Doctor pulls inch-long cockroach from man’s ear
12:25 pm
Doctor pulls inch-long cockroach from man’s ear

It’s the kind of thing you would expect to see in some B-movie horror, where a ravenous cockroach crawls into a sleeping victim’s ear, and starts burrowing towards their brain. It will involve lots of screaming, gore, thrashing about and flying chunks of splattered brain. You get the picture. Well, for one man in Australia this was almost what happened, when a cockroach paid him a nocturnal visit.

Hendrik Helmer awoke one morning from uneasy sleep with a sharp pain in his right ear. At first he feared a poisonous spider had crawled into his ear during the night, and hoped it would not bite him.

Helmer then attempted to suck out the intruder with a vacuum cleaner. When this failed, and the pain became excruciating, he tried squirting water into his ear, but to no effect. As Helmer explained to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation:

“Whatever was in my ear didn’t like it at all.”

A concerned roommate rushed Helmer to a local hospital, where a doctor put oil in his ear. Alas, this only forced the 0.8 inch cockroach to burrow deeper, where it eventually began to die.
A mutant cockroach from ‘Bug’ (1975)
According to Mr. Helmer, it was around the ten minute mark that the cockroach began to stop burrowing and began “the throes of death twitching.” The doctor put forceps into his ear and removed the cockroach.

“She [the doctor] said, ‘You know how I said a little cockroach, that may have been an underestimate.’

“They said they had never pulled an insect this large out of someone’s ear.”

Mr. Helmer said he would not be taking any further precautions to stop any other nocturnal invaders, although his friends have been so perturbed, some are now sleeping with headphones on.

However, cockroaches crawling into people’s ears whilst they are asleep, is not uncommon, as the following video shows.


And here are those little critters in the horror movie Bug (1975)
H/T the Daily Telegraph

Posted by Paul Gallagher
12:25 pm



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