How to tell when Mitt Romney is lying: His lips are moving
02:43 pm

Mitt Romney makes me want to puke. He’s a bald-faced liar whose shameless, morally and intellectually-bereft candidacy will hopefully be rejected soundly by informed American voters in November.

I was especially annoyed watching this clip of him this morning on Fox News. If you need convincing that he’s lying as he claims credit for giving Obama the advice that saved the auto industry, have a quick read of Romney’s own editorial, “Let Detroit Go Bankrupt” which was published in The New York Times on November 18, 2008.

Then watch in horror as he says THIS:

Well, there’s a nice chance in debates to talk about truth and fiction. I don’t think many people understand that the president took the car companies into bankruptcy. They went into bankruptcy, exactly as I proposed. So the difference between us is that I would have done it earlier than the president did, and saved the American taxpayers about $20 billion.

The thing is, if you follow Romney’s face closely and you are aware that what he is saying is a bold-faced lie, his eyes seem to give it away that he, himself, is all too well-aware that he’s telling a “liar, liar, pants on fire” kind of fib.

The question was never if the Big Three car manufacturers should be restructured in a managed bankruptcy, but whether the automakers would go through that process with the backing of the federal government.

Or without it, as Romney himself advocated in the fucking New York Times!

The problem is, that 2008 editorial follows Romney around like a wet sulfurous fart on hot, humid day. Even Fox News reporters are fully aware of what’s going on. Tell me Bret Baier doesn’t know that Romney is lying through his teeth here. Of course he does! Listen to how he phrased the question. He assumes that even his viewers have enough bare-minimum recent historical context to understand what’s being left unsaid (why? BECAUSE IT’S SO OBVIOUS, THAT’S WHY).

It was a gross move when Mitt Romney, the son of the man who was credited with turning American Motors around in the 1950s and who was a popular governor during Michigan’s heyday, wrote that editorial in the first place. That he is now claiming credit for turning around the auto industry, it makes me fantasize about hocking up a big, fat greener and spitting it right in his lying face. The man deserves NO respect. Never in my lifetime has a more repulsive, morally bankrupt character topped the national ticket of a major political party.

Say what you want about Sarah Palin, at least she was sincere! Nixon seems like a idealist compared to a cynic like Romney.

YouTube commentor rodneyriddnauer remarked:

Understand one thing: you may not “like” President Obama, but Mitt Romney is a complete, all-out, unapologetic LIAR. Even the few details he does offer are simply made-up gibberish that Fox then has to try and bolster.

Folks, it ain’t about is The President 100% perfect and unflawed…it’s about which of these two men is worse for YOU, the average working American.

Romney/Ryan will GUT every safety net in our framework, and send your job to China or India. Believe that.

Watch in disbelief as Romney claims Obama copied his idea to save Detroit. Is it ANY WONDER why the Republicans have already conceded Michigan, Romney’s home state, and pulled all of their TV ads?

Via Daily Kos

Posted by Richard Metzger
02:43 pm



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