Dangerous Finds: David Lynch on the history of Surrealist film; Man amputates own leg; New meth
06:25 pm

New research has shown that the stomach naturally produces more stem cells than previously realized - Washington University in St. Louis

Google will soon put your face, name, and content in its ads - Ars Technica

Study proves “old person smell” is real - Discover Magazine

David Lynch Presents the History of Surrealist Film (1987) - Open Culture

Watch Elizabeth Warren explain the debt limit so it actually makes sense, for once - Death and Taxes

R.I.P. Kumar Pallana, star of several Wes Anderson movies - AV Club

Study: We’ll Enjoy Food More If You Don’t Instagram It - The Atlantic

Horrifying flesh-rotting Krokodil drug being peddled at NYC hot spots - Gothamist

New research shows elephants spontaneously understand the communicative intent of human pointing and can use it as a cue to find food - Wired

David Byrne blasts music streaming sites - NME

Neighbours reported hearing screams as the Chinese man removed his leg because he was unable to pay a hospital for the surgery - Sky News

Never before seen super-potent meth found in Texas middle school - Gawker

$470,000 on wardrobes, $20,000 on a bath tub and $1 million on his garden - A German Catholic bishop has upset a few people with this kind of spending - reddit

Everyone is leaving rural Scotland because the Internet is too slow - Mashable

New York City’s undercover cop problem is totally out of control - Boing Boing

Bloomberg gets caught up in Mexico soda tax fight - New York Times

China criticises “mind-boggling political infighting” over issue of raising America’s $16.7 trillion debt ceiling - Telegraph

Ancient women artists may be responsible for most cave art - Smithsonian

Sleeping in on the weekends doesn’t fix all the deficits caused by workweek sleep loss - APS

Below, Banksy’s “Sirens of the Lambs” Truck in NYC:


Posted by Tara McGinley
06:25 pm



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