

not nignogs their death is a plus

SHe couldn’t even sell issues of “the national enquirer” anymore. Everyone was tired of the TNB. Niqqer flaps her lips and screeches, niqqer becomes rich. Niqqer ends up nearly broke after spending all of her money. Niqqer in constant fights and drug binges. Niqqer ODs when she learns she’s nearly broke and she is so wasted physically she can’t make another album. Niqqer hit the end of the road, niqqer thinking and niqqer behavior led her to where she had nothing. She couldn’t face life without the “bling bling”, she knew she would never have any more “kaching kaching”


I am now patiently waiting for the grand messiah Obama to have a blk fundraiser in honor of Whitley with Kevin Costner as guest of honor with all the Hollywood elites invited along with Alan Colmes, Al Sharpton, Jeremia Wright, Charles Rangel, etc. with a menu featuring blk eyed peas, grits, Imported Kobe steak, Dom Perignon, sweet potato pie and a mus lll im scarf as a momento of this great occasion.

Of course the door prize will be an all expense paid trip to Kenya to visit the Obama tribe and birthplace of his ancestors while the American people still look for this imposter’s birth certificate in Hawaii !!!


This is typical of the blk gene pool; it happens all the time. They cannot handle fame and fortune whether it’s derived from music, acting, sports or just plain entertainment. Too much fame and too much money at one time will ki ll ll you.

How many blk people have died from drugs including alcohol that have been in the sports and the entertainment industry or screwed up their married lives like Tiger Woods or worse, OJ Simpson !!!

This is the same disease that got Obama voted into the White House.


i don’t even consider them to be included in the human race let alone on a pedistal. the people that do are a bunch of loosers.

Story goes Obama sh0ved to much cr@ck up the wh0res @zz when he was going to sniiff it…

Obvious the use of to much hair strengthener did her in.That s__t will peel paint!

unfortunately like most nignog crack hoes she was able to apply her trade on “da streets”

Another nignog off the public social rolls

BIack females are the fattest segment of the population. BIack males are the most murderousss segment of the population. Africans have the lowest IQ of all people.

Like most of her species, she suffered from chronic stupidity.

tough break niqqer.

Nothing wrong with Coors, what is good about it most_n i g g e r s_ don’t like it

oh niqqa please,nigga please.

one of the only b l a c k chics i would have ever banged…..once you go c r ack er… dont do cr a c k

Woo Hoo One less obama voter

Whitney who?!? some /\/iggress music artist that had a couple of hits in the early 90’s. She’s since been forgotten and now she’s dead.. Who cares..

Africans love their drugs.

Jungle Buggie ??

This is a good lesson for all of you God loving Christian girls out there, stay away from “Jungle Love.”

One less bIack crack addict in the world today. Not such a big loss.

We Whiteys dont care about some monkey crackhead, change the headline!

How funny would it be if they fuckedup the tombstone. WHITEY HOUSTON

Their are B L A C K S and their are N i G G A S, which class do you put her mentor Bobby Brown into??? Whitney chose ???

Who cares? Black_trash gone is enough.

She is just like any other gh e tto queen.I hope the rest of these worthless piles in the inner cities follow her act .

What a waste of a good slit.


You know what you call Whitney Houston in a bathtub? A dead n i g g a h

Another buckwheat supporter bites the dust, oh well.

hatesandniqqers 3 hours ago

phuk you w hore,,,,,,,,,

Buckwheat is ne gro trash!

Bammy should not have given her crack from his personal stash!

B l a c k s have little to brag about about so they strut and crow about anything. The politically correct whites whine and cringe and try to be b l a c k themselves and identify with their “brothers”. Great singer but as stupid as her pal, the malignancy in the white house

she still be voting for the head niggg this nov

To bad it wasnt the monkey in the White House

If you’ve been thinking for some time that we’re living in an Idiocracy, these comments from the Fox News website will do nothing but strongly confirm that notion…

UPDATE: Fox News yanked ALL of the comments in that thread.

Conservatism Thrives on Low Intelligence and Poor Information (AlterNet)

When the Daily Mail calls rightwingers stupid, the result is dumbogeddon (The Guardian)

Posted by Richard Metzger
01:50 pm
‘Stop raping people!’: Andrew Breitbart (finally) loses his mind in public

After you watch Andrew Breitbart absolutely lose his goddamn shit, screaming his head off at Occupy protesters raising some hell at CPAC (telling them to “behave” and “stop raping people”) you will no longer wonder if he’s sane or not, because the answer is in his eyes. His crazy fucking eyes.

Can you imagine how he acts at home, in private?!?!? Yikes!

Via Little Green Footballs

Posted by Richard Metzger
10:50 pm
Terrible conservative ‘comic’ inadvertently explains the Republican brain to the rest of us
10:49 am

Hey smell this, it smells like shit…

Get a whiff of the action at yesterday’s CPAC event in Washington, DC where Brad Stine, truly one of the worst comics I’ve ever had the misfortune to listen to, speaks openly about “natural selection” to a bunch of wild and crazy Republicans. I do hope that some of them take his advice about not wearing seat-belts, I must say. It’s the patriotic duty of every conservative to protest having to wear seat-belts and use baby seats! Don’t do what that Obama tells you to do! Boycott motorcycle helmets, too, conservatives!

Stine, who looks like Gérard Depardieu’s less pretty younger brother, isn’t even a shitty version of Denis Leary and, of course, Denis Leary totally sucks. Even this audience seems rather chilly to Stine’s “talents.” If you are a glutton for punishment, you can watch his entire set here. You won’t laugh with Stine, but you will laugh at him..

If you think this is bad—and trust me, you will—then you have to see the Conservative dating advice seminar that took place at CPAC. Look at those guys! What misfortune in their lives made them such monumental plonkers? They all look like they were birthed in the same lab, then issued blue blazers, grey slacks and Bass Weejuns along with a lifetime subscription to the National Review and raised in Plato’s Cave with a TV that only got Fox News!

Via Right Wing Watch

Posted by Richard Metzger
10:49 am
Joan Crawford justice for Rick Santorum
03:54 pm

Santorum may have beat Mitt in Minnesota, Missouri and Colorado, but he’s no match for Mommie Dearest.

Joan, next time bring out the heavy artillery. A wire hanger!

Posted by Marc Campbell
03:54 pm
Rick Santorum is a big dumb stupid turd

That’s how Republican Presidential contender Rick Santorum parsed the news about today’s gay rights victory in California on Twitter.

Predictably, the reaction was withering to say the least. A selection can be seen on Wonkette.

But getting spanked on Twitter is one thing. In the real world, tonight, Santorum’s Christionist bigotry will be rewarded by overwhelming victories in Missouri, Colorado and Minnesota by GOP voters!

About the nicest thing I can think of to say about Rick Santorum—besides “Hey, schnazzy sweater vest ya got there, honky!”—is ... absolutely nothing.

Below, Rick Santorum gets a not-so-warm reception in New Hampshire… and these are Republican college students booing him!

Posted by Richard Metzger
10:08 pm
Razing Arizona: Wicked witch of the West Jan Brewer is latest GOP gov to take on unions

It looks like Jan Brewer, the mean-looking, lemon-faced old lady who rules Arizona from deep within her scorpion-protected lair in the Grand Canyon—I always picture her as a super-villain from the sixties Batman TV series—has decided to take on organized labor in her state.

AZ Republicans have already deeply offended Hispanic voters, so why not go for broke pissing off the public worker unions too? That worked so well for Scott Walker and John Kasich…

From the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees’s petition:

To the lawmakers, governors, policy-wonks, and corporate backers who are dead set on destroying unions in America:

Your latest attempt to dismantle workers’ rights in Arizona will not go unnoticed.

Firefighters, police officers, nurses, school bus drivers, home health care workers, public servants and workers of all kinds will not stand by while you scapegoat us – the people who play by the rules and do our fair share – and take away our rights by abusing your power and forcing through your extreme anti-worker laws.

No way. That’s all. NO WAY. We will fight back wherever you attack us. Because when you attack workers you also attack the work we do. Work that matters to every single person in this country – taking care of your grandparents, picking up your trash, making sure your kids are drinking clean water, putting out your fires, and so much more.

And in the end, we will win because the American people are overwhelmingly with us – they are us.

Where you see public workers and unions as a nuisance to get rid of, we see a movement. We see a movement of public and private workers, of moms and dads, of grandparents and students. We are the middle class and we will remember your abuse of power each and every time that we vote. That’s our promise.

A fascinating political strategy, indeed! Another recipe for Republican ruin!

Jan Brewer you are like a character from a Grimm’s fairy tale! You’re straight out of Central Casting for an “evil Republican,” but you could’ve played Rosa Kleb, too!

Sign the petition.

6 Things You Should Know About Arizona’s Worse-Than-Wisconsin’s Attack on Public Workers (AlterNet)

Below, a funny anti-Brewer ad using Brewer’s own brain-fart during a televised debate (She won the election anyway):

Posted by Richard Metzger
07:20 pm
Rick Santorum and the New Feminism(!)

[The title is not a joke, but you’ll have to bear with me…]

You’d think that as the parent of a child with a rare genetic disorder, Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum would have deep empathy for a fellow parent of a child with a rare genetic disorder—or if he was a true Christian as he claims to be, even support universal healthcare for everyone’s children—but… NOPE!

Tuesday, speaking to a crowd of more than 400 people in Woodland Park, Colorado, Santorum told this woman that free market capitalism should set prices for drugs, whether she could afford it for her kid or not. Via Crooks and Liars:

“People have no problem paying $900 for an iPad,” the candidate explained. “But paying $900 for a drug they have a problem with — it keeps you alive. Why? Because you’ve been conditioned to think health care is something you can get without having to pay for it.”

The mother replied that she could not afford her son’s medication, Abilify, which can cost as much as $1 million a year without health insurance.

“Look, I want your son and everybody to have the opportunity to stay alive on much-needed drugs,” Santorum insisted. “But the bottom line is, we have to give companies the incentive to make those drugs. And if they don’t have the incentive to make those drugs, your son won’t be alive and lots of other people in this country won’t be alive.”

“He’s alive today because drug companies provide care,” the candidate continued. “And if they didn’t think they could make money providing that drug, that drug wouldn’t be here. I sympathize with these compassionate cases. … I want your son to stay alive on much-needed drugs. Fact is, we need companies to have incentives to make drugs. If they don’t have incentives, they won’t make those drugs. We either believe in markets or we don’t.”

How’s about when it comes to healthcare, we don’t believe that free markets are the way to go? It’s as if the thought that there might be ANY other way of doing it never even entered this asshole’s mind or like he was prevented from grokking it by some sort of alien brain structure Republicans have that rejects common sense.

It’s painful to watch, but at the heart of this exchange is something that I think more and more American women—including, yes, even some Christian, conservative women—are going to realize as this election cycle goes on: Republican policies are bad for America’s children.

They don’t want universal healthcare. They’ve got health insurance for their families, so fuck yours.

They don’t want to pay for public schools. Their kids go to private schools, so fuck yours.

How much more obvious can they get before even the most brain-damaged Fox News viewer finally picks up on the fact that this country is going to Hell in a handbasket if the GOP is allowed to gut spending on healthcare, education, infrastructure and social services any more than the cowardly Democrats have already allowed them to. It’s getting obvious that America is becoming a meaner, shittier place to live and raise a family. The Republicans don’t care about the environment, woman’s health matters, the unemployed… What won’t they attack?

Despite what this pious hypocrite seem to believe, where does it say in the Bible that Rick Santorum’s kids should have the best medical care money can buy, but your kids..? Uh, sorry Charlie, that’s just the way the fucking free market works.

There are winners and losers in life and in Capitalism, so buck up, America! It’s God’s will that your kid died, even if you don’t believe in God!

If you ask me, one of the greatest untapped political forces that this country could ever see would be a movement comprised of mothers who know in their hearts that this country is engaging in a race straight to the bottom when men like Rick Santorum have the loudest voices in our society. An informed mother’s movement that knows exactly who (they do have names, addresses and Social Security numbers, of course) were responsible for flushing the future of America’s children down the toilet, would be a deadly Leviathan to the Republican Party and scare the shit out of the goddamned Democrats, too.

I’m a man, so forgive me for saying so, but I do feel strongly that right now is an appropriate historical moment and opportunity to redefine and expand upon the definition of what “Feminism” means for a new century’s evolutionary needs. I’m not saying that motherhood per se would be the necessary requirement, but I am suggesting that it might be the right time for a “new” kind of woman’s movement, not exactly Lysistrata but something along those lines.

Imagine, if you will, how a female politician would have answered that woman’s question in Colorado on Tuesday. This country would be a lot better off if more smart, progressive women would start running for state, local and national elections, because idiots like Rick Santorum are never going to change anything for the better, as he ably demonstrated in the way he answered this question. He should be ashamed to admit to such thoughts in public and yet this bozo thinks he should be elected President saying them aloud with a microphone in front of his face! It’s astonishing how misguided this chump is.


Posted by Richard Metzger
04:40 pm
‘Anal-obsessed’ anti-gay activist scolds Oprah, ‘Madea’ and ‘Big Momma’ for promoting ‘perversion’

“If what you got is common sense, hell, I don’t want none!”

If you enjoy radio shows where supposedly straight men discuss buttsecks, then “Peter LaBarbera’s Americans For Truth About Homosexuality Radio Hour” program is the show for you! On a recent installment, LaBarbera welcomed fellow anti-gay activist, North Carolina Pastor Patrick Wooden.

According to Right Wing Watch, Wooden:

“[...] responded to critics over his comments that he has an “anal obsession.” Wooden has claimed that gay men have to “wear a diaper or a butt plug just to be able to contain their bowels” when they are older as a result of shoving cellphones, baseball bats and animals in their anus. Wooden told LaBarbera that anal obsession is “the very basis of homosexuality” and he simply wants to tell gay men to “get it together, let the Lord deliver you and let God give you a woman, a wife, where you can enjoy the pleasures of a wife” and stop “participating in these perversive, sexual acts”

From the interview:

Wooden: Now it is amazing that you and I are called men who have the obsession with the anus, right? Anal obsession, is that what she said? Is that not the very basis of homosexuality? We’re not homosexuals. What we’re saying is, we’re saying to men, ‘hey, let’s get it together, let the Lord deliver you and let God give you a woman, a wife, where you can enjoy the pleasures of a wife.’ Now you’re talking about a case of the pot calling the kettle black, we have no anal-obsession, but we are armed with the truth about the damage that people are doing to their rectums and anuses as a result of participating in these perversive, sexual acts.

After going off on a tangent about Tyler Perry, Flip WIlson and Ru Paul, Wooden is asked about Oprah Winfrey:

LaBarbera: Now let’s go to a black liberal, Oprah, I wanted to get you to comment. I saw one of her final episodes before she went off the air, now she’s on her own network, she ended it and she had this appeal on homosexuality. When I looked in her eyes, I saw somebody who had become a hardened supporter of so-called same-sex so-called marriage, she has evolved, she has rejected her Christian upbringing, whatever Christian upbringing she had Patrick, she was a hardcore supporter of homosexuality and I wonder how that happened. Do you think that’s just a factor of swimming in that Hollywood environment?

Wooden: I think it is; I think it is a factor of swimming. I think and this is just my opinion I’ve never talked to Oprah in my life, I think it is part of the price that she had to pay in order to build her empire. I would say to her if I had the chance, hey Oprah what has a man or a woman profited if they gain the world and lose their souls, if they gain the world and lose themselves?

As the Firesign Theatree once said, “A stiff idiot is the worst kind!” I’d imagine that if Pastor Wooden actually had a chance to voice his anal obsessions to Oprah, she’d probably just react the way most normal people would, by telling him to go fuck himself. and mind his own business.

Listen to excerpts from the show on Right Wing Watch.

Posted by Richard Metzger
02:01 pm
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