Dangerous Finds: Hollywood could go belly up; ‘I Miss Drugs’ coffee mug; What if bees go extinct?
07:14 pm

Scientists use new engineered virus to restore sight - Sci-News

Serge Gainsbourg impersonator on trial for stabbing Johnny Hallyday impersonator - Raw Story

If bees go extinct, this is what your supermarket will look like - io9

Guess how many of your Facebook friends government spies looked into - The Daily Dot

The Black Swan intern ruling could change unpaid internships forever - The Atlantic

One weird trick to improve your Internet experience - MetaFilter

Trains used to drive down the goddamn street in New York City - Jalopnik

Nelson Minar built a US map out of all the rivers in the country - Kottke

When you stopped buying DVDs and started streaming on Netflix, Hollywood’s economics changed. So did the movies - Salon

Six young squirrels fused together by their tails untangled by team of veterinarians - Arbroath

San Francisco Bay Guardian editor Tim Redmond was fired today by San Francisco newspaper company publisher Todd Vogt for refusing to cut half of news staff - Fog City Journal

Clear Channel makes revenue-sharing deal with Fleetwood Mac - New York Times

Facebook releases new post-NSA-Prism-leak privacy settings - Boing Boing

What five-year-old Albert Einstein can teach us about serendipity and the filter bubble of information - Brain Pickings

Riot police end Istanbul park protest - AP

Animal Collective were joined on stage by Michael Winslow from Police Academy at Bonnaroo - Pitchfork

Rick Wakeman tells the story of the Mellotron, the oddball proto-synthesizer pioneered by the Beatles - Open Culture

Andrew Bujalski’s Computer Chess is a little movie, but it’s packed with a lot of nerdy and a lot of weird. Watch the trailer - Nerdcore 

“I Miss Drugs” coffee mug - Firebox

Below, Children Medieval Band rock out. See more videos by these wee ones here.


Posted by Tara McGinley
07:14 pm



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