Michele Bachmann: Obama & Hillary Clinton are brainwashing America with radical Islam ‘speech codes’
01:28 pm

Issue #2 of False Witness: The Michele Bachmann Story

At least that’s what I think she’s trying to say, but what does that even mean???

It’s hard to tell. Via Right Wing Watch:

Speaking this morning at the Values Voter Summit, Rep. Michele Bachmann dedicated her remarks to attacking the Obama administration for supposedly catering to radical Islam and that Muslim Brotherhood, citing a decision by the FBI to purge hundreds of anti-Muslim documents from its training materials as proof that the administration was enforcing “Islamic speech codes here in the United States.”

This fool is on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. SHE is one of the politicians who oversee of the CIA, the NSA and the rest of the U.S. intelligence community.

She’s a tinfoil hat-wearing buffoon who can barely string a coherent sentence together and yet she’s privy to intelligence briefings. A loose cannon like Bachmann? There’s not an ounce of intelligence to be found in her entire body. It’s nothing short of madness to trust her with classified information. We have House Speaker John Boehner to thank for this appointment. He could have just as well given her some crayons and she’d have been distracted for months, but no, he’s got to go and appoint well-known crazy lady Michelle fucking Bachmann to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence! Way to go, uh, Bonie!

Posted by Richard Metzger
01:28 pm
A mockumentary from 1966 on the evils of skateboarding
12:45 pm

A mockumentary in the style of an alarmist propaganda film, The Devil’s Toy, directed by esteemed Canadian director Claude Jutra in 1966, uses the beginnings of the skateboard explosion to satirize and critique society’s fear of youth culture. Dedicated to “all victims of intolerance.”

“Beware, the youth of the world is on the move and their aim is to take over!”

In addition to making salient points about the generation gap, the film is beautifully photographed.

Posted by Marc Campbell
12:45 pm
Kenneth Anger’s ‘Inauguration Of The Pleasure Dome’: The 1978 Electric Light Orchestra version
12:02 pm

Via Mondo Film:

In 1978, Anger re-cut his landmark 1954 film, Inauguration Of The Pleasure Dome by several minutes as well as changing the score of the film he had previous selected, “Glagolitic Mass” by the Czech composer Leoš Janáček. This re-constructed version, offered here today features Anger’s choice of the 1974 Electric Light Orchestra album, ‘Eldorado’ as score. This edition of the film would be labeled by Anger as his “Sacred Mushroom Edition.” Anger successfully screened this E.L.O. version of the film at the 1978 Boston Film Festival. This festival exhibition would be the only time in history this version of Anger’s film had been seen, until now.

ELO’s Eldorado concept album about the fantasy life of a “Walter Mitty”-esque character seems an old choice for a soundtrack to such a beautifully evil film, I must say. Interesting, to be sure, but I can see why Anger orphaned this in favor of the classic version of the film.

This feels a bit like the Giorgio Moroder scored and colorized version of Fritz Lang’s Metropolis to me. Maybe I’ve just seen the classic Pleasure Dome too many times.

Thank you kindly, Brian Butler!

Posted by Richard Metzger
12:02 pm
World’s oldest color film unveiled
07:27 pm

What is believed to be the world’s oldest color film footage, has been discovered by the National Media Museum, in Bradford, England. The footage was only discovered by chance, in an old film tin, when the Museum relocated its archive.

The film was shot in 1902 by Edwardian photographer and chemist, Edward Turner. Together with his business partner, entrepreneur and race horse owner, Frederick Marshall Lee, Turner patented a 3-color-film process in 1899, and filmed London street scenes, a macaw and his 3 children playing with a goldfish in the family’s back garden. This was the first color film process, long before Technicolor in 1916. Unfortunately, Turner’s method, which involved recording successive frames through red, green and blue filters, then projecting and superimposing them one on top of the other, at 48 frames per second, proved to be unworkable, and left the images blurred.

Turner died in 1903. His invention and films were soon forgotten, until now, when the National Media Museum used digital technology to transfer the imagery and have now made it available for viewing.

Via the Daily Telegraph

Posted by Paul Gallagher
07:27 pm
David Lynch: ‘Ideas flow through like these beautiful little fish, and you catch them’
06:02 pm

David Lynch - describing the one that got away?
Confidence has nothing to do with David Lynch’s endless supply of ideas. He credits meditation for that. It helps his ‘ideas flow through like these beautiful little fish, and you catch them,’ as he tells Miranda Sawyer, in this interview from The Culture Show in 2011.

The interview is loosely anchored around the release of Lynch’s album Crazy Clown Time, and bobs around various subjects before fading out on Lynch’s flow of ideas.

Going by how long the likable Ms. Sawyer is on screen (compared to Lynch), this interview has been heavily edited. Perhaps because Lynch rambles? Or, is he too intelligent for BBC viewers? Or, more likely he wasn’t giving the Beeb the sound-bites they required - which is always an issue with interview packages like this.

And note also, there are no cutaways of Mr Lynch, or any shots of the great man pottering about the beautiful Idem Studio in Paris, where he was working last year. Still, these are minor quibbles, as Lynch, with his Jack-Nicholson-on-helium voice, and Stan-Laurel-grimace, is always watchable and never less than interesting.


Posted by Paul Gallagher
06:02 pm
Remote Viewing: Learn Psychic Skills from a US Intelligence Agent
04:20 pm

Detail from “The Cosmolux,” Paul Laffoley, 1973

Apparently ESP is a teachable skill. Dangerous Minds pal Chris Holmes, of Ashtar Command, writes:

This is one of the most fascinating and amazing things that I have ever personally experienced. Neil and I spent a couple months learning remote viewing with ex-government remote viewers as research for an article/book. This is the real deal, not new age bullshit. Paul Smith is not a sensationalist or fringe crank. This is hard science, not flim flam. He will speak on remote viewing and give a training session to those in attendance. This is not to be missed!

Here’s the details. There are special $25 tickets for attendees who mention Dangerous Minds when they purchase at the door.

The Society, Neil Strauss and Chris Holmes present a lecture and seminar with top US Army Remote Viewer Paul Smith. The story of the army’s remote viewers, or psychic spies, is one of the most interesting chapter in US military history—a psychic arms race going on between the Russians and Americans. Paul Smith was one of the top US remote viewers in a program that shifted between the offices of US Army intelligence (D.I.A) and the C.I.A. It was finally declassified in 1995 at which time Paul Smith went out on to teach the techniques to the private sector.

At the Loews Hotel next door to the Hollywood Highland Complex. 1755 North Highland Avenue, Hollywood, CA. Friday Sept 14, 2pm-9:30 (with a dinner break in between)

Below, physicist and pioneering ESP researcher Russell Targ and remote viewer Hella Hammid conduct an experiment for BBC cameras in 1983.

Posted by Richard Metzger
04:20 pm
Incredibly realistic, over-sized, Dog-face T-shirts
03:46 pm

As a dog-lover, I’m rather taken with these incredibly realistic, oversized, dog-face T-shirts made by The Mountain.

I wonder if they can make T-shirts from a photo of your favorite pooch? And if they have any with Muttley?
More giant mutts, after the jump…
Via blessthisstuff with thanks to Clyde Lawson

Posted by Paul Gallagher
03:46 pm
Squirrel tail knot: Best and perhaps strangest excuse EVER for being late to work?
03:20 pm

If you are a manager or boss, you’ve probably heard every excuse in the book from an employee on why they’re running late to work. But I’ll bet you’ve never heard this one before…

Redditor mard86 writes:

My co-worker sent an email saying he would be late because he was trying to untie a squirrel tail knot. I asked for a picture, and he delivered.

Here’s the email that was sent:

I was pressed into squirrel rescue this morning on my way out. 5 young squirrels got tangled in Christmas lights in my neighbor’s yard. We got the lights off, but now their tails are one big knot, so I have to bring them into a rescue place to untie them, as I am unequipped to untie squirrel tail knots. I should be in this afternoon.

I’m totally going to steal this one. I’m going to keep this pic handy too.

Click here to see larger image.

Via reddit

Posted by Tara McGinley
03:20 pm
Fox News: The Werther’s Original of cable news networks
02:45 pm

A common refrain seen in comments across the blogosphere of late is that an Obama win in November would be the best thing that could possibly happen for “opposition” Fox News.

I’m not so sure about that.

Even as but a “casual consumer” of what Fox News has on offer—I’m someone who usually only sees the gnarliest Fox clips belched up by the Internet—I can’t help but notice just how fucking tired it all seems lately. The same people saying the same damned things over and over and over again. It goes without saying that Fox News viewers tend not to be the sharpest, or best informed, marbles in the bag, but I would imagine that even those low IQ Jim-Bobs and Billy-Joes are getting tired of hearing the same people saying the same damned things over and over and over again. The obvious repetition of Republican talking points and constant, never-wavering anti-Obama kvetching—can it really go on like this for another four years without a major reinvention and a totally clean slate of new faces?

Fox’s audience share, while still strong, has been falling for years. Even if its audience doesn’t exactly desert Fox News, it’s an unavoidable fact of the yawning grave awaiting us all that their audience is dying off in great number with every passing year. Cranky old white guys aren’t being generated by the gene pool fast enough anymore. Certainly not in number enough for the Republican Party to survive, that’s seems demographically assured, so why should Fox News be any different?

Not only is Fox News becoming mind-numbingly repetitive—or even MORE mind-numbingly repetitive than it’s been for years, I should clarify—which is quite difficult, if you think about it, being a business which should theoretically thrive on novelty, it’s increasingly feeling completely anachronistic, like seeing the Spice Girls turning up again at the Olympics. Moving forward who is going to advertise on the network save for Geritol, Depends adult diapers or those “Help, I’ve fallen and I can’t get up” informercials? Fox News has a demographic every bit as, um, finite, shall we say, as print newspaper subscribers.

Fox News saw an overall 17% decline in viewership in March 2012 and there was a 27% drop with younger viewers from the year before. In May, Fox News was down about 21% during prime time in the 25-to-54 group. The only demographic sticking with Fox seem to be Social Security beneficiaries. I’d love to see the numbers for the percentage of Fox News viewers puttering around with portable oxygen tanks or who drive one of those scooters you always see advertised on the network.

Sean Hannity? Sarah Palin? Laura Ingraham? Ann Coulter? Who the fuck cares anymore what these people think? We already know. They must be bored saying this shit. Are you in the least bit curious, or do you really wonder how much Sean Hannity will hate on anything and everything that Obama says or does? Do you expect any surprises from his show? EVER? I mean this is some of the worst, weakest shit on offer. No one watches CNN anymore (it’s good for the treadmill as far as I am concerned) but compared to Fox News, it’s like at least they try!

Doesn’t this clip from last night’s O’Reilly Factor feel like you’re watching some sort of “nostalgia” news channel for old people? How much longer will Fox News president Roger Ailes think Sarah Palin is doing his network more good than harm?  AIles should try to renew his network’s mission and inject some fresh blood into the team before it’s too late. If he’s legacy-conscious, it’s imperative that he act now. Ailes needs to get rid of the deadwood and dead-brained Fox “talent” who still think it’s 2009. If he doesn’t reinvent Fox News soon, at 72, he runs the risk of seeing his brainchild croak before he does.

Posted by Richard Metzger
02:45 pm
Salvador Dali’s bizarre design ideas for women’s swimwear, 1965
01:46 pm

Besides the wacky signature Dalinian designs, the takeaway I was left with?

Dali was no fan of cleavage.

Via Nerdcore

Posted by Tara McGinley
01:46 pm
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