Huey Newton: Prelude to a Revolution
06:48 pm

Prelude to a Revolution features prison interviews with Huey P. Newton, co-founder and leader of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense. Newton was born 17 February 1942, in Monroe, Louisiana. The youngest of seven children, his family moved to Oakland, California in 1945, where they lived at various addresses in the Bay Area. Though poor, Newton later claimed he and is family never did without food or shelter. However, he did claim in his autobiography Revolutionary Suicide he was “made to feel ashamed of being black.”

“During those long years in Oakland public schools, I did not have one teacher who taught me anything relevant to my own life or experience. Not one instructor ever awoke in me a desire to learn more or to question or to explore the worlds of literature, science, and history. All they did was try to rob me of the sense of my own uniqueness and worth, and in the process nearly killed my urge to inquire.”

In October 1966, after involvement with various radical groups, Newton and his associate, Bobby Seale formed the Black Panthers, an “organization working for the right of self-defense for African-Americans in the United States.” The Panthers changed American politics, and famously drew up a “Ten Point Plan,” a manifesto which called for, among other things, “black community self-determination, full employment, decent housing for black people, an end to police brutality, and an immediate end to all wars of aggression.” They also brought in a series of social programs (community schools, free breakfasts, self-defense classes, armed citizens’ patrols) that offered an alternative to the capitalist system. At the time, it was said Newton “could take street-gang types and give them a social consciousness.”

In 1967, Newton was involved in an incident that led to the death of a police officer. Newton was shot in the stomach, and though no gun was found on his person, was charged with manslaughter. In 1968, he was tried, found guilty and sentenced to 2-15 years. In 1970, the California Appellate Court reversed the conviction and ordered a new trial. After two subsequent mistrials, the California Supreme Court dropped the case against Newton.

Huey Newton: Prelude to a Revolution was filmed while Newton was in prison, it is a powerful and thought-provoking film, and gives great insight into Newton’s ideas and hopes for the Black Panther movement:

“We view each other with a great love and a great understanding and we try to extend this to the general black population and also oppressed people all over the world. I think that we differ from some other groups simply because we understand the system better than most groups understand the system. With this realization we attempt to form a strong political base based in the community with the only strength that we have and thats the strength of a potentially destructive force If we don’t get freedom.”


Previously on DM

Huey Newton compels William F. Buckley to side with George Washington, 1973


Posted by Paul Gallagher
06:48 pm
Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All are going to get you
05:45 pm

I would be lying if I wrote that I was a Jimmy Fallon fan (I’m not) but he does have some pretty good musical guests on from time to time. Last night two members of LA-based teenage horrorcore rap collective Odd Future (AKA Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All or OFWGKTA) provided one of the most wonderfully anarchic musical moments in recent TV memory. Totally insane, totally inspired. Those of you lamenting the lack of good old fashion rebellion in the younger generation’s music should appreciate this inspired performance.  I’ve watched this three times already, grinning from ear to ear.

Witness “Sandwiches” performed by Tyler, The Creator and Hodgy Beats. I just love how these kid are so obviously gleeful to be getting away with singing shit like this on national television. Hilarious. And Mos Def is most definitely having a good time, too. Kick out the jams, motherfuckers, kick out the jams.

Via Elvin Estella AKA DJ Nobody

Posted by Richard Metzger
05:45 pm
Hundreds of tourist photos layered to create ghostly images
05:39 pm

Hauntingly-beautiful images of iconic landmarks created by layering similar photos from hundreds of tourist photographs found on the Internet. Each image contains up to 300 shots.

Switzerland-based artist Corinne Vionnet is the mastermind behind this ghostly project entitled “Photo Opportunities.”

See more of Corinne’s work after the jump…

Posted by Tara McGinley
05:39 pm
Reagan answers some questions about the Arms-for-Hostages scandal
04:40 pm

Some highlights from President Reagan’s March 19, 1987 press conference, at which he finally answered questions that had built up in the four months since the Iran-contra scandal broke:

“... I don’t know ... I don’t know ... I don’t know. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was ... I did not know at that time that there was any money involved. I only knew that ... All we’d learned ... Helen, I don’t know. I only know that ... All that I know ... Sam, all I know is that ... I can’t remember ... There are other people that don’t remember either ... I did not know that I had said it in such a way ... I didn’t realize that I had said that ... We didn’t know ... I didn’t know how far we could go ... I still do not have the answer ... It was a complete surprise to me ... We’re still waiting for that to be explained ... I don’t know ... I don’t know ...”

Excerpted from the “Reagan Centennial Edition” of my 1989 book The Clothes Have No Emperor, available here as an enhanced eBook.


Posted by Paul Slansky
04:40 pm
Delightful image of Glenn Beck’s dropped sponsors
01:10 pm

Over 300 hundred companies who refused to advertise on Glenn Beck’s show by Chris Piascik.

(via Certified Bullshit Technician)

Posted by Tara McGinley
01:10 pm
Chris Rock on Tea party racism
12:43 pm

In the March issue of Esquire magazine, Chris Rock is interviewed by Scott Raab and manages to put a hopeful spin on the Tea party movement:

“Like many nice Caucasians, I cried the night Barack Obama was elected,” said Raab. “It was one of the high points in American history. And all that’s happened since the election is just a sh—storm of hatred. You want to weigh in on that?”

“I actually like it, in the sense that—you got kids?” asked Rock. “Kids always act up the most before they go to sleep. And when I see the Tea Party and all this stuff, it actually feels like racism’s almost over. Because this is the last—this is the act up before the sleep. They’re going crazy. They’re insane. You want to get rid of them—and the next thing you know, they’re f—-ing knocked out. And that’s what’s going on in the country right now.”

A sage perspective, indeed.

Posted by Richard Metzger
12:43 pm
Glenn Beck commits the cardinal sin of television: He’s getting boring
11:52 am

There’s no way around it: Glenn Beck is just getting dull. Yesterday’s pulseless rant against Google is the lamest Glenn Beck clip I’ve yet seen. Fuckin’ Google??? How can he expect to reverse the nearly 50% loss of his audience with banal rants like this one? If Beck’s not incendiary, he’s nuthin’ and this is just limp. You can tell that he’s only reading off a script here. Even he doesn’t believe his own bullshit. The dots he’s supposedly connecting wouldn’t impress the dumbest people in his audience. And this whole George Soros thing? Give it up, dude, you’re getting no traction with it. Tides Foundation? Van Jones? Where is the rage, Glenn Beck? Have you lost your mojo, but good? It’s like someone nailed your shoe to the floor. Now you just walk around in circles, repeating the same nonsense each day.

Yup, dude needs a new schtick soon or he’s headed for the scrap heap. Who’d want to watch someone say the same shit day after day after day, like Beck does? Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert can’t get much mileage from Beck when he’s this dull. If even his detractors stop caring, where will Beck be a year or two from now? (Dancing With the Stars, perhaps? Raptured? Let’s hope!). Even an audience comprised of a bunch of dummies needs a little spice.

Glenn Beck’s act is feeling really long in the tooth. He’s petering out. Remember Joe Pyne and Morton Downey Jr.? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. I think the trajectory of their careers is what fate has in store for Beck, too. He’s got a novelty act and novelty acts simply get tired after a few years.

Why doesn’t Fox News just go straight to the source and replace Beck with Alex Jones, I wonder?

Posted by Richard Metzger
11:52 am
Dangerous Minds in Dazed & Confused
10:26 am

Dazed Digital, the web arm of the Dazed & Confused publishing group in London have posted a short Q&A with me about Dangerous Minds. Dazed editor-in-chief, Rod Stanley, asked the questions. Read it here.

Dazed Digital: Come the apocalypse, where will you be hanging out and what will you be doing?

Richard Metzger: Tara and I will be with our dogs. We don’t have anything special planned.

(The image is a drawing that Michel Gondry made of me and Tara and the original photo. I’m totally baked as you can see from my eyes. I think Gondry must have known this from the way I am drawn, don’t you think? Tara is the blond, blue-eyed Cheech to my Chong…)

Posted by Richard Metzger
10:26 am
Are dreams messages from the future and do we ignore them at our own peril?
05:06 am

The Edge Of Dreaming, Amy Hardie’s investigation into the prophetic quality of dreams has just opened theatrically in Manhattan. It was broadcast on PBS last August. And you can stream it now from Netflix.

My dream life has been very active of late and I’m starting to pay more and more attention to the patterns of images and information in my dreams. I feel as though I’ve never taken my dreams seriously enough, which is odd, considering how much time I spend dreaming and how often the dreams do seem to be sending messages, teachings or warnings. So, Amy Hardie’s film is of great interest to me. Are dreams cognitive tendrils into the future? Should we give them more respect by simply paying more attention to them.

Do dreams, especially the portentous kind that you cannot easily shake off, predict the future? That question is investigated in “The Edge of Dreaming,” a deeply personal film by Amy Hardie, a Scottish science documentarian whose world was shaken after she experienced a series of related nightmares.

The first, in which her beloved horse keeled over and died, so alarmed Ms. Hardie that she ran out of her house in the Scottish Borders and found him dead of a heart attack. In the second, her oldest child’s father, who had died in 2004, appeared and told her sadly that her 48th year (the one that was coming up) would be her last. The third dream showed her how she would die.

Ms. Hardie, who is married to a psychotherapist, became obsessed with the possibility that the dreams were prophecies. She became even more frightened after she developed a mysterious breathing ailment that threatened to collapse her lungs.

“The Edge of Dreaming,” which carries her through her 49th birthday, does not have the trappings of a psychological horror film. Ms. Hardie, a self-described scaredy-cat since childhood, systematically searches for explanations, both medical and spiritual. She studies Jung; consults with Mark Solms, a neuroscientist; and ultimately revisits her dreams with a shaman. This shamanic journey is visualized in an extended montage sequence.

“The Edge of Dreaming” is not the confession of a true believer who has found the Answer but of an intelligent woman with an open mind and heart who embarked on a serious metaphysical quest.

If you have a Netflix account, stream here. This compelling interview with Hardie should pique your interest.

Posted by Marc Campbell
05:06 am
1960s French videos: Francoise Hardy, Spencer Davis Group, Marianne Faithfull, The Equals and more
02:50 am

Here’s a compilation of video clips made in the 1960s for French television. Most of these videos were new to me when I discovered them and the quality is impressive.

The Spencer Davis Group, The Equals, Vince Taylor, Tom Jones, Jacques Dutronc, Johnny Hallyday, Francoise Hardy and Marianne Faithfull.

If you love this stuff and must have more, it’s available on import DVD here. It ain’t cheap and you’ve got to have an all-region DVD player, but man what a goldmine.

Posted by Marc Campbell
02:50 am
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