Dipshit preacher looking to ‘reclaim’ rainbow from the gays and give it back to Noah’s Ark?
02:41 pm
Dipshit preacher looking to ‘reclaim’ rainbow from the gays and give it back to Noah’s Ark?

This Ark is totally not gay, yo.
A few years back the comedian Demetri Martin had a bit about gay rights activists’ success in turning the rainbow into a symbol of LGBT inclusivity and tolerance. Martin’s bit ended with the line, “I just think it’s weird that one group ‘took’ refracted light.”

Evangelical anti-LGBT preacher Ken Ham, whom you might remember from his embarrassing performance in a debate about Darwinism/creationism with scientist Bill Nye in 2014, has taken up Martin’s punchline with a vengeance. His Kentucky Ark Encounter Park features a “life-size” (?) replica of Noah’s Ark complete with “animatronic, live and static” (??) animals.

During the Christmas season, the park lights up the Ark with rainbow colors as a “treat” and also, incidentally, to “reclaim” the “true meaning” of the rainbow. (Which is what, you ask? Read on!)

Last week Ham announced on his website that the park will “enhance the rainbow lights and make them a permanent feature during evenings at the Ark.”

Far from being a symbol of gay pride, Ham insists that the rainbow symbolizes the fact that “God judged sin with a global Flood, but that He promises never to judge again with a global Flood—the final judgment will be by fire.”

By the way, this is the same park that, as we reported last year, got expertly trolled by a group called the Tri-State Freethinkers, which mounted a billboard advertising a “Genocide & Incest Park” whose mission was to celebrate “2000 Years of Myths.” Interested observers had the option of donating $500 to be depicted on the billboard “drowning” under the Ark.

Demetri Martin’s full bit on rainbows:

via Pink News

Previously on Dangerous Minds:
Get your popcorn ready: Bill Nye the science guy to debate idiot Creation Museum founder Ken Ham

Posted by Martin Schneider
02:41 pm



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