The Tea party has eaten the Republican party and will burp it up in November
11:23 pm

There is a frightening/disturbing and almost funny (almost) must-read on the Mother Jones website about “Tea party causality” Rep. Bob Inglis, a soon-to-be-former Republican congressman from South Carolina. Inglis, who seems like a decent enough guy—and not a hypocrite or a demagogue like many GOPers—was forced out, losing the primary, 71 to 29 percent, to a Tea party-backed candidate:

“They were upset with me,” Inglis recalls. “They are all Glenn Beck watchers.” About 90 minutes into the meeting, as he remembers it, “They say, ‘Bob, what don’t you get? Barack Obama is a socialist, communist Marxist who wants to destroy the American economy so he can take over as dictator. Health care is part of that. And he wants to open up the Mexican border and turn [the US] into a Muslim nation.’” Inglis didn’t know how to respond.

“I sat down, and they said on the back of your Social Security card, there’s a number. That number indicates the bank that bought you when you were born based on a projection of your life’s earnings, and you are collateral. We are all collateral for the banks. I have this look like, “What the heck are you talking about?” I’m trying to hide that look and look clueless. I figured clueless was better than argumentative. So they said, “You don’t know this?! You are a member of Congress, and you don’t know this?!” And I said, “Please forgive me. I’m just ignorant of these things.” And then of course, it turned into something about the Federal Reserve and the Bilderbergers and all that stuff. And now you have the feeling of anti-Semitism here coming in, mixing in. Wow.”

Imagine having to pander to that low IQ mob? To his credit, Rep. Inglis did not try, but look what it got him: the bum’s rush. What wins primaries for conservative Republicans is the very same thing that loses them in the general election. Only the committed, hardline types ever come out to vote in the primaries.* If a Republican wants the nomination, they have to run pretty far right candidacies.

Look at some of the positions Meg Whitman took here in California on immigration during the primary. Whitman had to appeal to the Orange County conservatives to win the GOP nomination because they’re a reliable voting bloc in the primary and in the general election, as well. But gimme a break, this Fall, those “winning” positions will become albatross-like liabilities in a state with as many Latino voters as California has. From what I can tell, the only thing Whitman’s over $100 million dollars have done for her public image with CA voters is to remind them that she is a billionaire who once hit one of her Ebay employees and that they don’t like the positions they heard her espousing during the primary. By contrast, former CA governor and current CA Attorney General, Jerry Brown, has spent under $400,000 and is still beating Whitman in a recent poll.

Prediction: Given a little over 90 days to completely turn the collective stomach of the electorate seems to be a challenge the Tea party is up for. As long as the Democrats don’t screw up on the “get the vote out” stuff, I don’t think there is much chance for the GOP to retake the House or Senate. Brown-nosing the Glenn Beck set is going to be met with disaster at the voting booth, mark my words. As many fucking idiots as there are in this country, they’re still (slightly) outnumbered.

*I don’t give a shit about the primaries, do you? I know, for sure, that no matter which Democrats are on the ballot in November, that they’ll probably get my vote. I’ve never voted for a single Republican candidate in my life and I doubt I ever will.

Posted by Richard Metzger
11:23 pm
Today is Andy Warhol’s Birthday
05:31 pm
Posted by Tara McGinley
05:31 pm
Dangerous Minds Radio Hour episode 1
01:22 pm

Back in May Richard, myself and Elvin Estela (aka DJ Nobody) had the notion to make a pilot episode for a possible Dangerous Minds radio show. The format is a round robin wherein we three music nerds each take turns presenting tunes we think the others (and hopefully the listening audience) would enjoy hearing along with some bits of information and personal anecdotes. In short, a radio/podcast version of what we do every day on the blog. So after some hemming and hawing, as you do, here’s what we came up with. We’re thinking of making this a regular feature for the site. Let us know what you think !
Alan Hawkshaw - Blarney’s Stoned
Armando Trovaioli -Sesso Matto
Keith West- On A Saturday
Alex Oriental Experience - Derule
? - My Name Is John (seriously, we don’t know who this is, help !)
Alison Gross - Naturally
The Oimels - A Day in the Life
Desmond Dekker - Come Together
Leon Russell - I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry
Marcos Valle - Mi Hermosa
P.J. Proby - The Day Lorraine Came Down
Baths - ♥
Monitor - Beak
Scotty - Clean Race
Focus - House of the King

To download this episode or subscribe to the podcast please go to our internet radio partner
Listen to Dangerous Minds Radio Hour episode 2

Posted by Brad Laner
01:22 pm
‘Stormin’ The Gates of Hell’ : the rock and roll apocalypse of Pastor Steve Winter
03:03 am

WinterBand  are an Apostolic Pentecostal rock group led by a ZZ Top-looking religious zealot and badass named Steve Winter. A fire and brimstone nutjob with a beard more flammable than a Rhode Island nightclub, Winter makes Jimmy Swaggart seem like the voice of reason. His hatefilled diatribes against other religious sects, his extreme and bizarre views on Christian doctrine, his appalling attitude toward women, his dozens of wacky Internet sites, and numerous lawsuits against anyone who questions his legitimacy as a religious prophet, portray a man who is operating in the void left by Jim Jones, David Koresh and Marshall Applewhite (Heaven’s Gate cult). Within the Pentecostal community, Winter has accrued an enemies list so long it makes Nixon’s look like a haiku.

Visit his website and you’ll get a glimpse into the brain of one angry and ugly Bible thumper, seething with self-righteous disdain for virtually every sentient being on the planet.

Winter’s a third-rate hustler, a pious Three-card Monte player on the backstreets of holy salvation. The Steve Winter FAQ provides an interesting insight to the nature of his internet spamming and scamming. Google the dude. He’s everywhere, even appearing on religious-themed dating websites.

Clearly, this guy gives me the creeps and that’s why I find him so compelling. His particular strain of holier-than-thou sermonizing coupled with shitty apocalyptic hard rock is far more doom-laden than most Christian rock. His 70s style riffage and uber right wing politics make him the perfect opening act for teabaggin’ asswipe Ted Nugent.

more facial hair after the jump

Posted by Marc Campbell
03:03 am
Hate-spewing superstitious moron claims that outlawing gay marriage will improve the economy!
08:19 pm

Take a look at this nonsense. Tamara Scott, a representative of the Concerned Women for America spoke at the NOM (National Organization for Marriage, well some people’s marriages at least) rally in Des Moines over the weekend. Scott believes that outlawing gay marriage will help revive the American economy!

This is not simply a party issue. It’s a Biblical issue. Now I expect somebody like SNL will come along and make fun. We’ll see the Church Lady revived. That’s okay. I’d rather have man mad at me than be a stench in the nostrils of the God almighty.”

“It costs you, the taxpayer, as high as $280 billion a year for fragmented families, that’s according to the Family Research Council, May 14, 2009. That’s three trillion a decade…If we would correct the breakdown of the family by one percent, we could save the taxpayer $3 billion a year. To sit back and do nothing — we become part of the problem. We all need to help out here. It’s too big for any of us. There’s plenty of evil to go around.”

She ought to know!

Mean people… Boy are there a lot of fuckin’ mean people around these days. Jesus? Remember him, the dude who hung with the whores and the lepers? That Jesus, right. You know the one. Does anyone reading this think that Jesus—you know, the ONE IN THE BIBLE—would want to ban two people who love each other from being able to marry and have the same protections in the eyes of the law as everyone else? I don’t think so, but I do think Jesus would tell an uptight hateful busybody shit like Tamara Scott where to get the fuck off—“Not in MY name, lady!” What a vile human being. She hates for sport and so people pay attention to her. That’s low. But she cloaks herself in Christianity. OF COURSE.

Bitch ought to find another hobby that doesn’t hurt people. Watch her spiteful, hateful—and nonsensical, anti-intellectual—bullshit below:

Via Towelroad

Posted by Richard Metzger
08:19 pm
Brad Laner: Eyes Close
10:31 am

I mentioned before about my new LP of experimental pop tunes, Natural Selections coming out on August 24th, remember ? Well now my fabulous associates at the Hometapes label have released another mp3 and lovely video for the lead-off track, created by my brother Josh in advance of that event. You’ll note the Los Angeles theme of the video which ties in neatly with my Bunker Hill post from yesterday. See how I did that?  I’ll be posting again about it all soon, tempting you with gorgeous product shots of the groovy swirly colored vinyl edition. Meantime, please enjoy a few minutes of my personal madness. Thank you.

Posted by Brad Laner
10:31 am
My 80’s teen art rock band: Steaming Coils
01:26 pm

I’m so flabbergasted that I found this fan-made video on the you-know-what for a song by a band I helmed as a teen in the 80’s, Steaming Coils, that I decided to share it here. Steaming Coils was essentially myself making the music and my good friend and lyrical genius David Chrisman singing. Over the years many other cool people did time in the band as well and we put out three LPs , a handful of cassettes and recorded hundreds more songs. ALL of which are available for free download at Mutant Sounds. I’m still really proud of what we did in Steaming Coils. As a rule, we over-extended our musical reach. We were listening to and worshipping really complex progressive and experimental music and wanted to play like our heroes but our skills were more at the budding punk-rock level and I think that’s what makes it interesting to hear now. The song in the video (which is pretty damn odd, but huge thanks to whomever created it !) is one of the last and best things we ever did, from our Breaded LP. Hope you enjoy it !

Steaming Coils - Never Creak LP (1986)
Steaming Coils - The Tarkington Table LP (1987)
Steaming Coils - Breaded LP (1989)
Steaming Coils - Archive (1983-1990)

Posted by Brad Laner
01:26 pm
The Chipophone: old living room organ turned into an 8 bit synth
10:53 am

In a hilariously counter-intuitive move, young Linus Akesson here has transplanted some 8 bit synthesizer technology, meant for fitting into the smallest of devices, into the shell of an old family entertainment organ. Hence: The Chipophone. Looks very functional and makes it easy to play all the uh, classics.

Thanks Mike Paradinas !

Posted by Brad Laner
10:53 am
Deep inside the mind of Andrew Breitbart
08:40 pm

Anyone who had any doubt about nasty man Andrew Breitbart’s crazypants bona-fides needs to watch the below CNN clip, wherein the strident rightwing windbag proves that he and reality are no longer on a first name basis! From Wonkette:

Yes, how do we know that is the farmer’s wife wife? Does the cow say “moo” or does it say “conspiracy”? What do the letters in the acronym EIEIO mean? The farmer says he was in the dell, but, hi-ho, the derry-o, was the farmer in the dell, or does CNN even know? We can sit here and say the farmer takes a wife, but why does the cheese stand alone, media? WHY?

Breitbart has decided to drown in liquid shit on national television and use the fact that we “can’t” really know if anything is “true” as a life raft. Does somebody with a gun mind shooting this life raft for us? It’s okay if you accidentally “miss” and hit Breitbart. Nobody will ever know if you were aiming for him, because who can say what truth is?

Passive aggressive mindrot at its finest! The thing is, Breitbart has nothing to fear: Anyone dumb enough to care what this well-fed Archie Bunker-manqué thinks was busy eating junk food and watching Fox News and will never, ever hear the truth about l’affair Sherrod, anyway! Life is a win-win situation when you’re a rightwing opinion maker!

Breitbart: Is the Farmer’s Wife Really His Wife? (Wonkette)

Posted by Richard Metzger
08:40 pm
Christian asshole speaks in tongues against gay marriage
09:59 pm

Sorry for the lazy post, but the only thing I can think of to say about this guy and his sidekick is: What fucking assholes. In the video above, a “man of God” deludes himself that he’s fighting demonic forces (that would be teh gays) at a National Organization for Marriage (NOM) tour stop on 18 July, 2010. What an ugly, hateful display of ignorance and superstition! Jesus wouldn’t want anything to do with them.

Via the mighty Christian Nightmares blog

Posted by Richard Metzger
09:59 pm
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