Hot new Grinderman video
08:16 pm

The beautifully down and dirty Grinderman 2 was among Dangerous Minds’ favorite albums of 2010.

Here’s a brand new video for a track from that album called “Mickey Mouse and The Goodbye Man.”

Posted by Marc Campbell
08:16 pm
Malcolm X: Born today in 1925
07:14 pm

Born today in 1925, Malcolm X, aka Malcolm Little, and El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz. To celebrate his birthday, here is a an excellent and culturally important film, which looks at the great man’s life.

Narrated by James Earl Jones, this 1972 documentary about Malcolm X was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Feature Documentary. It is based on The Autobiography of Malcolm X, written by Alex Haley between 1964 and 1965, as told to him through conversations with Malcolm conducted shortly before his death. Made with the help of Malcolm’s wife Betty Shabazz, this documentary recounts the life and ideas of this controversial leader. In addition to clips of Malcolm X in public interviews and speeches, numerous important civil rights figures are featured, as well as important public officials from the period.


Previously on DM

Malcolm X: Assassinated on this date in 1965

Queer Eye for Revolutionary Style: Get Malcolm X’s hot look


Posted by Paul Gallagher
07:14 pm
Malcolm X documentary in honor of his birthday
06:37 pm

Sharing the 1994 documentary Malcolm X: Make It Plain is a fine way to celebrate Malcolm’s birthday.

For a truly in-depth look at Malcolm X, I recommend he newly published “Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention” by Manning Marable. The result of over two decades of tireless research, it clarifies many of the facts and fictions surrounding both Malcolm’s life and death. The fact that the book was an immediate bestseller indicates that Malcolm’s message is as timely today as it was when he was alive. Marable’s book not only helps set the record straight regarding many of the fictional and inaccurate elements in Alex Haley’s book “The Autobiography Of Malcolm X,” it brings Malcolm’s character and humanity into tighter focus. It is an engrossing and illuminating look at a life that has only grown in stature over the years. Malcolm, now more than ever.

Flawed prophet though he may have been, Malcolm X set the standard for young Black men like our President and helped kick down the door that Barack Obama walked through many years ago on his way to where he is now. While no one will mistake President Obama for Malcolm X, there is no doubt that Malcolm instilled in Obama a sense of Black pride and self-respect that, in his better moments, propels the President into doing the right thing despite negative political ramifications. I feel that in those all-too-rare moments when Obama stands up for the disenfranchised and marginalized people in our society, it is because of the long righteous shadows of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King. Obama can run but he can’t hide from his own people’s history.

Illustration by Gluekit.

Posted by Marc Campbell
06:37 pm
Kachingo your way to wealth
06:16 pm

Economic turmoil is where you make the big bucks. Dude, you can rule the freakin’ markets.

Michael Parness can make money in a bull or bear market. When there’s volatility, there’s opportunity! You wanna know his secret?


Via Everything is Terrible!

Posted by Richard Metzger
06:16 pm
Andy Kaufman’s Midnight Special, from 1981
06:12 pm

Ah, this is delightful. Andy Kaufman’s Midnight Special an episode of Burt Sugarman’s Midnight Special, hosted by Wolfman Jack, which aired on January 23, 1981. If you ever wondered what the hell Kaufman was about, well, he tries to answer this here, as he discusses what is serious, what is comic, what is real and what is not. There are also performances from most of his best known characters, “The Foreign Guy,” Tony Clifton, “Ladies Wrestling,” the ventriloquist act, and of course, Elvis.

It’s brilliant, funny and (at its time) ground-breaking. Has anyone has come close since? No. Kaufman was a one-off, and this program highlights why he was so good. Enjoy.

Previously on DM

Dear Andy Kaufman I hate your guts

A Sit-Down with Mr. Tony Clifton


Posted by Paul Gallagher
06:12 pm
Awesome Rapture prank idea

This is the funniest rapture gag since the Rapture Hatch. I think everyone should do this, and if possible set up cameras to record reactions. From Fuckyeahdementia!


Posted by Niall O'Conghaile
04:59 pm
Newt Gingrich insists his own quotes are ‘false’
04:46 pm

There is no schadenfreude quite like Republican schadenfreude, as I am fond of saying. Watching Newt Gingrich—who Bill Maher delightfully called a “professor of idiocy” the other day—spontaneously combust in the full glare of the media spotlight, has been especially satisfying. His misfortune is my comedy!

That a man this universally disliked—even Republicans can’t stand the sight of his smug face—was ever taken seriously as a presidential candidate is a depressing testament to how low the mainstream media has sunk. Has anyone ever met a Newt Gingrich supporter? Have you? I sure haven’t. Not saying that none exist, but I should think a chupacabras—or even a Rick Santorum supporter—might be easier to locate. Just saying.

Nope, even Republicans aren’t fooled by Newt. He’s an especially loathsome, repellent dickhead in a party comprised nearly 100% of loathsome, repellent dickheads. There’s simply no way to sugarcoat an out-and-out asshole like Newt Gingrich. As is the case with Sarah Palin, the guy has simply overstayed his welcome. Like Mama Grizzly, he’s obviously got nowhere to go but… away.

Hopefully far, far away. Like Abbottabad.

Having said that, when Newt goes back to being an Amazon reviewer and giving phony “awards” to people dumb enough to pay him a “donation” for this “honor,” in some perverse sense, I’m going to miss that slimy amphibian.  I just love watching him squirm. There’s blood in the water after only a week spent officially on the campaign trail and already there’s very little that Gingrich can do to turn that around. Watching the sharks feast on his pudgy ass is fantastic.

In his latest effort to deflect attention away from his statements about the GOP’s plan to dismantle Medicare under the so-called “Ryan Plan”—seen as incendiary, if not traitorous by Republican stalwarts—Gingrich puked up some absolutely stunning jabberwocky on Greta Van Sustern’s Fox News show:

Anyone who quotes him? They’re lying!

Posted by Richard Metzger
04:46 pm
Man takes epic bong hit
03:21 pm

This dude must have lungs of steel! One question, where did all the smoke go?

(via I Heart Chaos)

Posted by Tara McGinley
03:21 pm
The masturbating gunman
02:24 pm

The masturbating gunman makes his appearance in the Masked Avenger Versus Ultra-Villain in the Lair of the Naked Bikini.

A gunman gets on the trail of kidnapped women he gets hired to locate by sniffing the crotches of their soiled underwear. The plot involves the gunman’s search for a nun, his sister.  In one bravura sequence, the trapped gunman, inspired by his sister’s panties, kills his enemies by firing large loads of his own acidic semen at them. Similar structurally to ‘Rapeman’ in that the gunman and his hunchbacked servant operate out of a legitimate office and offer their ‘find-a-girl’ services as if they were offering carpet cleaning.”

VHS copies of Masked Avenger Versus Ultra-Villain in the Lair of the Naked Bikini are going for $175.00 plus on Amazon. Here’s about two bucks worth:


Posted by Marc Campbell
02:24 pm
Samurai Cop
01:54 pm

This weekend, as some await the Rapture, fans of mutant movies in Los Angeles are looking forward to another Everything Is Terrible! presentation at Cinefamily with a special VHS screening of Samurai Cop:

Even in an era when action sludge was more common than shoulder pads or skinny ties, 1989’s Samurai Cop stood out as a true anomaly. Perhaps living legend Joe Bob Briggs summed it up best: a “recently unearthed, soon-to-be-classic kung-fu action-comedy skin flick with gratuitous gore elements.” That’s a good start, and yet there’s so much more! Ex-Stallone bodyguard Matt Hannon stars as Joe Marshall, a rock of a man who will do literally whatever it takes to punish the guilty—even if that means taking dozens of innocent lives in the process!

Teamed up with truly hilarious black sidekick Frank (his race and genitals are mentioned waaaay more than once), Joe embarks on an adventure so psychedelically violent and sex-tastic, there’s a chance Hunter S. Thomson will return from his “space ashes” just to drool along with us. Oh, and fear not, Robert Z’Dar fans, you’ll see plenty of the chin that made the Z famous, in rare bearded form. What’s that, you say? One cop ain’t enough to flog ‘yer fists? Fine, we’ll also add demented Samurai Cop auteur Amir Shervan’s Hollywood Cop into the mix—if you can handle it!

The Samurai Cop/Hollywood Cop double feature commences at 10pm on May 21 at Cinefamily, 611 N Fairfax Avenue, Los Angeles, $10

Posted by Richard Metzger
01:54 pm
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