The alarm clock for women who want to get up by getting off
10:31 am

For those women who would like to wake up in the morning with a smile on their faces, then look no further than the Little Rooster the world’s first alarm clock specifically designed to wake you up with slowly increasing pleasure.

The Little Rooster (“The raciest alarm clock in the world”—Glamour Magazine) gets you up by getting you off. According to the website, all you have to do to guarantee a pleasurable start to the day is:

Slip Little Rooster into the front of your panties with its leg nestling between your thighs.

Within seconds you forget it is there. 

Toss and turn - it stays in place. 

No part of Little Rooster is worn internally. 

What makes Little Rooster really special is that delicious semi-conscious state when you are not yet quite awake.

Other alarms tear those precious moments from you.  Little Rooster not only lets you savour them, it makes them even dreamier.

One of these panty-alarm clocks will cost you $64, which includes the following options for using the device:

Snooze: the classic lie-in.

Snorgasm: Little Rooster‘s power falls to a very low level so you fall in and out of “happy” slumber. Then the power slowly increases, waking you as sensually as before.

Travel lock. New Little Rooster vibrates in your panties, not in your purse.

Fully personalisable.  Adjust how gently the sensations start, how quickly they increase, how intensely they peak, the snorgasm level.

Rechargeable.  And built with green PWM technology.

Perfect for couples: you’ll both wake up smiling.

Play. For when it is time to take control.

Sabotage Times have an interview with Little Rooster designer Tony Maggs, who explains that he spent two years working on the alarm clock, during which time he made over 300 prototypes. Dina Murphy who interviewed Maggs also tested out the Little Rooster and you can read her article here.

If this tickles your fancy, then check out the Little Rooster site.

Via Sabotage Times

Posted by Paul Gallagher
10:31 am
Coming soon: Stars show their sex faces for new Lars Von Trier film
10:21 am

This Halloween, rather than donning that worn out Scream mask, why not go adult Trick or Treating with your cum face? You know, that often unfortunate grimace you pull at the height of sexual pleasure?

It’s certainly worked as a talking point for Lars Von Trier’s latest movie Nymphomaniac, which is using an ad campaign with Charlotte Gainsbourg, Udo Kier, Uma Thurman, Willem Dafoe, Jamie Bell, Stacy Martin, Christian Slater and alike showing their best sex faces.

Nymphomaniac is “an exploration of the erotic life of a woman from infancy to middle age.” The film will be released in soft core and hard core versions, with the soft version premiering this December in Denmark. The hard core version used body doubles for the sex scenes.

Come again? More celebrity sex faces, after the jump…

Posted by Paul Gallagher
10:21 am
Fake dominatrix tricks ‘slaves’ into doing her farm work!
12:50 pm

Earlier this month an amusing police incident was reported in the Austrian newspaper Der Standard. Sometime last year, in the Austrian province of Lower Austria, a 35-year-old farmer and mother of two needed some work done on her farm, so she devised a rather creative way to get the labor she needed: she went online and solicited her services as a dominatrix. “Instead of providing pleasurable pain,” wrote Der Standard, “the men who had responded to the ad were put to work mowing grass while wearing rubber masks and stacking wood naked.” News reports prominently featured the term Arbeitssklaven, or “work slaves.”

At some point one of the men went to the police to file a complaint for fraud. A police spokesman stated, “We have identified two to three counts of illegal prostitution.” The police report refers to “15 submissive men,” one of whom apparently financed a roof extension on the farm!

Some wags commenting online in the Der Standard article thread wondered whether any fraud could truly be said to have taken place…. good point! Another commenter suggested that Ulrich Seidl, the Austrian movie director who recently completed an acclaimed trilogy called Paradise: Love / Faith / Hope that cast a particularly critical eye at Austrian life, may just have found the subject for his next movie.

The woman said that it was her husband’s idea.

via Spiegel Online

Posted by Martin Schneider
12:50 pm
T-Rextasy: Dinosaur-on-Girl romance novels are apparently a ‘thing’ now
10:43 am

T-Rex Troubles
T-Rex Troubles

Christie Sims is the foremost practitioner and almost certainly the founder of a new literary genre: “Dinosaur Beast Erotica.” It seems likely that she is the only practitioner of the genre, but give it time. Over the past year or so, Sims has flooded Amazon’s Kindle Store and Barnes and Noble’s Nook Book section with dozens of curious ebooks for sale, several of them centering on sex with dinosaurs. (Alara Branwen is credited as coauthor on all the volumes I checked—I checked a bunch of them—but it seems that Sims is the main author.)

But that’s not all—Sims hardly limits herself to actual beasts from the historical past. In addition to sex with T-Rex, she’s written erotica about imaginary monsters including gryphons, orcs, weretigers, wargs, centaurs, and many more.

Here’s Sims’ author statement from the Kindle Store:

Hi! I’m just a plain old, everyday Midwestern girl that lives a normal life. However, while my outward tastes are relatively simple, my inner thoughts are filled with lusty thoughts of big, strong, powerful monsters having their way with beautiful maidens.

It all raises so many questions…. I assume the Institute for Creation Research looks on these books with favor? Or maybe not, because as upstanding religious folk they disapprove of interspecies sex? I must know more!

I guess I could always sign up to Alara Branwen’s newsletter…..
Mating with the Raptor
Mating with the Raptor
After the jump, a few of Sims’ non-dinosaur titles….

Posted by Martin Schneider
10:43 am
What are your neighbors searching on? has the data!
11:27 am

Pornhub map
The popular porn website Pornhub recently released a U.S. map (large image) with the most common search term broken out by state. You can also see the average length of visit in the map (darker colors mean longer visits). It’s positively heartening to think of all that American lust and release…..

Top terms include “creampie” and “milf” and “teen”—hmmmm. Kentucky is really into watching anime characters engage in sex, and Nevada is remarkably obsessed with Czech porn star Anita Queen. Charmingly, the term “ebony” does very well in the South, which counts a high percentage of African Americans.

Notice that the “Bible Belt” also happens to log the longest visits per user. The #3 word for Idaho is “parody,” which is really interesting! Honestly, I was a little disappointed not to see “praline” pop up for Louisiana.

You can see a more detailed and interactive version of this map here.

Probably the most interesting information to be found, though, is that Hawaii and Alaska are no longer part of the union.

via Gynomite!

Posted by Martin Schneider
11:27 am
Ohio man pleads guilty to having public sex with a pool float, AGAIN
05:41 pm

Meet Edwin Tobergta of Butler County, Ohio. Apparently he really loves him some rub-a-dub with rubber pool floats. I mean he REALLY loves rubbing up next to them. So much so, that he was arrested back in 2011 for allegedly having sex with one. And guess what? He recently did it again! 

Edwin Tobergta was accused of going outside naked and “having sexual relations with a rubber pool float” within view of several children.

Tobergta has pleaded guilty to a public indecency charge and will be sentenced November 5. Why didn’t he just do this inside?


Posted by Tara McGinley
05:41 pm
Another awesome mixtape from 70s-era Sexploitation films
11:34 am

For whatever reason French music producer Drixxxe’s 70s Sexploitation mixtape (I blogged about it last week) was removed from SoundCloud!? Here’s a new one, with even more amazing soundtrack songs from erotic flicks such as Comme un pot de fraises, Tongue, L’Initiation, The Devil in Miss Jones, Comme un pot de fraises, Teenage Twins and many more.

I suggest if you’re digging the tunes, to download it ASAP. As this one might get removed too!

Via Nerdcore

Posted by Tara McGinley
11:34 am
Sex workers of Montreal’s WWII era Red Light District, a collection of mugshots
10:32 am

mug shot
My favorite, because of that grin. Ruby Taylor, arrested in 1942 in connection with an investigation in connection with prostitution.
The romantic idea of American prohibition hinges on the myth of an accessible, safe speakeasy for every soul in need of a booze-enhanced nightlife. In actuality, raids on speakeasies were incredibly common, and although owners often bribed police and city officials, actually finding and patronizing a speakeasy could be a real risk for your average Joe. Lesser known were the vacation drinkers, who would migrate up to Montreal on holiday, as it quickly became known as a friendly city of vice for rambunctious Americans. But Montreal had more than an opportunistic liquor economy to boast of.

Montreal looked and sounded like Europe, from the architecture to the French language and culture, giving one’s debauchery the feel of an exotic vacation. Of course, the bedfellows of alcohol (gambling, organized crime, radical politics, and prostitution) also flourished, in spite of a burgeoning movement to purge the city of sin. While moralistic committees for social reform began to organize in 1918, it was only a year later that prohibition went into effect in the US, completely steamrolling (and subsequently exacerbating), the growing anti-vice sentiment.

By the time alcohol became legal again in the States, Montreal was already a sort of Euro-Reno, famous for its brothels. With a sudden rise in venereal disease, the public sentiment on working girls became particularly hostile, and perception of prostitution went from pitying to vitriolic: no longer were they considered poor girls down on their luck, but pathological hussies, tearing apart the very moral fiber of fair Montreal!

Eventually a a full-scale investigation was launched to weed out the corruption and sever the mob ties and various illegal economies. (By 1953, the Commission of Investigation On Public Morality had thrown many a cop in prison, and Montreal was starting to clean up.) Regardless, the laws regarding prostitution were pretty forgiving. Of course, there were still arrests, the records of which are fascinating.

The photos below are of madams, prostitutes, and brothel managers arrested in attempts at a crackdown. It’s amazing how French the fashions appear to be, from darkly-colored geometric cupid’s bows to the snug sweaters and Edith Piaf eyebrows. Many of them are listed as “arrested in connection with an investigation in connection with prostitution,” which would seem to suggest either a large brothel bust, or the cops hassling an individual prostitute to get information for a larger case. If there’s any emotional theme to these headshots, it’s how unimpressed all the women seem to be with the authority that’s arresting them.
mug shot
Anna Labelle, aka Mme Émile Beauchamp, the most powerful madam in Montreal during the WWII. She would drive to the courthouse in a Cadillac wearing a mink coat. Her clients were often from the same police force that busted her.
mug shot
Annie Parker, arrested in 1941 in connection with an investigation in connection with prostitution.
mug shot
FleuretteDubois, arrested in 1942 for keeping a brothel.
mug shot
Irène Lavallée, arrested in 1940 in connection with an investigation in connection with prostitution.
mug shot
Liliane Brown, aka Ida Katz, arrested either in 1930 or 1940, high level madam.
mug shot
Mary Shepperd, arrested in 1940 as part of an investigation in connection with prostitution.
Via Archives de la Ville de Montréal

Posted by Amber Frost
10:32 am
Sex Tape: Awesome 60-minute mix of songs from ‘70s porn films
11:12 am

French music producer known as Drixxxe has made this pretty spectacular mix of songs from ‘70s softcore porn-y films. There’s no tracklist that I can find, but some of songs come from Sessomatto, Black Lolita, Aunt Peg, Madame Claude, Emanuelle and the Girls of Madame Claude, Vampyros Lesbos, Sex O’Clock USA, Skin Flicks, Odyssey, Le Sex Shop and Emanuelle and the Last Cannibals.

Here it is for your listening pleasure. Enjoy!

Sextape by Drixxxé on Mixcloud

Via Nerdcore

Posted by Tara McGinley
11:12 am
Songs that are difficult to strip to
11:13 am

While I agree mostly with this list, I have to politely interject and say the Stars Wars’ “Imperial March” is a totally sexy time song (apparently!)

Just watch the hypnotic video, below.

Via Nerdcore

Posted by Tara McGinley
11:13 am
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