McDonald’s Happy Meal Takes More Than 6 Months to Decompose
03:58 pm

Sally Davies photographed a McDonald’s Happy Meal over 6 months. This is the result.

Now you know, if you want to leave a beautiful corpse live off McDonald’s.

Via Henri Podin

Posted by Paul Gallagher
03:58 pm
Best negative political attack ad of all time?
03:46 pm

The back story here is that Winnipeg mayor Sam Katz kicked a kid in the face at a charity soccer game over the summer. This line of attack wouldn’t work for just anyone.

Via Political Wire

Posted by Richard Metzger
03:46 pm
Liberace Museum is closing
03:31 pm

I visited The Liberace Museum in Vegas and loved it. Too bad it’s closing. Las Vegas is no longer the Vegas I dig.

For Immediate Release:
Las Vegas – After 31 years of operation, the Liberace Museum will close its doors Sunday, Oct. 17, 2010 to focus its monetary contributions on the Liberace Foundation.

Due to the economic downturn and the decline in the number of visitors, the Museum is forced to close the space and focus primarily on its dedication to the Foundation and the donation of scholarships.

“On behalf of the Board of Directors, we feel it is important to close the Museum to ensure the future of the Liberace Foundation and to keep the legacy of Liberace alive through its continued scholarship program,” said Jeff Koep, chair of the Liberace Foundation. “Since the inception of the foundation 34 years ago, more than $6 million in scholarships have been awarded to 2,700 students, and we will continue to award scholarships to deserving individuals.”

The memorabilia at the Liberace Museum will be maintained. A national touring exhibit is planned, and details will be announced at a later time. The board will also continue to research options for a location change to make the Museum more accessible to potential patrons.

“The traveling exhibit is an exciting way to share the life and legacy of Liberace while providing an income stream for the Foundation,” said Koep. “In no way do we intend to close the doors and not continue to explore options that will allow us to reopen at a later date.”

Posted by Marc Campbell
03:31 pm
Listen to a new interview with Brad Laner by Joseph Matheny
02:50 pm

Our sister site has just posted this interview with yours truly on their in-house podcast Fear and Loathing on the Internet hosted by the esteemed Mr. Joseph Matheny, which was rather nice of him. Have a listen !

Fear and Loathing @Alterati

Posted by Brad Laner
02:50 pm
Marko’s strange world of magnetic video tapes and the machines that play them
02:49 pm

Marko, the Finnish Gerry Todd, takes you on a fascinating journey into the realm of magnetic tape and video machines.

This is a wonderful meditation video. Very relaxing.

Via Pie Heaven

Posted by Marc Campbell
02:49 pm
America is a bottomless pit of idiots: Meet Bradlee Dean (and hear Michele Bachmann pray for him!)

There’s a must-read piece about Christian rocker and gay-bashing minister, Bradlee Dean posted at The Awl. Dean is a member of the group, Junkyard Messiah, a Christian Constitutionalist radio host and the founder of “You Can Run But You Cannot Hide International,” an anti-homosexual “ministry” who have been allowed to take their hateful bullshit into 330 classrooms around the country.

This guy even wrote a book called My War (ring any bells?) and has had his “ministry” not only endorsed, but prayed for, by Rep. Michele Bachmann, one of the dumbest people ever to hold national elected office in this country. Listen here:

My War is also the title of a documentary film about YCRBUCHI and Dean, which will be premiering Thursday, October 21, in Plymouth, Minnesota.

Here’s one excerpt from piece, where the author, Abe Sauer, asks The Awl’s readers if they can tell the difference between Dean’s supposedly Christian utterings and things Hitler said. Betcha can’t tell them apart. Think about the 330 classrooms full of impressionable children being spoon-fed this garbage by someone they might perceive as an authority figure. No, of course there would be no connection between the propagation of such quasi-fascist garbage and the recent wave of gay bullying and suicides:

It’s understandable that the Bradlee-Adolf comparison might be dismissed as a lark, a Godwin’s Nazi Law meta-enablement.

So take the below selection of Bradlee Dean and Adolf Hitler quotes and try to correctly attribute them:

1) It’s time for everyone in this country to return to God and engage in His battles to take back the land that was entrusted to us.
2) We want to burn out the poison of immorality which has entered into our whole life and culture as a result of liberal excess.
3) It’s time to turn back to the One who gave us this blessed nation.
4) We want to fill our culture again with the Christian spirit.
5) It is plain to see that the judgments of God are upon our country.
6) How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don’t think.
7) Government is to be the force of law, ruling in the positive, by bringing a negative to crime. The whole purpose of government is to maintain peace in the land with righteous judgment.
8) My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers,
9) As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice.
10) Christian men and women, in this fight for right you are fighting for your nation, for your liberties, your happiness, and your peace; for unless Christ and His commandments are maintained, these will most certainly be destroyed
11) I felt condemned at every step that I took, and at times, I would even try to ignore my own conscience because it was so overwhelming.
12) In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders.
13) The Jews, who heard and rejected Christ, were destroyed by Titus, and Vespasian his father.
14) They play the victim when they are, in fact, the predator.
15) All at once the Jew also becomes liberal and begins to rave about the necessary progress of mankind.
16) In return, Christ was nailed to the cross, while our present-day party Christians debase themselves to begging for Jewish votes at elections.
17) They know homosexuality is an abomination.

1 Dean; 2 Hitler; 3 Dean; 4 Hitler; 5 Dean; 6 Hitler; 7 Dean; 8 Hitler; 9 Hitler; 10 Dean; 11 Dean; 12 Hitler; 13 Dean; 14 Dean; 15 Hitler; 16 Hitler; 17 Dean

This doesn’t mean Bradlee Dean is just like Hitler. That impossible. Hitler didn’t have children. Dean has three.

Here’s a particularly ridiculous YCRBUCHI video featuring Dean’s radio compadre, Jake McMillian. Quoting Abe Sauer, writing at The Awl again: Take Hitler’s comment on Jews as criminals and his reasoning that “Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord” and compare it to the following You Can Run But You Can’t Hide Ministry video reasoning on homosexuals.

Note that this dufus never lets anyone else get a word in edgewise, even when they are seen talking on camera! McMillian doesn’t have much of a career on-camera ahead of him, does he?

Read all of ‘My War’: Bradlee Dean’s Popular Struggle Against Those Criminal, Child-Molesting Gays (The Awl)

You can also follow Bradlee Dean’s “antics” at The Dump Bachmann Blog

Posted by Richard Metzger
01:10 pm
Phillip Seymour Hoffman Halloween costume by Brandon Bird
11:16 am

Hmmm, wonder if I can talk my 6 year old out of Harry Potter and into this ?
Brandon Bird-O_Rama
Via Sara & Adam, thx !

Posted by Brad Laner
11:16 am
My Princess Boy: Meet the most awesome family in America
09:53 am

It hasn’t just yet, but here’s to hoping this incredibly moving clip goes all-out viral today:

Cute, 5-year-old Dyson Kilodavis might have the most awesome family in America.

After young Dyson began grabbing for “girl’s toys” and pink, sparkly dress-up outfits, his parents became, at first, alarmed and uncomfortable that their little boy might be gender-dysmorphic.

“I like to dress up in different kinda clothes, and jewelry,” says Dyson. His favorite outfit of all is that of a princess. Cheryl Kilodavis and her husband, Dean, came to accept and embrace their son and his budding, authentic self. When Dyson decided that he was going to wear a princess costume to his school’s Halloween day, Cheryl called the school and told them what was going on. Dyson’s teacher, Judith Hart, called together the entire staff for support and she got it—even three of the school’s most “macho” male employees dressed as ballerinas for the day to show support for the “Princess Boy”! And wait until you get to the part in the end where his wise-beyond-his-years older brother (he’s eight!) speaks. The world’s in a Hell of a mess, but not everything is getting worse, as this totally worthwhile 10-minute clip proves.

This child, I think it’s clear, is going to be who and what he’ll be. But unlike many kids like him, he’s not going to grow up thinking there is anything wrong with who he is. This kid is FABULOUS and nothing less! With all of the gay bullying, suicides and the general anti-gay bigotry going on in rightwing circles, Cheryl, Dean and their older son Dkobe, deserve admiration and gratitude from the rest of us, for being such an amazing, wise examples for other people in their situation, with their loving parenting of their “Princess Boy.”

Cheryl wrote a book called My Princess Boy, which you can order on Amazon. or purchase locally in the Seattle area.

Via Jezebel

Posted by Richard Metzger
09:53 am
‘Thelema Now!’ - Podcasts
09:39 am

For those with an interest in Aleister Crowley, the Occult, and all things Thelemic, then the U.S. Grand Lodge, Ordo Templi Orientis, have a series of fascinating podcasts available called Thelema Now!. The most recent interview was with Harvey Bialy, a writer, visual artist, and biologist, who talked about putting together a Crowley-centered art show in Los Angeles, his blog, and the early days of the Occult.

Other podcasts in the series include:

Authors J. Daniel Gunther and James Wasserman discuss what it took to create the book Pythagoras: His Life and Teachings, by Thomas Stanley. Pythagoras was first published in 1687 in Thomas Stanley’s massive tome, The History of Philosophy and J. Daniel and James undertook bringing Pythagoras to the masses.

Musician Daniel Ash of Bauhaus/Love & Rockets/Tones On Tail talks about motorcycles, new music, motorcycles, Buddhism, motorcycles, reincarnation and motorcycles.

Ever wonder what the New York City occult scene was like in the 70’s? The Bells of Hell? The Warlock Shop? The Necronomicon? Wonder no more! Acclaimed author Peter Levenda explains it all for you! In this interview, Peter also discusses looking for Nazis in Chile and the secret life of John McCain.

The aim of the Thelema Now! podcasts is summed up like this:

Our mission is to provide listeners with interesting, informative, thought-provoking interviews featuring individuals involved in myriad realms of mysticism, spirituality and magical theory and practice: authors, sorcerers, academics, entertainers. We’ll be looking into everything except inter and intra organizational politics as that’s ground very thoroughly tilled by other programs.

Listen to Thelema Now! here.
Via Alan McGee

Posted by Paul Gallagher
09:39 am
‘White Light, White Heat’: Documentary on Velvets, Bowie, Roxy, Pink Floyd…
02:41 am

Terrific entry in the BBC series The Seven Ages Of Rock.

The story of how artistic and conceptual expression permeated rock. From the pop-art multi-media experiments of Andy Warhol and the Velvet Underground to the sinister gentility of Peter Gabriel’s Genesis, White Light, White Heat Place traces how rock became a vehicle for artistic ideas and theatrical performance. We follow Pink Floyd from the fated art school genius of Syd Barrett through the global success of Dark Side of the Moon to the ultimate rock theatre show, The Wall. Along the way, the film explores the retro-futurism of Roxy Music and the protean world of David Bowie.


Posted by Marc Campbell
02:41 am
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