Radiohead’s ‘Creep,’ arranged for bass clarinets, is absolutely wonderful
10:37 am
Radiohead’s ‘Creep,’ arranged for bass clarinets, is absolutely wonderful

I got a chuckle last night when I saw, in NME’s Facebook feed, a breezy listicle called “Ten Geeky Facts about ‘Creep,’” trumpeting the 23rd anniversary of Radiohead’s breakthrough single. Evidently, in this content-starved, clamor-for-attention-on-Facebook economy in which all music writing is now duking it out, we don’t even wait for actual milestones to occur before we look nostalgically back. But I enjoyed the piece’s trivia items well enough—have to give it props for nakedly confessing its geekiness in the title—so fine, I’ll bite, I’ll join in on NME’s 23rd anniversary celebration of “Creep.” I don’t even celebrate my own birthday unless my age ends in a 0 or a 5, but what the hell, right?

Item 8 could have been an article in itself—a great one, really—as it deals in cover versions of the song. There’ve been plenty of those, and they range from Dunning-Krugerishly overwrought versions by unworthy hard rock bands (lookin’ at you, Korn) to transcendentally wonderful non-rock performances. Among the latter is my absolute favorite version of the song, a digital file of unknown provenance which I surely scored in the mid-oughts heyday of MP3 sharity blogs, a rendition of the song by a quartet of bass clarinetists. In seeking out the artist, I learned that this has been a thing for awhile—composer Cornelius Boots created the arrangement all the way back in 1997 (HAPPY 18TH ANNIVERSARY!), and a version by Edmund Welles gained some YouTube popularity in 2008. I searched through Welles’ recorded oeuvre to see if his version was the one I’d happened upon, but I was unable to find a studio recording of it. There are, however, a few live performances to be found, of which this is the best:

Posted by Ron Kretsch
10:37 am



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