Indonesian police seize sex doll mistaken for ‘angel’
09:29 am
Indonesian police seize sex doll mistaken for ‘angel’

Back in March, a doll was discovered floating in waters near the Banggai islands in the Sulawesi province. A local sea fisherman spotted the floating doll and decided to rescue it. The fisherman took the doll home and his family took care of it. Photos of the doll started to spread online with claims that it was an “angel” or a “spirit.”

Indonesian news portal Detik said photos of the doll dressed demurely and wearing a hijab spread on social media shortly after its discovery.

Rumours then began to spread that it was a “bidadari” along with unverified stories about how it was found “stranded and crying”, prompting the police investigation.

Many across Indonesia continue to hold strong beliefs in the supernatural, including the existence of “bidadari”, which is a type of angel or spirit.

Indonesian police investigated the “angel” claims and discovered the the doll was indeed and inflatable sex toy. 

Local police chief Heru Pramukarno told reporters that villagers had found the doll shortly after the rare March solar eclipse that swept across South East Asia.

The timing of the discovery led some to believe the doll had a divine provenance.

“They have no internet, they don’t know what a sex toy is,” the police chief was quoted as saying by AFP news agency.

I dunno if this is an inflatable sex doll or not. She looks like she’s made of solid silicone. Still, it’s an honest mistake, if you ask me. Could’ve happened to anyone… because anything can happen for those who BELIEVE.


via BBC

Posted by Tara McGinley
09:29 am



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