Paging the Association for Autonomous Astronauts
03:14 pm


The Association for Autonomous Astronauts was a group dedicated to the individual, autonomous exploration of space, and wresting control of the right to space exploration away from NASA and giving it to the masses. Started, I believe, by Temple of Psychick Youth stalwart John Eden, the group was a situationist response to the militarization of space in theory and practice. They apparently had a lot of excellent parties. Stewart Home wrote about them in his anarchist compendium “Mind Invaders” back in the day.

Now that Obama has scarpered NASA’s manned flight plans, it seems like we need the AAA more than ever. Yet according to the web, their five-year-mission ended in 2000.

Does the Association for Autonomous Astronauts still exist? If any members happen to be reading this… what’s the status update?

Here’s their Wiki data:

The Association of Autonomous Astronauts is a worldwide network of community based groups dedicated to building their own spaceships. The AAA was founded 23 April 1995. Although many of their activities were reported as serious participation in conferences or protests against the militarization of space, some were also considered art pranks, media pranks, or just an elaborate spoof. The AAA had numerous local chapters which operated independently of one another, with the AAA effectively operating as a collective pseudonym along the lines of Luther Blissett (nom de plume).

The Association’s ostensible five-year mission, a reference to Star Trek, was to “establish a planetary network to end the monopoly of corporations, governments and the military over travel in space”. Artists who became involved were often connected to the zine scene or mail art movements. The five year mission’s completion was marked at the 2000 Fortean Times conference, although some chapters have continued activities to the present day. Several AAAers have experienced zero-gravity training flights.

Writer Tom Hodgkinson described them as “a loose bunch of Marxists, futurists, and revolutionaries on the dole”, going on to explicate their mission as “reclaim[ing] the idea of space travel for the common man”. To the AAA, he said, “space travel represented an ideal of freedom”. Annick Bureaud of Leonardo/OLATS viewed their work as “space art” that “combine[d] freely space, cyberspace, raves, esoteric things, techno-music, etc.”, calling attention to “how they recycle ... key images (the MIR Space Station, the astronauts on the Moon, etc.) ... mixed with science-fiction (and specially Star Trek) buzz-words or images” and then subject these “sacred icons” to “iconoclastic treatments”

Theorist Brian Holmes commented the AAA like this : “The ideas sound fantastic, but the stakes are real: imagining a political subject within the virtual class, and therefore, within the economy of cultural production and intellectual property that had paralyzed the poetics of resistance.” in his book “Unleashing the Collective Phantoms”

(The Association for Autonomous Astronauts)

(Mind Invaders: A Reader in Psychic Warfare)

Posted by Jason Louv
03:14 pm
Open Mind: Magic Potion
03:02 pm

Classic, lost psychedelia revamped for YouTube. See, this is what life should be like all the time.

(Via Witch Mountain)

(The Open Mind)

Posted by Jason Louv
03:02 pm
Goat Bagpipes
12:27 pm

Update: It was removed! Enjoy this version instead.

Posted by Tara McGinley
12:27 pm
Husbands and Husbands
11:53 am

Here’s a heartwarming video of a little boy trying to grasp the concept of “husbands and husbands.”

This moment was captured the day after Thanksgiving. We bought our flip cam two days before and were testing it out. We were on our way to the kitchen when Calen stopped us to ask for help washing his hands.

(via HYST)

Posted by Tara McGinley
11:53 am
Ronald Reagan Fears The End Of Fashion
11:19 am

He’s damn serious about it, too! Watch this fantastic and bust-a-gut funny video from Jameson Notodo Film Fest.
(via IheartPluto and Nerdcore)

Posted by Tara McGinley
11:19 am
Archive of UK Anarcho-Feminist Xerox Zines
11:18 am

A small but potent archive of full PDF scans of late 70’s/early 80’s UK anarcho/ feminist punk zines is up now at Essential Ephemera

Posted by Brad Laner
11:18 am
Seafront Invaded By Infinite Teddy Bears
10:43 am

Like a waking dream you can’t control no matter how hard you try.
via Cyriak

Posted by Brad Laner
10:43 am
Charles Johnson: Why I Parted Ways with the Right (Part II)
11:12 pm

It was the blog post heard ‘round the world. When Charles Johnson wrote Why I Parted Ways With The Right in the space of a few minutes and posted it on his popular Little Green Footballs blog, he had no idea the firestorm it would set off. Nasty denunciations, death threats and a New York Times magazine feature article later, Charles Johnson joined me for a discussion of the right wing flame war directed at him, the Darwin-hating, know-nothing Creationists and the frenzied insanity (and racism) of the anti-Obama right. Part one is here. In case you are wondering if some of the comments are being removed, they are. Some of them go too far. We didn’t pull them because Charles asked us to. We’ve removed them because they don’t belong here, okay?

Posted by Richard Metzger
11:12 pm
The Ballad of Genesis and Lady Jaye
10:55 pm


French filmmaker Marie Losier has been working on a feature film about Genesis and Lady Jaye Breyer P-Orridge for the last five years. I’ve seen extensive clips from it—Losier has shot insane amounts of footage, documenting the PTV3 and Pandrogyny years in fine detail. Once completed, this will be a crucial document of the artists’ work. But Losier needs your help to complete the project… and apparently there’s a chance to get some schwag in the process!

After 5 years of shooting, making costumes, interviews, working on the film on Genesis Breyer P-Orridge, I need some help to make this film happen finally. I need an editor to help shape the film to a good solid story, a sound engineer and transfer of films to HD. The goal is to have the film completed by November so that it’s ready for premiering at the Berlin Film Festival in 2011.

In order to meet this goal I need all the support I can get and I’m excited to announce an online fundraiser via

In order to make your support worthwhile, I have included a variety of amazing and unique rewards from Genesis Breyer P-orridge, Invisible Exports, Bernard Yenelouis and Tony Conrad. This is an opportunity to not only help me complete my project, but also get a wonderful piece of artwork to boot!

(Help make this project happen)

(Previously on Dangerous Minds: Thee Psychick Bible)

Posted by Jason Louv
10:55 pm
Pushing Back Against the Methane Tipping Point
10:50 pm


Jamais Cascio weighs in on the encroaching problem of methane leaking out from under the Arctic permafrost. Sounds scary… BUT THEN, I first heard of this in the context of a potential energy source. Apparently there’s enough methane under the Arctic permafrost to keep civilization going indefinitely. Iiiiiinteresting… any thoughts, oh readers?

A piece in the latest issue of Science shows that there’s a considerable amount of methane (CH4) coming from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, where it had been trapped under the permafrost. There’s as much coming out from one small section of the Arctic ocean as from all the rest of the oceans combined. This is officially Not Good.

Here’s why: methane is a powerful greenhouse gas, significantly more powerful than carbon dioxide. There are billions of tons of methane trapped under the permafrost, and if that methane starts leaking quickly, it would have a strong feedback effect—warming the atmosphere and oceans, causing more methane to leak, and on and on. The melting of methane ice (aka “methane hydrates” and “methane clathrates”) is probably the most significant global warming tipping point event out there. If we see runaway methane from underneath the Siberian permafrost, we could see temperatures increasing far faster than even the most pessimistic CO2-driven scenarios—perhaps as much as 8-10° C, very much into the global catastrophe realm. To put it in context: rapid methane releases have been implicated in extinction events in Earth’s geologic past.

(Here’s one piece of mitigating information: it’s unclear how long this methane leak has been happening, or the degree to which the measured methane levels exceeds previous amounts. If we’re lucky, this is actually a status quo situation, and we still have time before we reach a tipping point. But basing our strategy on “if we’re lucky” is not very wise.)

(Open the Future: Pushing Back Against the Methane Tipping Point)

Posted by Jason Louv
10:50 pm
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