Dangerous Finds: Vagina mind control; Breitbart readers react to shooting; Good time to be the 1%
07:06 pm

London museum acquires world’s first 3D-printed gun - CNN

Rallies across Canada ask Canadians to ‘Stand Up for Science’ - Common Dreams

US super-rich hit new wealth record five years after financial crisis - Guardian

Breitbart readers react to DC shooting - Joe.My.God.

One weird trick to control your boyfriend’s mind (the trick is pouring juice in his dickhole) - The Hairpin

AMC developing a Walking Dead spinoff - Vulture

Russian man shot in quarrel over Kant’s philosophy - ABC News

A day in the life of an 11-year-old transgender boy - Towleroad

Video: Cop threatens to break photographer’s jaw during Occupy protest - Gothamist

NASA astronauts will begin growing and eating their own greens on the International Space Station this December - HealthLine

Kinetic Sand - YouTube

Music vet Jerry Sharell attacked by girlfriend’s machete-wielding ex - SPIN

Antibiotic-resistant bugs have become a common cause of death, says first report of its kind - Washington Post

Smaller animals tend to perceive time as if it is passing in slow motion - BBC

Watch Carl Jung: The Wisdom of the Dream: A three-part documentary on the psychologist’s life & ideas - Open Culture

A 23-year-old man died and at least 14 others were suspected to have overdosed on drugs at a dance music festival near Sydney, Australia, over the weekend - Arts Beat

Let Breaking Bad’s Jonathan Banks read you fairy tales (NSFW) - Salon

First grid-scale compressed air battery now operational - Engadget

Facebook makes people more unhappy and lonely - University Herald

Below, Guided By Voices perform “I Am A Scientist” live in Seattle, 1995:

Posted by Tara McGinley
07:06 pm



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