Ridiculous plateware shaped like specific foods
11:45 am
Ridiculous plateware shaped like specific foods

Breaded fish and rice
Here’s a whimsical and marvelously impractical plateware idea from Kahla at 5.5 Design Studio: plates designed to fit specific meals. The idea is that you can plan out your week this way, with “Daily Menu Plates” for breaded fish, a chicken leg, a single sausage, and so on.

The drawback of the plan becomes apparent when you try to consider what happens in week 2, of course. Equally obviously, flat plates designed to hold a hamburger will hold a lobster roll equally well.

Here is the explanatory text from Kahla:

Au quotidien, les plats qui composent et définissent notre alimentation de base sont souvent un peu archétypaux : jambon / coquillettes, Poulet / frites, côtelette / petits pois, poisson pané / riz.

«Daily Menu» est une collection d’assiettes biomorphiques qui joue de ces clichés et qui nous accompagne tout au long de la semaine. Ces assiettes fonctionnent comme des fiches recettes pour nous suggérer des idées de repas quand le manque d’inspiration nous envahit. A chaque jour son plat et à chaque plat son assiette!

In everyday life, the dishes that make up and define our basic food are often a little archetypal: ham / macaroni, chicken / fries, chop / peas, breaded fish / rice.

“Daily Menu” is a collection of biomorphic plates that plays with these clichés and accompanies us throughout the week. These plates function as recipe cards to suggest meal ideas when lack of inspiration strikes. Each day has its plate and each dish his plate!

Shit, I could really go for some bangers and mash right now….

Chicken and fries

Chop and peas

Ham and macaroni

Hamburger and green beans

Pork loins and cauliflower

Sausage and purée (bangers and mash)
And here’s a gratuitous picture of a guy with pork loins over his eyes:

via Lost at E Minor

Posted by Martin Schneider
11:45 am



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