Böat of debauchery: Inside the Motörhead ‘Motörböat’ cruise
02:37 pm
Böat of debauchery: Inside the Motörhead ‘Motörböat’ cruise

Motorhead Motorboat inflatable doll can fly!
I had heard rumors that the Motörhead “Motörböat” cruise ran out of booze before the trip was over. Of course that’s not shocking news when you’re talking about a boat full of hard-drinking headbangers, Lemmy Kilmister (who despite his recent health issues has switched out his beloved Jack Daniels for vodka because it’s “better for you”) as well as various other metal bands that love their party liquids.

I have to admit, I hate boats almost as much as I hate planes. I detest relinquishing control of my own trajectory to another human being and I have no desire to be stuck on what many consider an enormous floating toilet. That said, the only thing that could likely get me on a boat would be if Motörhead got on it with me, then blew my face off with a live show and there was no risk of the bar going dry. That and I’d really like to hang out with the folks in the photos that follow, including Lemmy who’s looking pretty healthy these days. Be advised that a few may be considered NSFW (you did notice the photo at the top, right?), but this is Motörhead we’re talking about.

All photos by Dana “Distortion” Yavin.
Motorhead Motorboat cruise inflatable doll goes swimming
Motorvampire Motorhead Motorboat cruise
Motorhead Viking Motorboat cruise
Motorhead Motorboat metal tattoo fan
Motorhead bikini action shot
Motorhead Motorboat fan in the morning maybe
Lemmy Kilmister Motorboat cruise
Lemmy on the Motorhead Motorboat
Via Brooklyn Vegan

Posted by Cherrybomb
02:37 pm



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