A whole bunch of flamboyant clothing worn over the years by Russell Mael of Sparks
09:04 am
A whole bunch of flamboyant clothing worn over the years by Russell Mael of Sparks

Of all the acts that are featured regularly on Dangerous Minds, Sparks might be the one for whom the term “wags” is the most appropriate. For the brothers Russell and Ron Mael are nothing if not clever. For their project with Franz Ferdinand, the name they chose, “FFS,” is already clever, in that the letters usually mean “for fuck’s sake.” One of the tracks on that album is called “Collaborations Don’t Work.” Sparks’ idea of a Christmas song is called “Thank God It’s Not Christmas.”

Also quite clever is the title of their 2013 career-spanning box set, which is New Music for Amnesiacs. (Told you.) Sparks released two flavors of that title in 2013, a generous 2-CD compilation with 40 tracks called the “The Essential Collection,” but that worthy product is hardly anything next to “The Ultimate Collection,” a brain-melting box set with many extras, including 4 CDs, a hardbound 64-page “coffee table book,” “never-before-seen proof-sheet photo outtakes of the Big Beat photo session shot by renowned photographer Richard Avedon,” a laminated AAA pass, a lanyard, a sticker. a “badge,” and who knows what all.

The box set cost £99 from the Sparks website, but it’s sold out. You can get it for more than $300 on Amazon today, however.

Page 29 of features a whole bunch of crazy shit Russell used to wear on stage in the 1980s. It looks like this:

We figured the Sparks fans in the audience deserved a closer look. There are a couple doozies in there.













Hidden in there (not very well) are Ron and Russell’s robes from the boxing-themed back cover art for 1988’s Whomp That Sucker. One is red and the other is pink, which is peculiar because Russell is wearing a blue robe on the back cover of that album. (Whatevs.)


Thanks to the Minnesotan Ron Mael impersonator who uses @lustlikethesin on Twitter for the catch.

Posted by Martin Schneider
09:04 am



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